Hey a huge thank you to everyone who updated especially a guest reviewer who pointed out the HUGE flaw with the last chapter, I cut short a really important seen between Shelby and Rachel, so I've written it from Rachel's perspective in this chapter. So a huge thank you to Em for giving me a heads up.

"Tell me more about Finn" Shelby order softly.

"Finn is the high school quarterback, my co-captain of the New Directions, he's popular and he gets all the male solos in glee club" Rachel smiled affectionately.

"How did you two get together?" Shelby probed.

"He was forced to join glee club and we did duets together, he was the only guy who's ever been interested in me." 'Or was.' Rachel finished in her head.

"That's how you got together?" Shelby raised a dubious eyebrow.

"No, he was dating the head cheerleader, she ran the celibacy club, most popular girl in school. You can see where I'm going with this" Rachel shrugged

"I remember girls like that from high school" Shelby sighed "What happened with her"

"She got pregnant" Rachel sighed, Shelby choked on her breath and began to laugh.

"The head of the celibacy club got pregnant!" she spluttered.

"Yeah, we found out it wasn't Finn's baby, so they broke up and we go together" Rachel murmured tucking her head into her shoulder.

"I dated a guy like him in in High school, his name was Patrick and he was on the hockey team. He was dating Samantha Parks and convinced me to kiss him under the bleaches, even though he was in a relationship." Shelby reminiscently "We 'dated' for two years until I found out he was dating my friend April as well. If a guy will cheat with you, he will cheat on you. Remember that Rachel."

Rachel nodded slowly and bit her lip. Hadn't Finn kissed her while he was with Finn? She banished the thought from her head and returned her focus to her coach.

"How's glee club. I bet you get all the Solos." Shelby smiled at her with an empty look in her eye.

"I get a fair amount, although Mr Schue sometimes gives them to the other girls to 'be fair' and 'make everyone feel special', which is ridiculous considering Tina couldn't even handle 'Tonight' from West Side Story let alone, some of the big Barbra anthems" Rachel huffed.

"He does seemed to pander to people's self esteem to much" Shelby responded thoughtfully.

"Everyone's but mine apparently, he won't tell Tina or Finn when they go off key but he'll call me arrogant, obnoxious and self obsessed"

"Mr Schue may not have been in your position when he was in Glee club, he seems to admire the underdogs like Finn." Shelby said comfortingly "You're too obviously talented, it's intimidating, it's not as endearing to people like him."

Rachel looked up at Shelby at nodded slowly.

"If you ever feel to neglected in the New Directions, then you are welcome to join VA. We'll need a new lead after Jesse goes to college next year anyway" Shelby grinned "But don't tell your teammates I offered"

Rachel smiled back tentatively, flattered by the offer but doubtful.

"So you like musicals?" Shelby beamed a ecstatic smile spreading across her face.

"Yeah, my Dads got me into musical theatre as a fetus, apparently they played classical music into my mother's belly to probe me into becoming a dancer." Rachel laughed nervously. Shelby chuckled slightly and began to fiddle with her sheet music.

"What's your favourite musical then?" Shelby asked excitingly.

"Funny Girl" Rachel answered in a heartbeat "I adore Barbra Streisand, she's my idol"

"I loved her when I was your age" Shelby sighed, "I still do obviously. I thought that may be your favourite, I saw you at Sectionals, your performance was incredible"

"Thank you" Rachel blushed "Jesse said I 'lacked emotional depth'"

"Jesse rarely compliments people, he doesn't like competition" Shelby rolled her eyes at her male lead. "He's an arrogant sod, but if you can put up with him long another he'll come through" Rachel nodded but stayed silent, not knowing what she should say in that instant.

"Shall we try out some songs then" Shelby sighed breaking the silence. Rachel nodded and took the sheet music from Shelby.

Shelby placed the music on the piano in front of her and began to play.

You won't find him drinking under tables
Rolling dice or staying out til 3
You won't ever find him being unfaithful
You will find him, you'll find him next to me

You won't find him trying to chase the devil
For money, fame, for power, out of grief
You won't ever find him where the rest go
You will find him, you'll find him next to me

Next to me ooooh

Next to me ooooh

Rachel and Shelby:
Next to me ooooh
You will find him, you'll find him next to me

When the money's spent
And all my friends have vanished
And I can't seem to find no help or love for free

I know there's no need for me to panic
'Cause I'll find him, I'll find him next to me

Oh, the skies are grey
And all the doors are closing

And the rising pressure makes it hard to breathe

(Rachel: Hard to breathe)

Rachel and Shelby:
When all I need is a hand to stop the tears from falling
I will find him, I'll find him next to me

Rachel (Shelby):
Next to me (Next to me)

Rachel and Shelby:

Rachel (Shelby):
Next to me (Next to me)

