The Forgotten Ebony Lover

Chapter 1




Pov Shadow

Why did you leave me? Sonic I loved you is it because of me being pregnant with your child I wondered. Well I am now three months into pregnancy I have not seen even one of my friends for these three months I have been living in an apartment just beyond Twinkle Park. The only contact I had with any friends was texting Rouge. I started to wonder about me my little pup's future when *RING RING* my phone started to play my ring tone signaling I had a text…

Rouge: Hey how r u?

Shadow: good

Rouge: meet me club rouge in 5 mins

Shadow: kk


Club rouge here I come I thought as I ran/skated as fast as I could to Rouge's club. "Hey batgirl" I muttered pretending to sound tough as I tightened the trench coat I was wearing hiding my "bun in the oven". "Hey that's all I get I haven't seen you for three months!" yelled Rouge who seemed really pissed off. Then she broke down in tears mumbling "where have you been?" "Stop crying Rouge and I will explain".

After Shadow explains everything to Rouge

"Can I see the little bun in the oven?" Rouge asked. "Sure" I replied as I exposed my swollen belly.

"How far along are you Shadow?" Rouge asked while placing her hands on my belly. "Three months". "Shadow if you ever need help with the kit I can help" Rouge said while she gently stroked my belly. "R-really?" I asked stupefied. "Of course silly". "Shads you should stay here with me I gotta keep an eye on you" Rouge said with a flirty tone and a wink of an eye. "Sure".

AN Hey my first fanfic so plz no flames if you don't like sonadow then don't read it that is all for now bye ~CrimanieLoversForever