A/N: Nothing belongs to me. Well I have to clarify that the story is base on the movies, so if parts of the book jumped sorry not my intention. I just have not had the opportunity to read books. I have to confess that the movies I had seen many, many times. As this month I saw the three movies twice. :)

It was time to leave and Professor Dalmau had already completed the class when one of her students came up to give a brooch that was on the floor who apparently fell while the teacher gave the class. The brooch was in the form of a strange green sheet and its edges were silver.

"Professor, I think this brooch is yours." Said the student.

"Oh, thank you girl. You do not know what this brooch means for me and the history it has. "Replied the professor.

"Well, if you want you can tell me the story." commented with curious the student.

"Okay but be warned it's a long story, and I really do not know if you believe it." said Professor Dalmau.

"No matter, I love long stories. Besides my parents take time to get me so I have time. As if I or not believe you, I would answer that when you finish the story. "Said the student who had become somewhat anxious.

And the story begins: I was a girl with short stature that was only about 5 feet tall, thin and slightly tanned skin, dark brown hair shoulder length and curly, brown eyes, I mean the classic Latin girl. Just had just turned 20. It was a little difficult to make me eat something new, was afraid of the dark and animals. I never used a sword or fought with someone, but I always call attention how I will fight, see both the Power Ranger had to count for something. Not to mention having a very fantasy mind, well very fantasy which made me think that there were other worlds besides Earth. And I was not that far from reality.

In Planet Earth

One day I was in a trip with a group of college buddies including my cousin Molly. We were in El Yunque rainforest. For variety started raining when we were only halfway, the trail was hard to see where we were going and the teacher ordered until the rain stopped for a bit.

"For want that stick?." Molly I ask my cousin to see that I took the soil, a ground long thick stick.

"What if a wild animal is show here? Or an alien? They say here are alien. "I answered seriously.

" Really? "Molly said with a tone of irony and the same tone I replied" Yes, seriously. "

Soon the teacher see that did not stop raining, decided that we should go back. because was not save, after all the return stretch was short and they were even our footsteps to guide us along the something unexpected happened, in another world parallel to our by an accidental error of Saruman the white wizard, a portal between worlds opened. What happened to the portal? Well as I walked back to the bus, as it was raining and I had fallen behind with my cousin, in order not to lose of view the group we decided to run. Running was that I stumble with a stone and being the slippery ground I fell down a slope that marked out the way for tourists. "Where are you? I do not see you. Are you okay?" was the last thing I heard from my cousin.

In Middle-earth

Frodo, Sam, Merry and Pippin ran at full speed through the garden of as this persecuted because of Merry and Pippins who stole a vegetables of his own. At one point they were in the way and has held Frodo stopped but the others were so rushed they had no time to stop and drop all rolled up into a mysterious and unknown path.

"I think I broke something." Merry said as he pulled from under his back a broken carrot.

"Look what you did." Sam said annoying.

"What?is a short cut ." Merry said.

"Short cut to what ?" Sam asked.

"Mushrooms!" exclaimed Pippin saw some mushrooms growing at the roadside. So Pippin, Merry and Sam went to take mushrooms.

Frodo had barely lift off the ground when something hit him causing him to fall to the ground again and that something was a girl, was Zue and yes, that is me. I landed right on top of Frodo. When I realized I was about someone I realized it was a guy, which by the way had the most beautiful eyes I had ever seen were large and very, but very blue.

"Sorry did not mean to run over you ." I said as I help him stand up.

"Okay, the previous fall it was worse." was what he answer me.

Nothing seemed familiar, I'm really still in Puerto Rico? Worse was still on Planet Earth? That was a good question so ask. "Someone could tell me where I am?". But no one answered, the guy came out saying "We Out of the way, out-of-the-way!" sounded a little desperate, they all ran. I was left standing where I was, even without reason that if they are saying Get out-of-the-way it should be for a good reason, but I do not know why but I stay petrified.

I suddenly felt someone grab my hand and pulled me out-of-the-way, it was the same guy a while. Suddenly I found myself hiding behind the root of a tree with four guys did not know, they were a bit lower in height than me. All had curly hair and light eyes and although they were cute, the charm was gone when I saw their feet, Oh Yeah the feet, they were very large compared to their heights, were dirty and full of hairs had never seen anything like it.

Going back to when we were all sorry hidden steps of a horse, both horse and rider had a gloomy air, scary. To distract one of the guys who answered by the name of Merry throw something to a distant place where we were and the mysterious rider went followed the sound so we took get out.

