The Masochist and The Sadist

Rating: M

Pairing: Bella/Edward

A/N: This is a graphic story containing all kinds of devious sexual acts. Including but not limited to blood play, fisting, anal, triple penetration and more. Don't read if this is not your cup of tea.

Disclaimer: Stephanie Myers owns all characters, I just defile them.

The Masochist

No one understands. No one knows what it's like to want the things I do. To yearn for something that most people think is wrong. I grew up in a small town where everyone knew who you were and what you were doing. So you can only imagine what happened when I asked my one and only boyfriend to rip through my virginity, to twist my nipples till they burned and pull my hair until I felt like it would come out of its roots. He looked at me like I was the most disgusting person he'd ever seen. He called me a freak and walked out of my room before we could even take our clothes off.

My next door neighbor knew about the incident twenty minutes after Jacob left my house and all the staff at the one diner in town we had knew by the end of the afternoon. My father Charlie, who happened to be the Chief of Police in our tiny town came home early that day. When he came to my room I thought he would yell that I'm a freak too and kick me out but, to my complete surprise he sat next to me and gave me a small reassuring smile.

"Do you remember what we told you the reason for my and your mother's divorce was?" Charlie asked.

I looked at him in confusion but nodded slowly, "Yeah, you said that you guys were too different. That mom was a free spirit and she didn't want to be stuck in this small town forever."

Charlie smiled softly, "Yes, we were too different. You're mother wanted something from me that I just couldn't give her. I tried at first to do the things she asked me but, I'm just not that kind of man."

I raised my eyebrow not really understanding what he meant, "Dad?"

Charlie sighed, "You're mother was what some people will call a masochist. She liked…well she liked things rough and I'm not talking about your run of the mill stuff. I'm talking borderline violence and I couldn't do it. So, she left".

As grossed out as I was from the thought of my parents having sex I finally understood. I was a masochist. I needed pain with my pleasure, just like apparently my mother did. The feeling of my dad taking my hand in his broke me from my thoughts.

"You're twenty one years old Bells. I know you don't want to live in Forks for the rest of your life and I know you feel like you have to live here to take care of me but, I'll be fine. You travel everyday from Seattle when I know it would be so much easier for you to live there. It's not like you can't afford it." Charlie said giving her a small smile.

I stared at my dad knowing he was right. After graduating high school, I got into the University of Washington where I studied linguistics. I had been lucky that one of my professors had taken a liking to me and recommended me for a job as a translator for Cullen Inc. I had been there for over a month now and really enjoyed my job. The pay wasn't bad either. It was taxing though to drive the three and a half hours every day back and forth just so I could take care of Charlie. I knew he would live off of diner food if it wasn't for me making dinner every night.

"I don't know dad. I just, I don't want you to be alone." I answered.

Charlie cleared his throat looking uncomfortable. "I, uh, I won't be alone."

I raised my eyebrow, "You won't?"

Charlie's ears turned a dark shade of red, "Well, uh, I've sort of been talking to Sue Clearwater for a while and uh, things are starting to get pretty serious now."

I suppressed a grin. My father was so weird about sharing his feelings. "So, you're kicking me out so Sue can move in?"

Charlie looked at me in shock, "What? No! Of course not! I'm not kicking you out of the house."

I laughed. "I'm kidding dad. I know that."

My father smiled slightly and squeezed my hand. "Listen, Bells, that little punk Jacob is spreading some nasty rumors. I'd lock him up for the hell of it if I didn't think it would just make things worse. You've lived here all your life Bella you know how it is. I don't need people talking about my kid in any way and I don't think you need to deal with that just to be with me. I'll help you look for apartments in Seattle if you'd like. I want you to be happy and I know Forks is definitely not it."

I sighed, "You know I don't care what any of these people think dad,"

Charlie opened his mouth to interrupt me but I raised my hand to stop him.

"But, you're right. Apart from you I don't want anything to do with this town. And now that I know Sue will be here for you and take care of you, I'll start looking into apartments in Seattle."