Rachel and Shelby:

Rachel (Shelby):

Next to me (Next to me)

Rachel and Shelby:
I will find him, I'll find him next to me

When the end has come and buildings falling down fast

When we spoilt the land and dried up all the sea

When everyone has lost their heads around us

Rachel and Shelby:

You will find him, you'll find him next to me

Next to me

Next to me



Next to me

Rachel and Shelby:

Next to me, yeah
Oh woah!
You will find him, you'll find him

Next to me

Next to me, yeah

Next to meRachel and

Next to me yeah yeah

Next to me

Next to me ohh yeah

Oh yeah
Next to me

Next to me

Rachel and Shelby:
You will find him, you'll find him next to me


Shelby stared at Rachel with an almost heartbroken expression before breaking her gaze and shuffling her papers back into a neat pile. "Your breathing techniques need work, shall we try it again from the top?" Rachel nodded and sighed exhausted as the tinkle of piano keys began again.

Twenty minutes later Rachel left the choir room and entered the auditorium to see everyone in a circle on the stage. Shelby raised an eyebrow.

"Mr Schuster, What is going on?" Shelby enquired irritably.

"We're getting to know each other better" he was sitting cross-legged on the floor, sitting next to a bored looking Finn.

Shelby rolled her eyes "I'll start trying to draw ideas then" She said and marched over to her desk and began sorting through enormous piles of sheet music balanced on her desk.

Rachel sat down next to Jesse and looked around the circle. She tugged on his sleeve slightly and he turned his head towards her smiling slightly. "What's going on?" She asked curiously.

''Your coach is working on team building stuff." He drawled bored and began to fiddle with her fingers again.

"Okay, would anyone like to perform for us, show us what you can do" No-one raised their hand "Rachel?" Mr Schue tried desperately.

Jesse looked at Rachel who shrugged. He leaned in and whispered "Do you want to duet with me and make the ogre jealous" she bit her lip to avoid laughing and allowed him to pull her up from the ground.

Jesse tugged her over to the piano and sat down on the stool, leaving half of it empty for Rachel who promptly sat down.

"Oh good, a duet" Mr Schue mumbled as Jesse pulled out a folder from the music cupboard, he began ruffling through the sheet music until he found one song and pulled it out, he shut the folder and tossed it onto the piano. He jogged over to Rachel again and propped up the sheet music on the piano and began.

When Rachel heard the first the first few notes she turned slightly pink.


I've been alone with you inside my mind
And in my dreams I've kissed your lips a thousand times
I sometimes see you pass outside my door
Hello, is it me you're looking for?

Jesse grinned challengingly at her and she returned the look as she joined in.

I can see it in your eyes
I can see it in your smile
You're all I've ever wanted, and my arms are open wide
'Cause you know just what to say
And you know just what to do
And I want to tell you so much, I love you ...


Ohh yeahh...

Rachel began to lightly play a small harmony on the piano.


I long to see the sunlight in your hair


And tell you time and time again how much I care

Sometimes I feel my heart will overflow
Hello, I've just got to let you know

'Cause I wonder where you are
And I wonder what you do
Are you somewhere feeling lonely or is someone loving you?
Tell me how to win your heart
For I haven't got a clue
But let me start by saying ... I love you

Is it me you're looking for?
'Cause I wonder where you are

And I wonder what you do


(wonder what you do...)


Are you somewhere feeling lonely


Or is someone loving you?
Tell me how to win your heart
For I haven't got a clue
But let me start by saying ... I love you

They finished playing and Rachel looked up to see a mixture of reactions from their teammates, Kurt was gaping, Santana was smirking, Mr Schue looked nervous, Shelby was grinning from her seat in the auditorium. Finn looked furious, he was glaring at the pair with such hatred; Rachel flinched away from his gaze. The phrase 'if looks could kill' sprang to her mind, it seemed quite relevant to the situation.

"Amazing guys" Shelby spoke into her microphone "There's a high chance you'll be performing this in the Concert, it was incredible"

Rachel smiled shyly and sat down on the floor with others, Jesse plopped down next to hair and whispered into her ear "Your boyfriend is glaring" she elbowed him, pushing him away from her and mock glaring. The older boy smirked and waved sarcastically at her boyfriend.

Tina got up to sing next and Rachel slouched slightly as the girl began to once again slaughter 'Tonight'

"Five, six, seven, eight." Cassie screamed as the group behind her stumble to keep up. The were dancing to 'One' from 'A Chorus line' because it was "So easy a toddler could do it"

"Step, kick, kick, leap, kick, touch...Again!" Rachel was trying as hard as she could to keep up with her teacher but she was exhausted.

"Good, Rachel. But more energy" the instructor barked "Step, kick, kick, leap, kick, touch...Again!"

