Third Person POV

A crowd was gathered around a certain blonde who laid there completely unconscious on the library floor. Suddenly, her eyes fluttered open. She was a bit stunned and freaked out by the large amount of people staring down at her.

"She's awake!" A voice yells.

Everyone gathered around Kim cheers and Kim sits up slowly, completely confused.

"Are you okay?" A deep voice asks her. He put his hand on her shoulder, a bit worried.

Kim's vision was blurry and mutters something. The boy isn't sure what she just said and asks her again, "Are you okay?"

She puts her hand to her head and that's when she realized that she was no longer in the book. She was back in her real world.

She tried to sit up straight but found herself unable to. The boy helped her lay back down.

"I'm fine, there's just a mixture of emotion right now." Kim says sadly. Her thoughts immediately go straight to Jack and how he just slipped away just like that. It was like the entire thing was just a dream. Milton, who was there through thick and thin, helping her try and understand the situation she was going through was no longer a part of her life. Jerry, whose constant silliness and stupidity that sometimes was extremely frustrating, she was bound to miss.

"I'll get a doctor or something." The boy took out his phone.

Kim put her hand on his arm, stopping him from dialing the number, "No, it's fine. I'm okay I promise."

The boy was confused. He lowered his phone and ran his hand through his semi long brunette hair. The boy smiled at the blonde, 'She's really pretty' he thought.

The crowd that was gathered around Kim earlier soon cleared out and resumed back to their reading.

"How long was I out for?" Kim asked.

The brunette shrugged, "I have no clue what so ever. I was here to pick up a book but I noticed that you were completely unconscious on the ground."

Kim looked down, "Oh. I really appreciate you here you know. Although, I don't really know who you are, in fact, you look familiar in a way. I'm Kim, by the way." She smiled at the boy.

"The feeling is somewhat mutual. You look familiar, I just can't quite put my finger on where I might have seen you…I'm Jack. Jack Brewer." He returned the smile.

Kim's smile soon disappeared, "Jack?"

Could this possibly be what her Jack from the novel was hinting at?

Jack nodded, "Yeah, I just moved here."

"Well Jack, it's nice to meet you. I have a very good feeling about this friendship." She shook his hand.

"I feel the exact same way." He shook her hand in return. Jack glanced at Kim's choice of books on the ground and laughed.

"What are you laughing at?" Kim asked.

Jack laughed, girls these days and their romance novels. He picked up the novel Untouched and read the blurb.

"This book is dripping with cliché characters and a cliché outcome." He replied simply.

She snatched the book from his hands, "Be quiet."

Jack laughed, "I can't believe girls are actually into that kind of stuff."

"I'm not going to talk to you anymore." Kim turned away and began to walk.

"Hey, aren't you missing something?" Jack knelt down and picked up the letter.

Kim turned around and stared at the letter in shock, "Give me that!"

Jack grinned, "If you can reach it!" He was completely taking advantage of the fact that he was so much taller than she was and held it high in the air.

The blonde was frustrated with the boy's games. She kept jumping and jumping, hoping to retrieve the letter from his hands.

At last, he gave up and handed her the letter. Kim took the letter from his hands quickly and walked away at last.

"Bye, Kim!" Jack called, waving his hand high up. He knew there was something special about her that he wanted to know more about.

She didn't bother answering him.

How dare that boy indirectly tell her what to read and what not to read? She thought to herself. As if she would actually befriend an ignorant bastard like him. It was funny how she actually considered it.

The boy thought that Kim was unique and wanted to know more about her. Unfortunately, he was afraid their encounter at the library might possibly be their last.

Kim kept thinking about how much that Jack angered him on the way home. He was nothing like her old Jack! In fact he's nothing like him and she wished that she could be with him at this very moment.

"Jack, I miss you." She said out loud to herself. Kim longed for his long comforting hugs. She missed his scent and everything about him.

That's when she remembered about the letter.

Kim frantically opened the letter that Jack had given her before she disappeared and smiled at his handwriting.

Dear Kim,

By the time you're reading this, you've been already transported back into your old world. It is without a doubt that I miss you and wish that you were here with me now. Although, we both know that the chances that we have together are actually impossible. You're in your world and I'm in mine. Kim, the other Jack I was talking about, you should probably give him a chance, if he even exists. In a way, I'm sure he's a bit of an asshole, but he'll prove himself in the end. As for me, don't worry about me. Before you left, I'm sure we had a long talk about how this could all go down. Take my words seriously. I love you so much, Kim and I miss you. Don't ever forget me, but don't get too caught up comparing every boy you see to me. I know you love to do that. You have to slowly learn to move on, Kim. I'm learning how to move on after you and it's tough. I know that it's going to be hella tough.

You've taught me so much there is about love and I can't thank you enough. I hope that one day when technology is advanced enough; I'll be able to get to you, but let's not get too ahead of ourselves.

There are a million different things that I love about you. I hope that one day (well I know you will); there will be a guy out there who will fall in love with the exact same qualities I admire about you. I'm beyond grateful that you were a part of my life, and I honestly cannot express that enough.

I'll always love you.


Kim buried the letter in my chest. Words cannot describe how much she missed Jack. She smiled and looked up at the sky and whispered, "I'll always love you too, Jack."

Kim's POV

What Jack predicted that very night of our Disney movie marathon was indeed true. I did see the Jack in my world at a karate tournament and sure enough, he was the one I had to compete against. He accidentally injured me but in all honesty, it didn't hurt that much.

Apparently I had to stay in the hospital for a week. Jack visited me on the day I was admitted in and brought me flowers. I was actually frustrated with him and refused to accept them, but in the end I did anyways. Every day, the flowers would sit right next to my table and make me smile. Jack did indeed visit me every single day, apologizing. It was cute.

That was exactly how we got to know each other a bit more. The way other dimension Jack predicted things were fairly exact it was scary.

Fast forward all those events, it's actually been two months since Jack and I got together. It's been three months since I left the book. I haven't told anyone about the book incident at all.

As it turns out, Jack was actually the new guy at my school. In fact, there were two other guys, coincidentally who befriended him before I noticed Jack was at my school. Their names were Milton and Jerry. The fact that they remind me so much of the other dimension nerd and Latino made me happy.

I figured after the two months I've been dating Jack, I had to tell him the story of what happened the day he found me on the library floor. I wasn't sure how he would take it.

"Hey, Kim, ready for our date?" Jack walked up to me.

I reverted back to reality and smiled at him, "Yeah."

We went to a local coffee shop and enjoyed our beverages together, being content with each other's company.

"Listen Jack, there's something I want to tell you." I put my coffee down.

Jack's eyes widened, "You're not breaking up with me right?"

I shook my head, "Of course not. This is something that I was debating how to tell you for a while."

He nodded, "In that case, go on."

With that, I began to tell him the story.

I can't believe this is over. This story is over. Wow. I'm actually fairly proud of myself. Thank you guys for supporting me through this story! I hope you all enjoyed it as much as I loved writing it. I think this is my proudest piece of writing so far.

I hope you all aren't too upset that she went back to her real world but I think the ending was nice :) I honestly cannot thank you guys enough for your endless reviews and how much they actually make me happy.

Let me know your thoughts about this story alright?

I'm hoping to put out another story very soon. It's actually in progress right now and I'm really digging the plot (as soon as I have it down in actual words and not scattered in my head)

Unfortunately I will NOT be writing a sequel to this. I have no intentions to as well.

Thank you guys so much (again) and I love you all.