"This is a castle, yeah? So it's got to have a ballroom."

"And?" the Doctor prompted.

Rose grinned at him, her eyes sparkling merrily. "And before we go, I want a dance."

"I don't recall seeing a ballroom," he grumbled halfheartedly. He was lost. He knew it. He never could refuse her anything, especially not now, when she was clasped in his arms, looking ever so beautiful.

"I'm pretty sure there is one. After all, it's my dream."

"Oh, all right," he whinged, "one dance. Just one."

Rose knew very well that she had won right from the first word, so she may have smirked, just a bit, as she kissed the Doctor's cheek, before laying her head back against his shoulder.

The Doctor carried Rose carefully down the spiraling marble staircase, which seemed quite a bit shorter than it had on the way up. And what he recalled as a rather grand foyer had expanded into a dazzling ballroom, with potted rose trees interspersed along the walls, and a tinkling marble fountain in the center.

"Just one dance," he whispered, settling Rose gently on her feet.

She wobbled slightly, and his arms were instantly around her again, his hold rather more suited for an intimate slow dance than the formal lilting of The Waltz of the Flowers that was issuing from who-knew-where. Rose sighed contentedly and laid her cheek against his chest. He kissed the top of her head, then pressed her hand to his lips, before clasping it tight against one of his hearts.

"I promised you one dance, Rose Tyler," the Doctor reminded her, their movements more a contented swaying than actual dancing.

"Mmmm…I don't want to let go."

"You don't have to let go. Just open your eyes. Do that for me, please, Rose. Just open your eyes."

She did, gasping in shock as she found herself in the TARDIS medbay, wrapped in the Doctor's coat. An older, portly man with a hat jammed on his curly head was smiling at her beneficently, and there was a young girl she'd never seen before, also grinning broadly. And her Doctor was there, cupping her face gently in his hands, and smiling his relief as she recognized him.

"Welcome home," he whispered. He pulled her into a fierce embrace.

"I was so scared," Rose whispered.

"I know, but you were so clever, building yourself a safe place to hide," the Doctor praised her.

"I knew you'd come for me."

"I'm sorry it took so long, but I must say, you have a delightful imagination."

Rose leaned in, pressing a tiny kiss to the corner of his mouth, then flushed bright pink as the other Doctor cleared his throat, rather ostentatiously reminding them of his presence.

"Who're your friends?"

"Rose, this is my friend Ace. She used to travel with me."

The younger girl gave a small wave, which Rose acknowledged with a warm grin.

"And this -" he indicated the older-appearing man, who doffed his hat politely.

Rose studied his face carefully.. It was there, in his eyes. They twinkled merrily, but there was that sense of enormous time, deep behind the glimmer. "You - you're him, aren't you?" she asked in wonder.

"I am, indeed. Just as you wished for a safe place to hide yourself, he wished for help to rescue you."

"And who better to help me than myself?" Rose's Doctor asked rather whimsically.

"Thank you," Rose said, holding out her hand.

The Seventh Doctor took in gently in his own. "It was my very great pleasure my dear, but I think Ace and I had best be off now. More than one of me in one place for very long is never a good idea."

"Too much wonderful for the universe to contain?" Rose teased.

"Indeed," both Doctors chorused.