Hello everyone. Frances here, the writer of this fan fiction.

This fan fiction has been discontinued for quite a while now (a few years really) as have all my other fan fiction writings. I just wanted to clear that up.

Now for my real reason for this post. For the past year a guest has been posting their fan fiction in the reviews. I kindly ask that whomever this guest is to stop this. If this guest would like to post their work online then I strongly encourage that they create an account here on FF and upload their work as a story. If the guest does not wish to do so then I ask again to please not post in the reviews.

Reviews are meant for those who want to leave feedback for this piece of work and not for posting fan fiction stories.

Sorry for my little rant but I had to get this off my chest. I feel no ill will to this guest; I just think they may be confused as to where they are posting their own fan fiction on this site.

Cheerio all,