Rachel pushed more into the dance after Cassie shouted at her, the beat sped up slightly and she began quietly counting aloud to help herself keep the rhythm.

"One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight"

"Step, kick, kick, leap, kick, touch...Again!"

"You look like a constipated Rhino with one leg!" roared Cassie, in the reflection of the mirror Rachel could see the tall blonde women screaming into Finns ear before marching away.

"Step, kick, kick, leap, kick, touch...Right! That connects with...Turn, turn, out, in, jump, step. Step, kick, kick, leap, kick, touch." Rachel pushed herself further and she felt a drip of sweat trickle down her forehead.

"Got it?... Going on. And...Turn, turn, touch, down, back, step, Pivot, step, walk, walk, walk."

Cassie continued, "Separate into groups of fours, boys and girls apart. First group Rachel, Santana, Brittany and Andrea. Go!"

Rachel followed the routine as she felt herself being watched by the others, she counted quietly so people wouldn't hear her.

As she finished the short routine she felt relief wash over when Cassie told them they could sit down.

She gulped down her water and rested her head against the wall as she watched the other girls struggle through the routine. As the other girls finished the routine it was now the boys turn.

Jesse stood proudly at the front of the first group and pulled the routine off perfectly before collapsing on the floor next to Rachel. He drained his water bottle and relaxed against the wall.

Finn was in the next group, waving his arms and legs around like a spider being drowned, Rachel flinched at every mistake he made. Eventually the routine ended and Finn received a withering glare from Cassie.

"Alright if I don't call your name you can go home. Finn, Noah, Kurt, Mercedes and Quinn. Everyone else can go" Rachel waved goodbye to her friends before picking up her stuff and leaving.

"I'm going to go practice my audition for tomorrow." Jesse muttered saying goodbye.

"Wait!" She called and he turned around "What's tomorrow?"

"My NYADA audition" he said nervously. At her blank school "It's the best performing arts school in the country."

Rachel beamed happily "That's amazing Jesse. Good luck" She said reaching up to hug him.

"Thank you, I'll text you if anything happens" he smiled tiredly.

"You better" she pointed threateningly before grinning, "I gotta go. Good luck"

The next day Finn came over to spend 'quality time together' meaning he came to feel her up while she tried to carry a conversation with him.

Her Dads were out, having dinner with some friends, Finn and Rachel were sitting in the living room watching a film. Well not exactly 'watching'.

Rachel groaned in discomfort as Finn's heavy form landed on top of hers and almost gagged as the boy thrust his tongue into her mouth. She scrunched up her nose as she felt a dribble of Finn's salvia slide down her chin. She felt his hand pat her stomach and crawl upwards so she grabbed his hand and held it in hers. To her horror she felt the other one crawl into the place of the other. She felt something poking her leg and threw herself away from her in disgust. How had she ever wanted make out with him if it was like that. Was he capable of thinking of anything other than sex? She wouldn't be like Quinn and trade Sexual favours for acts of human decency.

Finn opened a blurry eye and looked at her, as she wiped away his salvia from his cheek. "Rachel, why'd you stop?"

"Because I don't want to have sex!" she screeched

"Why not? Don't you love me?" He challenged and Rachel rolled her eyes at his immature tactics. "Come on Rachel, everyone's done it, it doesn't hurt or anything."

"How do you know? I thought you had never had sex!"

"I haven't" he said quickly

Rachel's eyes turned to slits and was about to challenge him when the doorbell rang, she stormed out of the room and flung open the door.


Jesse stood there with red, puffy eyes and a heartbroken expression. "Miss Tibideaux said I wasn't good enough. 'My breathing techniques was flawed'" he muttered miserably. Rachel wrapped her arms around his neck and let him cling her to him as much as he wanted.

As his grip loosened enough for her to drag him inside and sit him down on the couch.

"Are you fucking kidding me?" Finn glared at her "Why is he here?"

"His audition didn't go very well" Rachel glared at him. Finn's face turned a puce pink before storming out.

"That was a pretty well executed storm out." Jesse chuckled.

"Do you want to watch musicals or something " Rachel offered and Jesse and nodded weakly, Rachel went over to the TV and set up 'The Phantom of The Opera' before sitting next to him on the sofa. He grabbed her hand and went back to playing with her fingers to force himself to relax. He rested his head on her arm and allowed her to comfort him. She stroked his hair gently.

That was the first time Rachel comforted him after a disappointing audition and in the years to come he returned the favour several times.

Finn Hudson parked his battered truck in the drive of the Lopez home in Lima Heights and knocked on the door a couple of times.

"Hey Finn" Santana smirked "Can I help you?"

"Do you… um wanna get a motel room or something"

"Why bother?" she teased and he sighed "My parents are out of town, do you want to come in?"

Finn nodded and followed her into the house.

Thank you. Please review