[Amu's POV]

It was a cold November night. I, only just a mere fifteen year old, was rudely pushed out of her house, by her own parents. With just a thin lab coat and my scrubs and a thin pair of worn out sneakers, I shivered in the cold as my mother and father glared at me.

"Take your stupid Humpty Lock and your stupid flute, and go to work. Do not disappoint us more than you have already! Do not show your face at our doorstop unless Dr. Amakawa is happy with your work, which probably won't happen with a pathetic person like you!" mother slammed the door at me.

Before she slammed the door in my face, I caught my sister glaring at me, and shouting along the lines of, "I hate you, onee-chan! Go die!"

My heart shattered.

My body wracked with pain as I weakly made my way to the hospital three miles away from our house. I am expected to be a doctor when I want to be an artist and a flute player. They don't want me to be happy, and decided the only person in our family household who deserves to have a musical career is my sister Ami, who wants to be like Hoshina Utau, a stupid stuck-up singer.

I opened the doors to the Hospital, and wearily signed in at the front desk.

I waited in the waiting room until a cheery voice called out.

"Where is my lovely assistant who wants to become a famous painter and flute player?"

The next thing I knew, Dr. Amakawa was enveloping me in a huge bear hug. The only reason I try to live is because of him. He promised me that once I turn 18, he will file a lawsuit against my parents and take me in as a daughter until the 'very sad' day comes and I leave the nest to be with a potential groom. I thought he was funny, but he was serious when he said he wants to get me out of the hell hole I am in right now.

"She is right here, being smothered to death in your hug," I murmured, muffled by his tight hug.

He comically gasped and let me go, letting me breathe the vital oxygen I needed.

"Oopsies!" he laughed and I chuckled along with him. He makes my day, every day.

"Well I have a huge assignment for you," he said, becoming grim.

"What?" I asked.

"In this file is a list of people who needs to be nursed back to health. Every person on the list is scarred in some way: mentally brainwashed, physically abused, and some are used as toys."

I shivered at the last word. He didn't mean toys that people were for others to physically abuse, he meant toys to get out sexual frustration. Yes that is the only way he would use 'toys' in context of abused people.

I nodded and opened the file and read the contents.

Patient #1 – An eighteen year old girl who was mentally brainwashed by her fiancé that she is meant to kill herself by suicide. She is suicidal, and has suffered multiple beatings from her fiancé.

Patient #2 - A five year old boy who was mentally brainwashed by his parents that he is a murderer. Blamed for his sister's death. Has thoughts of going to hell, as he puts it: "The place that he deserves to end up in."

Patient #3 – A forty year old man who had killed his children due to the loss of his wife.

Patient #4 – A sixty year old lady who believes the world will end in seven years.

Patient #5 – A seventy year old man who had suffered abuse from the nursing home his family had put him in. The family said that they kicked him out because he keeps murmuring about how spirits are real.

Patient #6 – A twenty year old man, who plays the violin and is extremely skilled. Quiet, heavily guarded, and reserved. His sister had physically abused him, his mother had mentally brainwashed him that he was the cause of his biological father's death, and his stepfather used him as a toy.

I shivered at the last one. This man, whoever he might be, suffered three things at once. I decided. I want to help this person.

I point at the last option to Amakawa-san and his eyes widen.

"Don't choose him. Please, I will give you a high pay for another patient. How about doing Patient #2?" He frantically pointed at the description of the five year old boy.

I shook my head and said, "I do not want a pay. This man had suffered the worst of all the six and I want to help him heal. Please, father?"

That magic word made him melt, as he is determined to be my legal father when I become eighteen in three years. He sighed and nodded. He called another assistant and had me signed up to take care of this guy I chose.

He nodded for me to follow him, and I asked him, out of curiosity, "So what is his name?"

"Ikuto Tsukiyomi. He went out to find his father, and when he did, Hoshina Kazuomi secretly killed him and put the blame of Aruto's death on Ikuto. His mother became depressed and would beat her own son up for the murder, and his sister abused him physically as well because she thought he was a good person inside but then she got mixed up and now envisions of her brother as a selfish serial killer who does anything for his benefit. And to top off this torture, he was being sexually abused by his step father Kazuomi on a daily basis. His mother and sister didn't care," Amakawa san looked at the floor sadly.

We reached the elevator and pressed the 'up' button.

My eyes widened in shock. Hoshina?

"Hoshina? As it Hoshina Utau?" I asked. Sure the girl is snobby but I didn't know she is an abusive person who beats up her own brother.

"Yes," Amakawa san looked at me sadly, "when Ikuto tried to explain to his sister the real truth, she would have none of it. It was hard to prove to her why Ikuto was drenched in his father's blood, when he had no knife in his hand. For all we know, he could've hid it."

"Do you have faith in him?" I asked.

"I do," he sadly nodded, "but my faith alone isn't enough to end his torture. At last when his family got sick of him, they kicked him out of their house. And he was moved to this mental hospital where you happen to work at. He had no other place to go to, you know."

