Summary: Eclipse wanted to do whatever he could to please his lord.

A/N: Posting this while my mind stews up the finale of my other Demon Diary fic "To be a father".




"You are enough"



Eclipse wanted to do whatever he could to please his master Raenef.

"My duty is to keep you safe and happy my lord".

"Raenef", said the young demon lord.

"Raenef" Eclipse repeated, doing as his lord expressed that he wanted- calling him by no honorific in private, but only his name.

Now age eighteen, said ruler understood what he needed. It was not cake, or travel, and surely not ordering his adviser. He detested commanding he, or anyone else to do anything. Four years did not turn him into a lord, 'nor did his very name.

As the demon with onyx hair pulled out his chair, and took his hand to help him stand, Raenef considered the query which began this discomfort in his chest and stomach; "What do you want Eclipse?", a fair question, a simple one, but not in this instance.

Eclipse's response was not by any measure an answer to what he asked; "My duty is to keep you safe and happy my lord".

Duties. Orders. Commands. Servitude. What slavery!

He stood (now closer to eye-level) catching the elder demon's shoulder before he could turn around, turn away. A silken cream finger ran between loose raven locks. Surprised, his guide did not speak.

Stroking Eclipse's face with his opposite hand Raenef spoke his heart; "You are enough, you will always be enough".

Raenef wanted to do whatever he could to help Eclipse be happy.




The end



Hope you liked it, please review.