Oh my f-ing god

Guys. Seriously. Please don't kill me.

I forgot all about this account because I had writers block and then my laptop got hacked and I lost everything and-and-and well... I FOUND IT YESTERDAY.

I made a new one though!

Shit... it's been two years... I promised not to give up... shit shit shit shit shit.

I am seriously seriously sorry.

I was looking for fanfiction. Found this and thought hey someone's stolen my work! And then I was like, well, you can probably infer.

I FINALLY remembered the password and email address for this account so now I'm in and now I can finish it.

Yes. This time Ima finish it and make it better.

I swear.

Sorry thought, guys, I'm so, so, so, so sorry.

My new name on this site is Possessive Otaku.

www . fanfiction u / 6599514 / Possessive - Otaku

Please delete the spaces ^

I'll upload and finish the story on there. I promise.

In fact. Chapter one shall be uploaded again today.

Please don't hate me!