I was stunned. Breaking the silence that followed, I said, "I understand that kind of pain."

"How so?" he nodded. I knew he knew, but he just wanted me to say it, so I feel better.

"I am on the verge of being kicked out of my own house. I am getting blamed for things I didn't do. I am getting abused by my own sister. I understand that, but to be used as a toy, that is terrible," I shook my head.


The doors opened, and we stepped out of the doors.

"You and him really suffered on a parallel basis," he casted a knowing glance at me.

I raised an eyebrow at him, "Huh?" I was so nervous that I tucked my Humpty Lock underneath my collar, and re-adjusted my flute case which was slung around my shoulders with a huge strap.

"You know what I mean," he shook his head.

I sighed. I really didn't know, but I will find out.

He stopped abruptly, and said, "We're here."

Our mental hospital rooms for the patients look like actual bedrooms with bathroom and a mini kitchen to make them feel like they are in a home. Also they can ask for personal customization of the room to make them feel better and heal faster.

Amakawa san opened the door, and I stepped in.

"Ikuto…" Amakawa san called, and the bundled figure in bed, rose up immediately and looked at Amakawa san with a look of anger and looked at me with loathing and hatred.

I whimpered. What if he was like the rest? Quickly I hid behind Amakawa san.

"Now, now, Amu. Don't worry. He won't hurt you like the rest. Ikuto, here is the girl who decided to help you with your condition. She understands your pain, and isn't like the rest. She wants to help you and promised to not force anything on you," Amakawa san smiled.

He just glared at me more and I felt really scared.

Amakawa san smiled and said, "I will come back later, to see how you are doing, all right, Amu-chan?"

I meekly nodded, and he left. When he did, I feebly put down my flute case near a corner, and I stuffed my humpty lock deep inside the case, but didn't move. I won't move unless he tells me to do so.

"I don't want your pity."

My heart stops. He thinks I pity him?

"I don't want your pity, at how pathetic I am. We all know that once I open up, which will never happen, you will just use me and throw me to a corner once I become useless in your eyes," a voice breathed into my ear.

My breath hitched. He must have cat-like grace to jump across the room in such a little time.

I let my eyes meet his. His sapphire eyes were filled of loathing, anger, sorrow, sadness, helplessness, and most of all: fury.

I shivered, but managed to say, "Please! I'm not-"

A hand collided with my cheek hard, and another hand roughly shoved me by the chest, to the ground. I painfully hit the ground, and my previous wounds by my parents and sisters and so-called 'friends' at school, opened.

I was starting to bleed.

Little thin ribbons started to spill from me, but he didn't notice. Then a painful kick collided with my stomach, but I didn't make a sound. I just thought of this pain as steps to get closer to heaven, where angels in white gowns will hug me and be happy that I am in their presence.

"You shut up, bitch! You are probably like those other sluts sent here to take care of me! They just have lust and love for looks only. Once they get what they want from me, they will just roll me to the side and leave! You are no different!" he yelled, and sent painful blows to my arms, legs, all over my body.

Pain flashed throughout me, to the point that despite my high tolerance power, it hurt. I let out a tiny cry of pain. The ribbons of blood became thicker and his eyes widened.

I looked at him with sad eyes. His eyes narrowed again and he slapped me across the cheek and I writhed in pain against his harsh touch. Every one of his touches sent electricity against me and I felt more and more and more of his pain. I now understood why he won't open up. He thought that if he opens up easily, I would use him. It is natural to think that every new person that tries to approach him, to fling them away, considering all the pain he went through.

"Don't look at me with those eyes!" he yelled.

My eyes filled with tears, and the trails of blood coming from my back became thicker and blood seeped through my wounds on my hands and legs. An ugly gash on my stomach where mother had cut harshly with a knife, was split open and spilling crimson liquid like crazy.

I was writhing in pain, but I didn't hate him. He lost the power to stand on his feet, and he had collapsed onto the ground. His eyes were widened when he saw that I bled easily.

I smiled at him, and he shook in fear, like I would raise a whip on him. He scoots back, but I held a hand out and whispered, "It's okay. I won't hurt you, ever. Pinky promise?" I added a little bit of humor, despite the wracking pain I was in. I felt like my whole body was being stabbed by a thousand knives.

Yet, I felt happy. I want him to be happy.

I felt a twinge of disappointment when he looked at my hand skeptically for a few minutes. Sadly, I let several tears slip as I cried out in pain to draw my hand back, which was throbbing in pain.

But two large and warm hands covered mine, and I looked up to see Ikuto take my thin hand in both of his. Gently, to not hurt me, he shifted my head onto his lap, and he still held onto my hand, my right one, and he massaged it, and I felt a tiny wave of pain, and I gasped out. Tears dripped down my cheeks continuously, but I smiled.

"So warm…" I mumbled, and he froze. I brought my hand to my eyes, and saw that his hands were very thin, but not emaciated, just like mine.

I un-wrapped one from my hand, and kissed the palm and brought it to my cheek, sighing in happiness how nice his hand felt on my face. He stroked it, and used a thumb to gently wipe away my tears which were mixed from my fresh blood from the scars on my face.

