Guess who's back? After a long break I'm back and with more jovial and lighthearted team bonding... sort of... anyway, I hope you enjoy my latest story, a little diddy to warm the heart!

"Wally, no. Just no. There is no way in hell I'm going to come and 'relive' my 'wasted' childhood with you guys. Stop calling already." Roy Harper was adamant in his unwillingness to join the team for 'childhood reliving' night. He was practically a grown man, even the thought of going to such an event was just stupid-

Not a month later he found himself sitting in the cave with the rest of the team, and in his 'pj's' no less. Though Robin and Wally had both been sorely disappointed when he showed up in flannel pants and a tank top.

"They aren't real pajamas- those are cheaters ones! " whined Robin, the younger boy gestured wildly to himself, Wally, Kaldur, Megan, and Conner, who were donned in an array of 'appropriate' bedroom wear, consisting of footie pajamas, and those old fashioned button ones, and in Megan's case a modest nightgown. "These are pajama's, you look like you're going to go lay someone in the back room of your dad's flat- your stripper physique doesn't really help, but that can't be bothe-"

Wally stepped in, but he too looked ashamed at the taller red head. "What Rob means, is if you are gonna go through our valiant attempt to recreate a good childhood, you shouldn't be dressed as some broody teen angst heart throb... but I guess that can't be helped- Now how about we get this shindig started by popping in a Disney movie- rolling out the sleeping bags and get some chocolate milk stirring!"

Kaldur sighed, shifting awkwardly in his footie pajamas, he looked uncomfortable and strange in the childish garb. "As inspiring as your attitude is, I believe we should wait for Artemis to arrive before we start the...festivities..." he rubbed his temples, as if in preparation for the oncoming storm that would doubtlessly occur in the coming hours, causing a headache.

Robin perked up, a grin sliding onto his face. "You got her to come? Last I heard she was convinced it was a stupid idea-"

"Well it is..." muttered Roy under his breath, earning him an elbow in the ribs from the resident speedster.

"Last I was informed, she told me she would make an effort to show up." Kaldur assured the young Bat. "I am sure she would not miss it."

As if on cue, Artemis entered through the zeta beam. She entered almost hesitantly, obviously feeling awkward being the last one to enter the party. "Sorry I'm late, I had to run my mom by the doctor's before I came he-"

"Does no one know how to properly dress for reliving childhoods? Seriously? You two are from Earth you should know so much better- I am ashamed of you- It must be an archer thing- " Robin was shaking, visibly frustrated at her lack of 'proper bedroom wear'

She, having missed the previous rant and instructional yelling, was confused as to why the little bird was unhappy with her shorts and tank top. "Ummm...sorry? Guess I didn't get the whole, '1960's-90's' dress code memo. You should get on your whole communication system..."

"How about we pop that movie in now- Wally was talking about Princesses earlier and I think it sounds like a great way to start off the night!" added Megan, hoping to both cut the tension and just get her whole Earth childhood started.

"No Megan, not today. Not now. Now." Robin glared at the two archers. "Now, we get to have a talk on proper attire. TO THE COUCHES-"

The group migrated over to the couches in front of the tv, Robin situated Artemis and Roy in the direct center. He and Wally stood at the front of the assembly, both giving the archer's disapproving looks.

"Well, since two of you, obviously do not know how to properly dress for such an illustrious event as this, we are going to have a dress code lecture. Pay attention and no talking." Wally stared at the two archers menacingly. "That means you, you two teen rebels."

Roy groaned. "I got enough of the dress code talk in high school, this is the dumbest thing-"

"RULE ONE-" bellowed Robin as he pulled a pointer out of seemingly nowhere. "Tank tops are a no-no. They are provocative and distasteful for events meant to stir up a newfound childhoods for those who didn't have the opportunity for one in the first place!"

Wally stepped in, speaking with the gusto of one of those traveling infomercial preachers. "Just look how much arm it bares- and on you archers no less! Do you have any idea how many lewd fantasies could be drawn from an archer's arm, ruining the innocence and beauty of Childhood Night? Of course you don't- you uncultured teens- waving your arms around in such a way. Roy- women swoon over you in your uniform- those manly charm and irresistible biceps must be put away if we are to have any semblance of an innocent night!"

"And Artemis- cleavage during Childhood Night? Really? Have you no shame woman-" chided Robin. Artemis glanced at her chest, completely bewildered.

"You do realize that's what breasts look like in a bra that fits ri-"

"Lewd and shameful! You might as well be screaming 'easy' or have it tattooed over your exposed bosom! And look how much leg you're showing- shameful and uncultured! Supey's only a few months old- he isn't prepared for your promiscuous lifestyle yet! He hasn't grown mature enough for that much of your expose thigh to be in the same room as him! Nor have I- I'm shocked- I'm ashamed- I'm slightly aroused- but that is NOT what we want for Childhood Night! How dare you show this much skin- at least Roy had the decency to wear pants. But no, you come to this night of jovial fun looking like some two cent hooker on her night off-"

"Excuse you-" interrupted the blonde, who by now looked quite offended. "I'm more than covered. You guys train with me- you've seen me in a sports bra and spandex- you've seen me in a swimsuit- you may even have seen me in less- what the hell is your problem?"

Roy nodded. "Seriously, I have to agree with the replacement for once, what's your issue against dressing like normal teenagers, instead of looking like idiots for the night?"

The others looked deflated, Megan even hiding her face in Conner's shoulder. Maybe idiot had been a bit harsh, but neither archer really cared, they'd been called strippers and prostitutes for wearing tank tops. They weren't concerned for the feelings of those in 'proper' pajamas right now.

Robin shook his head, and soon Wally joined him. The pair stood in front of the Archers, scolding them with their gaze. "Fine, we'll move past it. But know if this happens again I will force you to change."

"Finally..." muttered Roy, frowning.

"Now, for this evening first event." announced Wally with a grin. "We'll pop in some Beauty and the Beast and then get our 'Never Have I Ever' on!"

Well- wasn't that fun! Our favorite archers seem the most out of place in this whole childhood concept now don't they. Hmmmm, we'll have to see how the next installment goes. Up next: NEVER HAVE I EVER- bound to be full of fun, scandal, and even more biceps! Thank you for reading, please review and give me your input!

-Getting Traught