iNeed to Grow Up

Final chapter of my iCarly story, enjoy.


Boris Yeltsin: Yup, they're ready to being the next part of their lives :)
Wolfgirl2013: Thanks.
Jeremy Shane: Thanks, glad you enjoyed it, here you go.

Now onto the story.

Disclaimer: iCarly belongs to Dan Schneider.

iGet Married

Sam Puckett smiled as she woke up, it was the big day, today she would be getting married to her boyfriend, Bobby Duke. She didn't hold with that nonsense about the bride not seeing the groom the night before the wedding. As such she was currently lying in bed, in Bobby's arms. She knew from the way his grip on her tightened slightly he was awake.

"Morning." She said softly.

She turned to face him as he replied. "Mornin' cher."

They kissed and Sam smiled wider, Bobby smiling in reply.

"Today's da big day." He said happily.

Sam nodded and then heard the sounds of their daughter Marie waking up. They both got out of bed and Sam walked over to the crib and lifted Marie up. Marie smiled and waved at her mother.

"I better go feed her before it's time to get everything ready." She said.

Bobby nodded. "Yeah; Ah shoul' git goin' too. Ah'll see ya at de church,"

Sam laughed and nodded.

"I'll be the one in white." She quipped; Bobby laughed and they left the room, Bobby quickly got dressed before doing so. Sam headed for the kitchen while Bobby left the apartment. Sam knew he would wake up Freddie and then head down to the church where the others would all be arriving eventually. Spencer was the only male who wouldn't be going on ahead as he would be driving the girls there.

Not too long afterwards Carly, Paige and Rachel came downstairs; like Sam they had dressed in simple clothes. They would change into their wedding clothes when they were at the church.

"Hey Sam, good morning." Carly greeted. "So, you ready?"

Sam smiled before replying. "I've never been more ready for anything in my life."

Carly smiled, she had never seen Sam so excited. Paige sat Rachel in her high chair and began feeding her while Sam fed Marie. Carly began preparing breakfast for them; they all spoke about the wedding and how they had made sure everything was on schedule. Finally, once they had all finished breakfast and made their preparations Carly announced that it was time. They all headed out and got in Spencer's car, Spencer got in the driver seat and drove them to the church, the mood was buzzing with excitement and also, nervousness, but excitement was predominant. Finally they reached the church, they got out of the car, they then headed to the room that had been set aside for them to use in getting ready.

"Okay, I'll see you girls later; I better go get ready myself." Spencer stated.

Sam nodded. "Sure, thanks Spence, for everything."

Spencer smiled and nodded before heading off; since her father had long been absent Sam had asked Spencer to walk her down the aisle, he had agreed cheerfully. Finally in the room the girls sat Sam down and began working, getting her ready with her make-up, her hair and her dress; ready to ensure that, as Sam walked down the aisle, she was unforgettable.

Meanwhile, Bobby stood at the altar; he was restless, nervous, he was certain he would only be calm once Sam was by his side. He turned to his best man, anxiety written all over his face.

"Now, ya sure ya still got da rings, Freddie?" He asked.

Freddie rolled his eyes; Bobby had asked him before about the rings, this was the fifth time. "Relax Bobby; I still have them, unless they jumped out my pocket when you asked me fifteen minutes ago."

Bobby smiled tightly and nodded. "Sorry, jus' nervous."

Freddie nodded.

"I know; you'll be fine, not much longer now."

Bobby nodded in reply and then Spencer checked his watch.

"It's about time guys; I better go, take your places." He told them.

They nodded and did so as the music started; Bobby tensed, not much longer now until Sam walked down the aisle and they would soon be husband and wife. By now everybody was in their seats; His parents and Mrs. Benson were watching Rachel and Marie. Soon the other girls began to enter; Paige as the flower girl; Shelby and Melanie, the bridesmaid's entered and then Carly entered; the maid of honour. Finally, with an appropriate lift in the music; Sam entered and Bobby found himself stunned. He always saw her as beautiful, but now, she was absolutely breath taking; her dress was perfect; her hair, everything about her seemed to shine. She smiled at him as she walked down the aisle on Spencer's arm and soon they stood at the altar, ready to bind their lives together.

Once their vows were exchanged and they both said I do, they kissed. For Sam everything was a whirl; before she knew it they were arriving at the reception; ready to meet with the others as they arrived. They stood together, Sam held Marie on her hip. Carly, Freddie and the girls were the first to arrive.

"Congratulations Aunt Sam." Paige cried cheerfully as she hugged her.

Sam smiled and returned the hug as best she could, still holding Marie. "Thanks Paige."

This continued as the guests filed in, there weren't many, Sam didn't want a large audience. In fact from her side of the family only Melanie had come. Soon they had finished the greetings and were enjoying the reception meal.

"This is amazing, I still can't believe it." Sam whispered to Bobby. "I swear, if someone told me all this would happen, back when iCarly first started. I would've laughed at them."

Bobby smiled. "Well, Ah'm glad it work'd out dis way, cher, for all o' us."

Sam smiled at her beautiful baby girl, lying in her rocker smiling up at her parents.

"Me too." She replied truthfully.

It was then the music started and Sam silently thanked Carly for all the dancing lessons she had given her, it was time for the bride and groom's first dance.

The rest of the night passed by with great enjoyment; during a break in the dancing Carly sat next to Sam.

"Congratulations Sam." She said happily. "You deserve this, you really do."

Sam felt like her face was going to hurt from smiling so much. "Thanks Carls; it's amazing; to know this is all really going on…I'm not dreaming, that's what makes it so much better."

Carly smiled back and nodded; she then asked. "Do you know where you are going for the honeymoon? I know it won't be easy with Marie."

Sam nodded.

"We've decided to go to Hawaii; we've already made the arrangements, it should be fine for Marie too." She explained.

Carly smiled, happy that they seemed to have everything sorted out. Finally, after a long and enjoyable evening, Sam and Bobby prepared to leave for their honeymoon, they held hands while Sam held Marie in her other arm. They left for the car, saying their goodbyes and as the car drove away Carly and Freddie watched happily with Paige and Rachel. They knew that soon, one day, they would get married too and finally they would be a complete and real family.

End of chapter and of story, hope you enjoyed it, read and review please.