Charlie smiled and gave me a quick short hug. "I'm glad,"

The Sadist

The sound of her cry as the whip met her flesh sent a jolt of pleasure straight to my cock. I loved the sound she made, the small cry telling me she was feeling it. It wasn't enough though. I needed to hear her scream. I needed to make her hurt, and I needed to have her cum from it. I couldn't explain the immense pleasure I received when I watched a woman's tears run down her face as she fought the pleasure she felt in the pain I brought her.

It was at a very young age that I realized I liked to give pain. I was sixteen when my brother came home after graduating from college. He had brought a couple of his friends to stay the week. Tanya, one of the girls staying at the house had taken a liking to me. She was obvious with her intentions when she walked in on me in the shower one evening.

"You're a very handsome boy Edward," she had whispered as she began to take her clothes off.

I, being the teenager that I was, had gotten hard instantly at the sight of her perky breasts. She joined me in the shower, where I clumsily felt her up. Tanya didn't mind how inexperienced I was and seemed to enjoy the fact that she would be my first. I was enjoying myself but, I felt like something was missing. I didn't realize what it was until in my clumsiness I had inserted my cock in one full thrust up her ass instead of her moist cunt. Tanya had screamed in pain and I came inside her instantly. That was only the beginning. Tanya had forgiven me for my slip and left the shower telling me she would come to my room that night.

As soon as she came in I had kissed her roughly, the scream she had emitted earlier still playing in my mind. I wanted to hear her do it again. I wanted her to hurt. I threw her on the bed pulling her shirt down roughly. Her nipples were erect and I couldn't stop myself from squeezing her tits tightly before tugging on her nipples and twisting them harshly.

Tanya cried out in pain and began to fight me. She pushed me off her and got up her eyes a bit teary.

"That hurt you dick!" she said angrily.

My cock was so hard I thought it would explode. The sight of my handprint on her tit and her red nipple didn't help and I opened my mouth to apologize.

"Sorry Tanya, I guess I got a little carried away," I began even though I didn't mean it. "You're just so sexy it makes me stop thinking."

My apology seemed to appease her because she gave me a seductive smile and crawled back on the bed.

"Alright, just take it slow and easy this time," Tanya said.

I did as she asked. I was slow and soft with her. Though she did have a sexy body and I wanted to fuck her, my dick didn't want to cooperate. I began to lose my erection. Even her giving me head couldn't fully bring it back. I closed my eyes tightly thinking of her scream from earlier and the tears in her eyes when I had twisted her nipples. My dick jumped into action and I quickly pulled her to me fucking her pussy roughly until I came.

As I grew I realized what I was; A sadist. I researched my love for giving pain and soon found women online willing to receive it. Though I knew a few dominants that were in relationships with their subs I never was. I didn't consider myself a Dom though I guess that's what you could call me and I didn't think I was relationship material. I had yet to find a woman that interested me for more than a week and I liked it that way. I barely had time to make for sex let alone girlfriends, what with running the business and all.

After college I began to work for my father's business until ten years later I was running it. He had built his company from scratch and dabbled with many businesses from real estate to clothing companies. We even had business with companies throughout Europe. I tried to take a break every few months to satisfy my needs though that wasn't always possible.


The scream of the color broke me from my thoughts. I looked at the woman's raw back; I was one more whip from breaking skin. I could see the tears running down her face and between her red flesh and her tears I felt on the verge of cumming. She had screamed red though and I knew I had to stop even if I didn't want to.

I didn't say a word as I undid the leather cuffs around her wrists so she was no longer suspended from my ceiling. She sniffled, still crying and not meeting my eyes. I should've known she was going to break. As the years passed, my thirst to give more pain grew and most, actually all the women I had recently hooked up with have broken. They couldn't take the amount of pain I needed to inflict to get off and they couldn't seem to get passed the pain to get off themselves.

