So Hayseed would do this routine of telling me about these week long training exercises and he would leave to go see his filly-friends. I would "yeah uh-huh" the whole time knowing he was lying to my face. He purposed to me, he wanted to be with me so why was he doing this? I didn't care anymore, so I started dating Tex.
When Hayseed would leave Tex and I would go to the movies, nice dinners, and go to the beach.
When Hayseed was home Tex would smack my butt, sneak me kisses and we would pass notes to each other. It was nice.
After a few months of me and Tex dating I sat down and really thought about divorcing Hayseed. I didn't love him anymore. I'm sure he didn't love me anymore. Otherwise he wouldn't cheat on me constantly like this. I walked over to the court house and got divorce papers. I signed every page and filled out everything all Hayseed needed to do was sign it.
Hayseed came home from another "training exercise". Tex wasn't home, he went out to run a quick errand for me.
"Hey baby you wanna hop in the shower with me?"
"No. We…"
"Come on Fluttershy we haven't showered together, or had sex in almost a year!"
"Hayseed! Just shut up we need to talk!" He sat down with a terrified look on his face.
"Hayseed I'm filling for a divorce."
"What! Why?"
"Seriously? I'm not stupid Hayseed. You've been cheating on me."
"No. No I haven't." I leaned forward and grabbed his phone. He tried to get it back from me but I blocked him. I pulled up his filly-friends messages.
"This filly yeah you've been dating her since BEFORE I moved in! You've never stopped cheating on me. I was right not to trust you. I just want us to be over with." I pushed the papers to him to sign.
"I'll stop I promise you! I don't want to lose you. I love you!" He was crying and screaming at me.
"No. I don't love you anymore! You don't love me! Sign the papers."
"I do love you! I just…you wouldn't have sex with me."
"That's your excuse! I wouldn't sleep with you because I didn't TRUST YOU! And I couldn't fuck you when I WASN'T LIVING HERE!" My blood was boiling I was so angry.
"You moved on huh? You just don't wanna be with me anymore."
"I did move on and I don't want to be with you because I can't trust you."
"Who is he?"
"None of your business."
"You're my wife I have the right to know!"
"No you don't. We're getting a divorce. And I don't ask you about all the fillies you're fucking." Before I knew it I was thrown across the room. I was completely caught off guard. He had punched me in the face. I felt my eye and it was already swelling. I started shaking. I had been hit all my life but never like this. Angel and Cocoa ran to me barking and biting at Hayseed. Hayseed kicked Angel across the room. I was able to get on my hooves and throw punches back. I wasn't as strong as he was though. It was a losing battle for me. I herd the door open before I blacked out.
I woke up at the hospital. A doctor was flashing lights into my eyes.
"Mam' you're in the emergency room. You suffered a mild concussion." Apparently before I blacked out Hayseed slammed me onto the floor. I hit my head so hard that I blacked out.
"Now can you tell me your name?"
"Flutt…fluttershy." He was about to ask me more questions when Tex walked into the room.
The doctor and nurse stayed with me. He had tears in his eyes.
"Hey Fluttershy. Are you ok?"
"I guess…" I could barely keep my eyes open.
"No you gotta keep yer eyes op'n." He gently rubbed my arm. I looked around. I was hooked up to a monitor and I had an IV.
"Angel! is… he ok?" Tex's eyes watered more.
"Yeah Angel is fine. A neighbor took 'im to the vet. He's fine." He looked at me so hurt and sad.
"It's all my fault. I should'a stayed with ya. Ya never should of got hurt."
"It can't be that bad." I said kinda dazed. I looked around for a mirror. Tex grabbed my arm.
"Ya don't wanna see." I was filled with fear. I yelled for a mirror. The nurse handed me a small mirror.
I almost started crying when I saw myself. I had a huge bandage around my head, a big patch over my eye, a busted lip and big purple blue bruises everywhere. I wanted to sit up but a sharp stinging pain shook my body.
"Fuck!" The nurse quickly put a pillow underneath me.
"You have a few cracked ribs Ms. Fluttershy." I started crying. I looked awful. Then the police walked in.
"Mam we need to talk to you." They needed to know what had happened. I told them everything I could remember, and I had a hard time recalling what had happened. The police told me, from Tex's statement, that Tex had walked in right after I hit the ground. I went completely lip and Hayseed started to kick me. Tex ran to us, beat the shit out of Hayseed, and called 911. The ambulance showed up and took me away. They wouldn't let Tex in because he wasn't family. Then Tex ran to a neighbor asking to take Angel and Cocoa to the vet. Afterwards he ran to the hospital. They let him in my room amazingly.
I cried a little. Even though Hayseed had cheated on me I never EVER would have thought he would have hit me.
The police asked if I wanted to press charges against Hayseed, of course I said yes! I put Tex on the list of the few ponies who could be with me in my hospital room.
The first night in the hospital was horrible. I had to stay awake for the next 24 hours, and all I wanted to do was fall asleep. Tex stayed awake with me though, which was really nice. Every 30 mins a nurse would come in and check on me. The doctor and nurses would ask me simple questions, my name what day it was, where were we, stuff like that. Eventually Tex's cell phone rang, it was my neighbor who had Angel and Cocoa.
"How are they?" I was so scared.
"Cocoa is ok just a little shook up. Angel…Angel has a broken leg." I wanted to cry but I was too tired to.
"He's fine. He has pain meds, he has a cast and I will pick them up tomorrow."
"This never should of happened. It's my fault. I let Angel down…I'm supposed to protect him!" Tex held me suddenly.
"It's ain't yer fault. You did noth'in wrong." I cried into Tex's shoulder. I cried about my little baby Angel who had a broken leg, I wasn't there to take care of him, I had the shit beaten out of me, I wanted my mom and dad, how was I going to tell Hayseed's family or did Hayseed's family already know, and I cried about being in the hospital.
Tex took 2 weeks off work, he told the captain of the guard that all my family lived far away and he was my only friend. They gave him the time off thankfully. I needed him with me.
A couple of days later Tex surprised me. He came into the room with my sweet Angel. He barked excitedly at me. I held my baby tight. Here we were two broken things who just needed each other. His front leg had a big blue cast, his upper arm had been shaved. I looked at Tex.
"I begged the docters fer h'm to come in and love on ya." I cried happy tears over Angel. I was worried about him and I missed him so. This is what I really needed.
"Theres some'thin else."
"Mr. Jaybird, Hayseed's dad. Is here fer ya." Mr. Jaybird walked in. He hugged me tight.
"Hi Princess. I missed you so much." He held me for a little bit. "I'm so…so sorry" His voice was shaky.
"It's ok Mr…."
"No. No its not. He had no right to hurt you. I never thought any of my foals would ever ever hit a filly." My eyes started to water.
"Hayseed is in jail for a year and a half. Where he should be. He keeps calling asking me and his mother to post bail. But we can't afford that. Plus I don't want him home if he's just gonna go around abusing fillies."
I know he was trying to be sweet but I didn't want to hear about Hayseed. I felt bad for him in a weird way. I hoped he didn't get too hurt in prison. I didn't want him getting raped but I didn't want him to just have an easy ride and nothing happen to him either. I didn't deserve to be hit or any of those things.