Lady Frozen Rose: I apologize once again for the wait on updates. I have graduated school, worked three different jobs before the one I started this month and have been far busier than expected. I also got a new laptop and finally sort of have free time. Updates will hopefully be a little more frequent now.

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha or the Inuyasha characters; they belong to Rumiko Takahashi. I only own the plot and characters of my story, A New Destiny.

The next morning at breakfast, everyone was discussing what to do next. Sesshomaru needed someone to watch Rin while he was gone and Kagome/Mikomi wanted Shippou to stay as well. Sango and Miroku were offering but Kagome/Mikomi felt they should come with her to her dad's.

While everyone was talking and arguing a little bit, Jakken had already contacted Ayame on behalf of his lord and spoke up.

"Excuse me, m'lord Sesshomaru." Jakken said.

"Yes, Jakken?" Sesshomaru said.

"I have already contacted Ayame, m'lord. She should be here soon." Jakken said.

Sesshomru nodded and looked at Kagome/Mikomi. She nodded as well and smiled. Everyone resumed their meal and took to sparring afterwards while waiting for Ayame.

When they broke to bathe, dress and have lunch, Ayame arrived. As the lord of the lands and first to be ready for lunch, Sesshomaru welcomed her and had a room prepared for her stay. They sat and discussed things while waiting on Kagome and the others.

After lunch, Kagome, Sango, Miroku, Sesshomaru and Kikyo packed up and left for Lord Higurashi's lands. Sesshomaru and Kagome traveled by means of Sesshomaru's cloud; Sango, Miroku and Kikyo traveled on Kirara. They arrive shortly after sunset, in time to join Lord Higurashi for dinner.

When they arrive, Kagome is announced as Mikomi, Lady of the North-West. Upon her announcement, her father greets them and shows them to the rooms he has prepared for them so they can wash up for dinner. An hour later, they all sit down to dinner.

For dinner, Lord Higurashi had an extravagant banquet prepared. There were potato dishes, steak, pig, rice, and chicken. There was so much to choose from that Kagome decided to have a little of everything. Once Kagome started, everyone followed, filling their plates with a little of everything.

Lord Higurashi then stood up and cleared his throat. *Ahem*

"A toast to my daughter returning home, her friend Tsumetai returning as well and the pleasure of good company." He raised his glass and drank from it.

After dinner, they went to the sitting room.

"So, Kagome, where should I begin explaining everything?" Lord Higurashi asked.

"Start from the beginning. How I'm my own reincarnation, same name and soul as Kikyo's elder sister; whom is actually the Shikon No Tama Miko and just explain everything." Kagome said.

"Alright, well first as I'm sure you all know, Kikyo and Kaede had a sister named Mikomi. Mikomi was born dead and is recorded as being the intended Shikon No Tama Miko. This is not the actual truth. Kikyo is the intended Shikon No Tama Miko, Mikomi was actually born to be a decoy. The decoy was meant to protect the Shikon Miko. Since the decoy was born dead, another priestess was born to be the protector. This priestess was killed before she could perform her duty. Both Mikomi and the other priestess were reborn to fulfill their destinies. It was unexpected that Mikomi would be born a dog demon-miko hybrid. Kagome, you now have two destinies. Continue to be the decoy Shikon Miko until the time to destroy it and become the Lady of the Western Lands. Don't worry about these lands, you have a brother. He is currently meeting his betrothed. Does that answer everything?"

"That answers why I'm my own reincarnation and why I can sense and purify the jewel shards. Mom kind of told me about being born with two souls though. Anything more you can tell me about it?" Kagome asked.

"The only thing I can say is that when Kikyo was brought back by the witch and her soul ripped out of your body, it would not be completely free until you bonded with your first sword. Anything anyone else would like to know?"

"Lord Higurashi, Kagome, sorry Mikomi's grandfather, mentioned a second sword she'll need. He said she needs to find and claim it. Also, her mom said you will teach Mikomi about her demon form, how to transform and what her demon powers are and how to use them." Sesshomaru said, bowing his head in respect.

"Please, there is no need for such formalities. Yes, I know well the sword he speaks of. I had it forged from one of Mikomi's fangs. It is hidden here in the castle; however, only Mikomi can find it. As for her demon form and abilities, we'll get into those tomorrow. Now it is getting late. Let's go to bed and we'll talk again tomorrow."

Everyone nodded and headed to their respective rooms. On her way to bed, Mikomi got the feeling she was forgetting about something or someone.

Lady Frozen Rose: I am again so sorry it's taken so long to update. I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I look forward to reading your reviews.

Japanese Terms:

Tsumetai: freezing

Miko: shrine maiden

Mikomi: hope

Shikon No Tama: Jewel of four souls