"That Black Rider was looking for something ... or someone" Merry said.

But Frodo just mention that he had to leave the Shire. "Sam and I must go to Bree."

So Merry came up that we should take the Bucklebury ferry. "Follow me"

Pippin realizing my presence did not hesitate to ask who I was. "And who is she?" What are you doing here? "

What I do here, that I wanted to know. But before he could answer, we all heard the sound of horses was the same a few minutes ago but this time was not only one, they were more of a hooded rider, dressed all in black. We all ran without thinking twice avoiding the legs of huge horses.

When we got to the ferry, all untied the ropes which ferry began to move away. Frodo had left behind, Sam began to rush him because the ferry was beginning to move away "Frodo, Come quick!" Luckily had time to jump on the ferry . The rider stopped chasing us to encounter that he had finished the way. In the stretch where we were on the ferry all began to question me.

"You did not answer my question who you are?" Pippin said

"Why are you dressed like that? No cold? "Merry asked. Al apparently never seen a girl in shorts, t-shirt with the logo of Hogwarts school of magic of Harry Potter, a hooded jacket but without sleeves and military style boots.

"You are spy? Ah! "Sam said, his voice sounded a little intimidating.

"I think if you let her talk, she will be able to answer. Do not believe? "Frodo said, seeing my confused face.

"Well first of all my name is Zusana Dalmau, but you can say Zue. I do not know how I got here, all I know is that I fell while running down El Yunque, and comes into this place. From what I've seen this for nothing is Puerto Rico. And I'm not a spy, just is the first contact I have with this place and you were the first I saw. Who are you by the way. "

"That does not sound very convincing. Why we must believe and trust you? "Sam said who apparently was difficult to gain his trust.

" Well, at least I chose to trust you, do not know you, but in a situation like that just happened was or trust in you or let catch me. "I answered him, I started to be an uncomfortable situation when Frodo interrupted.

" Sam, be gentle with the girl does not seem bad. Also if only you had been you, serious capable of leave a girl alone and unprotected, so that a black riders caught her? "

"You're right, Mr. Frodo. Sorry I should not be so rude to you Miss Dalmau, but it's that you should not trust everybody. I think we have not properly presented my name is Samwise Gamgee "Sam apologized and was sincere in his words but insisted on calling me Miss Dalmau, I was not used to such formality.

"And I am Frodo Baggins, and these are my distant cousins Peregrin Took, but we call him Pippin and Meriadoc Brandybuck which we call Merry, we are Hobbits of the Shire." Frodo said as Merry and Pippin greeted when Frodo mention of their names.

"Hobbits? And all are well as you? "Ask, because in my life heard of Hobbits.

"If you mean height, ears and feet. For if all the hobbits are as well. "answer Frodo. "You who are you? Well, you're very petite to be human but you have traits Hobbit where you are? "

"Well, I'm Puerto Rican and yes I'm human but from another world I would say I do not believe that this place belongs to earth or yes?"

"That explains a lot. "Pippin said

"I do not know where that place is but I can tell that you are in Middle Earth." Frodo added.

And between talk and conversation got to the other side of the lake. It was dark and to top it started to rain, luckily we got to Bree. When we reached the town gate a man leaned out a window.

"What do you want?" Asked the man at the entrance to what Frodo answered him.

"Come to the Prancing Pony." Man only answered him.

"But what are doing five hobbits away from the Shire?"

Five Hobbits? I only see four, so I fast protest. "Excuse me, but I'm not a hobbit sir."

"Yes of course as you say, but for me there are five hobbits." Said the man, who insisted on saying that I'm a hobbit. I think it's best to leave it like that.

"We want to stay at the inn, our business is our problem." Frodo said to the man, I think he was a bit annoying.

"Okay young man, it's my job to ask after dark" the man said, leaving to enter the villa.

Everything seemed out of a movie, the houses, the people, the atmosphere in short everything.

"I do not want to be here, this place scares me, it's dark and I'm afraid of the dark. I want to be back home in my Puerto Rico. "Already starting to feel nostalgic and scary at the same time, I suddenly felt a hand on my shoulder was Frodo. "I understand how you feel I also miss my home. But do not worry, in the Prancing Pony we'll meet with my friend, Gandalf the wizard is maybe he can help you. "

I hope that friend of Frodo can help me, there must be a way back. If there was an entry has to be a way out, well I hope so.