Last chapter~! I know I didn't finish it for SasoDei month, as it's now 02:54am, but oh well~

I have an obsession with writing Saso and Dei and psychos, sorry about that.

I hope you enjoy this chapter, please review!

Deidara's POV

After a long, lustful session of love-making, me and Sasori exited the caravan, hand-in-hand. The only time we separated, was when Danna poured the petroleum over the caravan, and when I threw the match, swallowing the vehicle in flames. Smiling, we both watched the cozy caravan demolish in the flames, capturing each other in a deep kiss.

After that session, me, Danna, and Tobi raced across the fields, dancing, jumping, and having a fun time. It really was an amazing experience, definitely made to last. I loved my Danna, and he loved me.

Half way through the field, I giggled as the red-head pounced on top of me, capturing me in yet another kiss. When we pulled away, I noticed that the red-head was crying slightly. "Danna...?" I pouted, wiping the tears away. "What's wrong?"
"I love you so much, Dei...I'm so ready for this..." The red-head whimpered, nuzzling my cheek. I smiled, feeling tears streak down my own cheeks.

Holding hands, me and the red-head continued to run through the fields, both crying tears of happiness. When we reached out destination, I pulled off Tobi's lead, letting him run free.

We both stood at the bottom of the bridge. Sasori was to run the left side, I was to run across the right side. Then, we would join up. I gave the red-head a longing smile as he kissed my hand, bringing it against his cheek, before letting go, and climbing the stairs of the left side of the bridge. I smiled even more as I climbed the right side, and we were both at the top.


I stared into the red-head's eyes as we ran towards each other, getting closer and closer as each second flowed by. After about a minute, we were together again, and I was immediately captured in a tight hug.
"See, Dei?" Sasori grinned. "That's what it will be like! We'll be separate for a minute, but then we'll be together again! But this time forever!". I grinned back nodding as we both stood on the bench, climbing on top of the wall.

We both stared down at the bottom, where we were just a few minutes ago.

I turned my head to face Danna, and he did the same. Once again, we were both crying. Though that soon stopped as our hands entwined, and our lips met.
"I-I'll always love you, Sasori..." I whispered, keeping my eyes closed as I nuzzled his soft cheek.
"I'll always love you too, Deidara..." The red-head whispered back.




And then we jumped.

The power of love was a beautiful thing.

;_;...I cried, guys. Last chapter, I cried like a fucking girl.

Oh yeah.

I finally finished my first ever fic~! :D Happy^^ Though I'm sad that it had to end in such a way...

I hope you enjoyed this fic, please review!^^