"I'm sor-" she began but I cut her off.

"You know where the door is," I said.

I made sure to lock my playroom door once she left and headed upstairs to my bedroom. I contemplated a cold shower but decided instead to take lay in bed. I had to be back at work tomorrow after being gone last month on a business trip in France and then taking a break for three weeks after getting back. Sighing I looked down at my massive erection, it had yet to go down.

The images of the woman, whose name I completely forgot, were keeping me hard with her tear stained face and fresh raw back. I gripped my cock squeezing it tightly in my fist as I pumped. In my mind she hadn't called red. She had let me whip her until tiny rivulets of blood ran down her back. Her tears were running down her face in streams.

"Do you want me to stop?" I'd whisper as I walk around to face her.

I lean in to kiss her wet lips before licking up her tears. My cock is rock hard but I make no move to touch it. Instead I grab her large tits in my hands squeezing them hard. I twist her nipples roughly.

She cried out in pain but shook her head in answer to my question. I chuckle darkly and slide one of my hands down her stomach to her cunt. I don't stop twisting her nipple, pinching it hard while I plunge three fingers inside her. She screams again cumming hard around me.

"Fuck!" I yell out into my dark room as I cum.

I lay on my bed making no move to get up and clean up my mess. I know I'm going to regret it tomorrow but right at the moment I could care less. I closed my eyes and let sleep take me.

The Meeting (BPOV)

"Is that all Mr. Newton?" I asked after I handed him my translated documents.

Mike had come in frantic that morning stacking a heap of papers on my desk and telling me to have them translated to English by lunch time. Apparently Mr. Cullen was coming back from his business trip and he was very strict. He liked everything in order and never asked you to do it twice. I had never met the guy but Mike seemed to be on the verge of a breakdown. He was lucky I was good at what I did. I had all the sheets translated from Spanish, French, Italian, and Dutch back to English twenty minutes before lunch.

"Wow, impressive Miss Swan," he said grinning up at me. "That's all for now. Mr. Cullen's assistant usually brings in more documents after one so you can take a long lunch if you'd like."

I smiled. "Okay,"

Normally I'd take my lunch at my desk but I had rushed out of my apartment this morning and didn't have time to pack anything. It had been three weeks ago that I had moved into my tiny but cozy apartment. Though I did miss my dad I was happy to be able to come home from work in twenty minutes tops and just have to worry about myself. I reached the elevators and was happy that it came quickly. In no time I was at the deli across the street enjoying the sun as I ate my soup and salad. Though I had a long lunch it felt like I had just sat down before it was time to go back to work.

I crossed the street and walked briskly back into the building. I was searching through my purse for my cell phone when I walked into something solid. The force from the impact pushed me back and I closed my eyes waiting for my butt to reach the floor when I felt warm hands grab my arms.

"Woah there," I hear a velvet voice say.

I opened my eyes and felt my jaw drop as I looked into the most gorgeous green eyes I'd ever seen. My eyes roamed his handsome face pausing on his straight nose, full lips, and square jaw covered in a five o'clock shadow. He carefully straightened me making sure I was steady before giving me a crooked grin.

"You okay?" He asked.

I nodded staring at my feet as I felt my face heat up. I probably resembled a tomato. "Yes, I'm sorry sir, I wasn't looking."

He stayed quiet for so long I was afraid he might have been angry. I glanced up into his gorgeous eyes and noticed they looked a bit darker.

"That's alright," he said his voice husky. "Where are you going in such a hurry?"

"I have to get back to work. My lunch is over and I don't want to be late getting back," I answered.

"You work here?" he asked crossing his arms over an impressive chest. Even in a suit I could tell the man worked out. "Are you new? I've never seen you around."

I laughed softly. "I am new. I've only been working here in the Department of Translations a little less than two months but, this place is pretty big so... Do you work here too?"

He opened his mouth to answer when my phone rang. I looked up apologetically and fished my phone from my purse.


