This is my first proper fan fiction so I'd love some reviews and ways to improve. There will probably be some slip ups so be kind but do point them out to me so I can fix them. Set after the avengers...Note: I have not seen Thor the Dark World so may seem out of sync. Tom Hiddleston in a universe where they have not had the invasions or attacks but writers have made movies about them instead.
A number of days had passed since Loki has been returned to Asgard and he was already becoming bored. Having been sentenced to imprisonment with 'comforts' (which he was exploiting enormously) was like torture to a God of Mischief. The boredom having set in Loki was trying to find a way to entertain himself in his tiny cell, his usual trick of cloning was not fooling the guards as Heimdall had turned his eye upon the god and informed the guards of any trick. The only thing he could not detect was Loki's thoughts so he used them to concoct a plan.
He had heard of other universes where ones actions produced a similar action taking the form of a story or dream. If he could swap himself with that incarnation of himself he could gain freedom and his double would be stuck in his very place, this cell without anyone being any wiser. Heimdall would suspect nothing provided he could avoid using the bifrost to do this. Easier said than done. But Loki knew of some magic which could allow this mind swap. First to find this other Loki.
Another week passed with failed attempts to find his other self until one night, in a dream no less, he found him. Both met on the fields of Asgard wandering in the woods. Loki grinned, this other man must be having the same dream as him allowing them to inhabit the same body. It was only a matter of time before the other became aware of his presence.
Who are you to be inside my head pathetic mortal
Oh this was rich the other thought himself Loki in the dream state. I am Loki of Asgard and you will find this is my mind you mewling quim
I demand the truth do not try my patience for I am
The God of Mischief yes I am aware being that very person myself
Proof then for if not you will be subjected to your wildest terrors
Loki (actual Loki) sighed inwardly. Whoever this mortal was he was clearly not grasping the situation they found themselves in. To move things faster he decided to share his memories with 'the mortal' for proof. As he had hoped the mortal finally believed him, though still thought himself another Loki. Loki knew he was not as 'the mortal' was from Midgard and had a shorter life span. Becoming mortal would have to be a challenge to face once he was in the others body. He hoped magic would solve it as he was experimenting with the idea of a mind and soul transfer allowing an extension in his life years and the transfer of his magical abilities. But only when the transfer was complete would he know if he had been successful.
You believe my name now so listen here. It is most interesting to be drawn to face myself and I would like to know more. I wish to enter this dream state with you in one midgardian week That should give him enough time to pull together his plan. Surely you thirst for knowledge as I do.
I agree Loki but why do we not continue this now and delve further into each other lives.
This connection is weak and I fear for the safety of our communication. Heimdall may be listening at this very moment, I will need to ensure a safe connection for our next meeting.
But surely Heimdall is not a mind reader he could not access this realm
Different powers in different worlds it seems brother. But now I must leave you, a weeks time...
He allowed himself to tail off as he left the dream. the lie about Heimdall had been risky but the only way to get out of the dream. The other Loki may be mortal but when in the realm of dreams one cannot know what power he could hold. A brief mind-flash had allowed him all the information he needed to work out how to enter this mortals relam. And it all started with his name...Tom Hiddleston