Title: Runner
Summary: When Akihito gets a call from an old friend, Asami starts to dig. What is his kitten hiding? And who is this new kid on the block that refers to himself as 'Wildcat'?
Rating: T—Due to change
Genre: Suspense/Romance
Length: 15 Chapters
Author's Note: This is my first story for Viewfinder and I have to admit, I was hooked from the beginning. It was a bit confusing to follow because of the Extras separating some of the chapters in the Naked Truth/Hong Kong arcs but the way the two bled together just caught my attention and Akihito's feisty nature gave me all sorts of possibilities.
This takes place after Escape/Love arc as most of them do so Akihito is living with Asami.
To the readers of my KHR stories: Don't worry. I'm not abandoning them or anything. I'm just exploring my options.
Prologue: My Longing
There were times when Akihito missed his old life.
He missed the feel of the wind against his skin, the burn of adrenalin humming through his veins… he missed the feel of the dead-zone—the highest point of the jump before he was to freefall and catch himself on his intended path—but most of all, he missed the feel of leather and fur brushing his skin as he ran.
But he'd given it up.
It had nothing to do with Asami, really—in truth, it had everything to do with the fact that he had been caught. The authorities couldn't do much because he hadn't really broken any laws so after spending the night in a holding cell that smelled like piss and bile, he was released with a slap on the wrists and a fine for the property that was damaged.
He had to walk away after that.
Kou was, perhaps, the only person who knew what it was he occupied himself with and had lectured him repeatedly about how dangerous it was. He didn't care. It was fun.
Free running.
God, he missed it.
Akihito closed his eyes. 'Maybe… if I close my eyes and tilt my head back like this,' He leaned back a bit, his hands on the guard rails of the roof to Asami's apartment building. 'I can feel that rush again.' Images of his high-speed chase with Asami flashed through his mind and heat coursed through his veins. He had to bite back a moan.
Asami would never allow such dangerous pastimes.
'Since when do you let yourself take orders from that sicko?' Akihito thought snidely and—he realized belatedly—a bit cruelly. It wasn't Asami's fault that he couldn't run anymore though it was certainly a contributing factor. It wasn't anyone's fault, really, save for his own.
"What are you doing out here?" Kirishima asked. "You're going to get sick. It's freezing."
"I didn't notice." Akihito admitted, not looking at the bodyguard.
"Yes well, come on back inside." Kirishima said, reaching out and then thinking better of touching him. Akihito's grip tightened on the rail and he was tempted to laugh, albeit hysterically. Kirishima thought he was going to jump.
'You were thinking about it, though, weren't you…?' Akihito thought to himself. 'Not because it would kill you… but because you could catch yourself on one of the balconies down below. You could swing your legs into the one directly below the one you catch yourself on. You've done it a million times and you could do it again. Just once.'
But no. He couldn't. Kirishima was standing right there and he would undoubtedly catch him before he jumped. He laughed bitterly drawing a strange look. "Have you ever wanted to do something you haven't done in a long time?" Akihito asked suddenly.
"What nonsense are you spouting?" Kirishima asked bewildered.
Akihito smiled humorlessly. "Forget it. Let's go back inside." He was starting to get cold. With one last longing glance at the edge of the building, Akihito decided that maybe it was best to call it a night.
"Kirishima thinks you're suicidal." Asami commented as Akihito walked into the bedroom after a hot shower.
"Maybe I am," He sniped with wry bemusement. "Maybe I'm just looking for the biggest building to jump off of." 'Not necessarily a lie.' He thought snidely. That seemed to be all he wanted to do lately was jump off a building. Asami was silent. Akihito sighed after a few moments. "I'm just… bored, I guess. The jobs have been slow lately." 'And you've been out of town more often.' But like fuck he was going to admit that he wished Asami would stick around a bit more often out loud.
Asami was not fooled. "Is my little kitten lonely without me around?" He purred, coming up behind a towel-clad Akihito.
"Like I'd ever be!" Akihito snapped, spinning around and glaring at the man who nimbly dodged his swipe. He caught a slender wrist in his hand and was gentle as he stroked up the limb.
"It's okay to feel lonely, Akihito. No one will think less of you." The bastard actually had the gall to sound like he cared… and maybe he did. Akihito wasn't sure anymore.
"I'm not lonely. I told you. I'm bored." That much was the truth even though he admitted it sulkily.
"Well then," Asami purred, nuzzling his throat. "Let me entertain you." Akihito felt his head loll back against his will as he submitted and his former longing was forgotten… for the moment, at least.