Hey guys.
I know it's been a very long time. I'm sorry. Things have changed a lot since my last update, but I can say most have them have been for the better. I'm still alive, which is always nice, I have a new boyfriend who is supportive, and my family relations have gotten much better. There are still some rough times ahead, but they're nothing I can't handle (hopefully). Thank you to everyone who was worried about me, and gave me advice and comfort. It was amazing to see how people I don't even know would be willing and happy to talk to me and help me. Thank you all so much. I don't know if anyone is wondering, but I was still clean from cutting through the whole thing, and I managed to begin my road of forgiveness. I'm still working on it, but it is getting easier everyday.
So I've been doing a lot of thinking about this story, and I've decided to do one of two things. I'm either going to delete it and forget it, or I am going to delete it as it is now, re-write it, and upload it either under its current title, or a new title. If I re-write it there will be MAJOR changes to the plot, especially later on into the story, so I don't know if it could even be considered a re-write. But what do you think? I Had a lot of love and pride in this story, and I couldn't stand to give up and give the idea to someone else, but is it really worth all the trouble to retry? Or should I just delete it and begin writing this new, fully developed, in progress idea I've already begun working on? What are your thoughts, is you have any? Please PM me, or leave them in the reviews. Thank you all so much! You are all wonderful and I hope you have a fantastic day!