Hello! Author here!
So, I've actually been considering revamping this story after a, what, 5 year hiatus? I'm so happy so many people still follow my story, and so many people are still reviewing my story, even after I had stopped writing it. You see, I was actually in college at the time, so as I went along in my studies, the harder it became to continue to write - until I just didn't have any spare time to do so. And by the time I had any time to sit down and write, I just wasn't motivated to.
Also, if anyone is up to date on the manga or even the anime at this point, this story just doesn't make sense. I mean, a time traveling nurse doesn't make any sense in the canon in the first place, but I was also trying to keep her within the storyline - which I would need to dramatically change to fit into canon. The first thing needing to change: the fact that the story of SNK appears in the FUTURE/ it's a dystopian universe, and not a part of the past. Which changes the entire dynamic of the story.
With that said, I really am going to re-write it. To make it make sense with this OC I've continued to hold dear even after all these years (I even RPed her on tumblr, when that was like the super cool thing to do). I'm going to be changing my handle on here as well, and will be completely updating how I want my character to be so she's not such a "mary sue", as it were (Though many of you seem to like Rose as she is, which I truly appreciate).
So do continue to "follow" this story; I'm not going to delete it, but I am going to retire it and re-write it so it makes sense in the current canon (and also so the character herself makes more sense inside this already-bizarre universe). Thank you for supporting me and continue to follow/fav/comment my story. This is my baby, so I really am appreciative.
See you soon!