"Bella! Where are you? I said you can have a long lunch not take the afternoon off! You know Mr. Cullen is back from business. I heard he was walking through every department to make sure everything was up to par!"

My face turned even redder than before, "I'm sorry Mr. Newton. I'm on my way up."

I hung up quickly. "Look, I'm sorry…"

"Edward," he supplied.

"Edward," I continued. "But, I have to go back to work. The head of the company, Mr. Cullen is walking around making sure everything is in working order and I have to go back to my office. You should too. I heard he was very strict."

He nodded, "Yes, I heard that too. Do you have a lot of work left to do?"

I shook my head, "I finished my translations from earlier but I'm sure Mr. Cullen's assistant has brought us more. It was very nice talking to you but I must go,"

As I began walking as fast as I could towards the elevators without actually running I couldn't help but wonder what department he worked in. The man was so very handsome. When I got to my desk Mike gave me a long winded speech about being on time before dropping more documents to be translated. A few hours later I was just finishing up the last document Mike had given me when I heard him outside of his office.

"Mr. Cullen! How was your business trip sir? You look well rested. I hope everything turned out how you hoped?" He gushed.

I shook my head at his blatant sucking up and continued my work.

"Business was good as usual," said a velvety voice. "How are things here? No trouble I hope,"

"Oh no sir! Ms. Swan is just finishing the last of the documents to be translated." Mike answered.

"Ms. Swan? What happened to Ms. Stanley?" he asked.

"Yes sir. She was hired by Mr. Cullen senior while you were away. Ms. Stanley got a new job last month, again, while you were away." Mike answered.

I didn't hear Mr. Cullen answer and assumed he must have been satisfied with Mike's answer and left. I had just stacked the last document with the rest of them when someone cleared their throat at the door. I looked up expecting Mike with more documents when my eyes met emerald green.


The Beginning(EPOV)

I watched her big brown eyes widen as she spotted me at her door. She was just as beautiful as I remembered from earlier. I could still feel her soft curves pressed against me. Her musical voice still played in my head and I was happy I finally had a name to go with her pretty face. The nameplate on her desk read Isabella Swan.

"You." she whispered.

I smirked. "Me."

"Y-you're Mr. Cullen?" she asked blushing prettily and looking down at her hands.

I controlled the urge to lick my lips. I don't remember if I'd ever seen a girl over the age of thirteen blush anymore. I could just imagine her in my playroom with her arms above her head, her entire body covered in that beautiful blush while I whipped her pretty ass raw.

I leaned against the door frame crossing my arms over my chest.

"I am," I answered.

I watched her eyes open in mortification. She was probably recalling what she said to me earlier about watching out for myself.

"Mr. Cullen, sir, I'm sorry about earlier. It was very unprofessional of me." she said her eyes not once leaving her small hands.

I felt my cock harden like it had earlier when she called me sir. She seemed to be naturally submissive but that's not all I wanted. I wanted a woman who wanted pain. Who wanted to hurt so much it became pleasure.

"There's nothing to apologize for," I said walking into the room and to the front of her desk. "Are you done with your work for the day?"

She glanced up to look at the clock above her door quickly before looking back down at her hands. "Yes sir, I just finished the last document just in time. I work till five."

I wasn't one to ever fraternize with employees but this woman called to me. There was something about her. I couldn't stop thinking about her since this afternoon and purposely left the Department of Translations for last knowing it would be around the time everyone began to go home.

"Are you doing anything after work?" I asked.

She glanced at me quickly then looked away her face turning red once more. "N-no, I was going to head home."

"Would you like to have a drink with me?"

I could tell she was surprised by my question because she finally looked up into my eyes, her mouth open in what seemed to be shock.

"Um," she started looking away once more, "Um, yes, yes sir that would be nice,"

I grinned loving how she addressed me. "Good. I want you to pack up your stuff and wait for me by the elevators that lead the garage."

She glanced at me then nodded. "Yes sir,"

Oh, this was only the beginning.