There was a clutching in her gut at his words. Legendary Sucker indeed, she thought. But she wanted, Will of Fire she wanted him. Tsunade shook her head to dislodge his hands and licked her lips. She leaned forward until their mouths were a hair's breadth apart.
"I never welsh, and yes… yes you can have me."
Orochimaru leaned up, his mouth closing that last bit of distance. He had slowly gotten feeling back in his legs and with a heave stood up pulling her up and putting her legs around his waist to hold her to him.
"Princess," he said moving his mouth to her cheek and whispering. "I'm going to take you like you deserve, in a bed, slow until you can't take anymore and then I'm going to fuck you hard until you scream my name. And I'm going to do it again and again until you beg me to stop because you just can't take anymore."
Her breath caught and released on a shaky exhale. He had piqued her interest as a teen, caught her eye and became a debt during the second war they fought together. He had slowly bewitched her while they worked together his mind and mannerisms winning her over. He had brought her lust as they sparred, but his words that honeyed tongue seduced her completely.
Tsunade grunted and moved her body to rock against his as he walked them through the corridors. "Don't tease me if you're not going to follow through, Oro. You know I'm a hard woman to please."
The Snake Sannin laughed and continued walking. "I put you in my bed when I brought you here. At that time, I was worried you would leave and I wanted that memory of you and your scent to linger on my pillow."
He gripped her tighter to open the door and carried her into the darkened room, laying her down gently. His hands went to her obi and worked loosening the fabric to pull the blue away. Tsunade brought her hands together to hold her top in place.
He raised an eyebrow at the gesture. "Nerves dear?" he asked pulling his hands back.
She swallowed and looked at him. "Never, it's just." She sighed and dropped her hands. "I've know you my whole life, we've seen each other at our worse and neither of us is young any more. I don't want; I don't want you to be disappointed."
Orochimaru gave a laugh. "My dear, Princess you are the most beautiful woman in the world and not because of your body, gorgeous as it is. You have strength," he put his hand on her shoulders and put pressure showing he wanted her to lay back. "You have compassion." Pale hands picked up her own and pressed light kisses to her wrist before pulling them above her head, snakes coming out to hold them in place. "You are more than a woman to me, you are a goddess of war and healing; now I beg of you…" he licked his way down her arm tasting her, "Let me worship."
Her head went up and down in a sharp jerk. "You're terrible." Tsunade said arching her back as he moved to open he kimono and leave her top half barred to him. She watched through half closed lids as he pulled off her shoes, groaning when his thumb dug into the arch of her foot in a massage.
"I'll remember that for later." He told her. "I'll just offer foot massages when you're annoyed with me."
Tsunade merely groaned in response and opened her eyes completely to watch him run his fingers around the waist band of her pants and pulled them down her legs, taking her underwear with them and leaving her bare and vulnerable to his gaze. For the longest time, the Sannin said nothing. He simply sat back on his haunches and looked.
They were children of war and despite her healing there were faint lines across her body from the battles she had fought. A pale line at her breast where he had stabbed her, three long lines from being stabbed during the war and low on her waist a thick line from her being cut in half. He reached out and traced it, his fingers paying homage to her staying alive despite the odds.
"You really are a warrior Goddess." He mused leaning forward to kiss her scars.
Tsunade started to pull her hands down only to have the snakes tighten in response. "Please?" She asked needing him.
"I will please you… and myself," was the only response he gave.
Orochimaru moved up her body, purposely laying only the gentlest of kisses on her breasts before going to her mouth. His tongue touched her lips before moving in deeper to prowl. Pale hands ran up and down her arms, his fingers playing a light tease as they went, each pass getting lower and lower towards her breasts until till finally he cupped them, rubbing his thumbs across her nipples.
It was his control that was being tested now. Despite his words about taking her slowly, he wanted to be greedy and take all of her at once and not stop until his body gave out. He didn't though it was a near thing and continued to kiss her mouth and then neck and then finally he closed his mouth over her breast, his snake like tongue wrapping around the peak to tease. His fingers rolled and pinched the other relishing in their pebbling and her hips starting to roll.
He chuckled moving his hand down to brush against her curls before he went lower a single digit rubbing that ball of nerves, circling it and lightly brushing across before they went back to their circuit.
Tsunade moaned brokenly. He had taken her to some dark place of desire and she could do nothing but submit to whatever he wanted. "Oro, Orochimaru you taking me over," she panted undone. "Take me. Please don't make me wait."
She was unraveling his control with every thrust of her hips and whispered word, but he was patient and the Sannin nipped her breast and rubbed his finger directly over her clit. "Not yet, I'm not nearly ready for that."
She keened in response and there was a slight smile on his part as he worked his way down her body. She was wet, desperately so. His tongue came out to lick her slit before fingers widened her so the muscle could take the place of his hand.
His name came on a shout as she pressed up her hands pulling hard on the snakes until they loosened and fell away so she could take handfuls of his hair and rock her hips up. Orochimaru used his free hand to go farther down and gently press on pale digit into her, turning so that it was palm up and making a come hither gesture. Tsunade went crazy. The pressure was intense and he kept up his movements until she went off that ledge, her hands falling to the side, legs trembling and throat seizing as she rode out her orgasm.
It was the most erotic sight he had ever seen, Orochimaru let his hand take over for his mouth as he watched her lose herself. Those pink lips and flushed face lost in bliss. He went back to it, his long tongue replacing the finger to curl up and taste her, greedy now wanting to see that face of her again.
The blonde was having none of it though, she wanted him all of him in her, under her so she could take him completely. Hands that had gone limp pushed him away from her, so she could move and reverse their positions. Tsunade slammed him back on the bed before her hands tore and his pants shredding the fabric to wrap around the hard length roughly stroking him. Her shoulders rolled dropping the kimono he had left her in.
"I'm taking you." She growled before moving to straddle and then lower herself on him, pushing and rocking until he slid into her with one fluid stroke.
"Gods," he said in wonder, his hands clamping on her hips. "Take me then Princess."
She grinned at her and flexed her thighs, rising up before coming back down and starting a pounding rhythm of flesh against flesh. She kept it up shifting so that she could put her hands on either side of his head as her hips rolled and pounded, the flared head of him moving over her g-spot and driving her crazy even as she drove him.
Orochimaru was overwhelmed. She felt incredible, tight and hot. It was a hardship not to simply blow in her but he wanted, needed her to come again. He needed to know that she was completely sated. His teeth gritted waiting until she pulled back before using her momentum against her to flip them back over. His hands grabbed under her knees, nearly folding her in half as he jerked them up and took over using the angle to spur her on.
"Oh my Go-," Tsunade trailed off unable to speak as he thrust. It was intense, almost too intense for her and she felt that sharp edge of orgasm creep closer as he kept working her. With a harsh snap of his hips she went off the edge clenching and taking him with her this time, causing him to jerk as he came, his face clenched in a semblance of agony.
Like a puppet with the chakra strings cut, he collapsed on her letting her knees drop. They were a sweaty, sticky mess but at the moment they were too tired and too sated to move.
"I think we took each other." Tsunade finally said into the silence, one hand coming up to run idly through his hair.
"I think you're right." He agreed softly.
It would be later, much later after showers and another impromptu session of what they refused to call love making under the warm spray, Orochimaru would lay beside her in that bed and wait until she was asleep before his pale hand would come up to tangle in that honey blonde hair.
"You're mine now." He told her sleeping form. "All of you."