I wanted this, I wanted it my whole life. I wanted someone to stroke my face lovingly and someone to hug me and kiss me and warmly smile at me, and have curfews for me and to always want me to be there, with them. But my parents hate me because of my quiet and reserved personality and bizarre looks. My sister hates me because my flute and artistic talents could get in her career for becoming a singer. My friends thought I was a cutter, so they just bullied me and physically hurt me and shunned me. No one loved me anywhere I went.

I only held on because Amakawa san felt sorry for me and he wanted to become my legal guardian when I become 18, and because of my Humpty Lock, which was mysteriously entitled to me with a note saying that I am the original owner of the Humpty Lock and that the person who holds the Dumpty Key will be the one to be my husband. Written in stars it sounds like, but the note promised me, that the person who holds the key to my lock will be the person I will deeply fall in love with.

My eyes watered and I whispered, "Thank you, thank you so much…"

He started to panic and called my name in a panic. But my world became black.

And I swam in a sea of darkness.


I opened my eyes, and found out I was in the same room, but was lying on a plush futon, on the floor. It was much better than sleeping on the floor in the dusty and hot attic at home.

"Amu-chan?!" a panicked voice came.

"Amakawa san?" I murmured, shifting my head to look at him, but hissed when pain shot through me.

"Do you want to switch patients?" he asked with a hopeful face.

I looked at Ikuto, who was to my right. He looked at me with sad eyes and he hugged his knees to his chest like he was going to be beaten. I shook my head. He needs me. I need to take care of him, because I feel that if he is suffering the similar pain I am, then it would make sense to take care of him.

"Are you out of mind? You are in a critical condition, yet you want to still take care of him! As if your parents, sister, and friends' beatings were nothing!" Amakawa san became angry.

Ikuto's head shot up in alarm, and I down casted my eyes. I don't want to worry him.

"Amakawa-san, do know I said I do not want to be paid. I want to do this, not just for a matter of money. Even if I do not get paid, I will still take care of him," I gave him a firm look.

He sighed, but nodded.

"If your physical condition gets worse, I am switching your partner. Your parents just called me and said they are going on a one month cruise with your sister. Do you want to stay with me at my house?" he casted a hopeful look at me.

"What about school?" I became scared of 'school'.

"After their stupid one month cruise, I am going to take them to court. I am not going to wait to be your legal guardian and I will home school you, by calling in tutors to educate you in all the required courses by the state. I want to make sure that you can study whatever you want, and go to any university you want to go to," he looked at me with a firm set of eyes.

I sighed and nodded and said, "So be it. But I will tell you my choice in the morning."

He nodded and kissed my forehead. He said, "I brought you your suitcase containing whatever you had in your room in the attic. It is everything you own, and I assume you have your flute with you, right?"

I nodded and pointed at the corner. He then picked up my suitcase and put it there. He smiled at me and said, "Sweet dreams."

I smiled, wincing at the cuts on my face.

He gently shut the door behind him, and I fell quiet. I turned my head the other way, despite the pain. I don't have enough strength to move, but I reached out and tugged on his leg and he looked at me with alarmed eyes.

I whispered, and said, "I'm scared of the dark."

His eyes softened, and I thought he would laugh at me for my childish nature I still retain after all these years. Who would be scared of the dark by now?

He sat Indian-style, and whispered, "Its okay. I won't leave you."

I felt so happy, so relieved that someone would understand me.

Tears slipped down my cheeks again and he caressed my cheeks, which felt so right, so comfortable, in his arms.

Everyone told me that I am a sign of bad luck, and I am as useless as black cats, which are considered by my ex-friends and family, misfortune.

They are oblivious to the fact that in other places, black cats are signs of fortune, prosperity and a symbolism of good luck.

He cringed when I cried and he whispered, "I'm sorry."

I sent him a surprised stare and asked, "For what?"

"For grouping you with the rest of them. I'm sorry. I thought at first glance that you were like the rest of my previous caretakers, and I jumped to conclusions," he looked at me with a pair of guilty eyes.

I smiled at him, and he widened his eyes in shock.

"Why don't you hate me?" he whispered, eyes filled of awe.

"Because I have no reason to hate you. I understand your pain, like I said," I smiled at him.

"How?" he asked.

"Time will answer your question, Ikuto. Be patient," I told him.

He looked very impatient, but decided to wait. He nodded, and kept smoothing the hairs on my head back, wincing when he saw the cuts on my face.

But I'm happy. No one can hurt me. Harm cannot reach me.

This was the fruit of all of my struggles. I knew a day like this would come.

Happily content, I closed my eyes. I was tired. Tired from all the beatings that started when I was seven, the day Ami was born. I was neglected then abused, and I need rest.

I somehow hope, from the back of my mind, that when I open my eyes the next morning, this nightmare will be gone, and I will act as if this nightmare of eight years had never happened. The last thing I registered was a thin, long hand lovingly stroking my head and caressing my cheeks.

I felt complete now. I am not afraid.