Sooooo this is kind of an experiment to be honest! I saw Frozen (four times to be exact) and totally fell in love with the characters. So I decided to start this story, just for the fun of it. I have an idea where this is going, including a lot of angst and feels :) But I'm not exactly sure if I'm living up to Frozen fanfic expectations so I would love any feedback!
I don't have a beta or anything like that so sorry for any mistakes! (I do have spell check)

I can't promise any sort of update schedule, I'm sorry! But I will do my best!

A couple things about me. I loveeeeee Frozen! I love cats! I love Labradors! (I have a cat and two labs) and I love sushi! I hate celery, it is seriously the worst thing ever.

Please leave a review! I love hearing back from my readers! (unless it's nasty, in which case I'll pass)

Disclaimer: I do not own Frozen or anything in its fantastical world.

Let the story begin!

"You're sure that is the Snow Queen's weakness?"

The words did not echo around the stone walls, instead were immediately absorbed by the thick oppressive atmosphere. The air was dank and thick, tainted with the smell of decay and death.

"So that is how I would be able to control the Queen?"

"Yes. I've seen it with my very own eyes." The second figure leaned forward, touching the bars that separated him from the first speaker.

"You have been very useful."

"You've got to let me out now." The man clenched the bars, his hazel eyes burning into the cloaked figure in front of him. His clothes looked as though they had once been fit for a noble. Now they were filthy rags.

"On the contrary, I do not have to do anything."

Rage filled the imprisoned man's face, his face flushing.

"You promised!"

"How does it feel to be betrayed, little prince? Now please excuse me. I have business to attend to."

With that, the dark clothed figure receded into the darkness, leaving the ragged prince alone.


She was so cold.

The wind tore at her hair and face, but she could barely feel it, she was so numb. Somehow she placed one foot in front of the other, despite the agony at the movement.

Her fingers felt funny. She held them up, blue-green eyes widening with horror as she watched a frosty blue ice sheen spread over them.

The pain... the cold...

The wind suddenly stopped, snowflakes suspended in the air as if all of time had stopped.

Elsa... Anna trembled, shivers wracking her body, holding her icy fingers to her chest. They clinked slightly against each other. That was not how fingers were supposed to sound.

"Kristoff..." She saw him, so far away yet so close. She longed for the warmth of his arms around her.

Suddenly the distinct noise of a sword being unsheathed cut through the air. She turned, her thin form shaking, and suddenly her whole world seemed to lurch beneath her feet.

Elsa was crumpled on the ice, unmoving, as Hans descended upon her with a sword.

The pain... the cold... she wasn't going to be able to make it!

I'm sorry Kristoff, I'm sorry Elsa...

Her body suddenly was taken over by the cold as Hans raised his sword.


Anna woke up with a start, her heart pounding in her chest. Her body was completely rigid and her cheeks were wet with tears.

She forced herself to relax into the warm blankets and pillows she was cocooned in.

Just a dream. It was just a dream.

Anna closed her eyes with relief, feeling the fear fade slowly away.

It had been over a month since the Great Thaw, but the dream kept coming back again and again.

At least this time she hadn't shouted aloud.

The door creaked open slightly, a sliver of light slicing the darkness.

Drat. Maybe she had called out after all.

"Anna?" It was Elsa, her voice soft and worried. The slender woman hovered uncertainly by the door, pale blue nightgown drifting around her, blocking the soft light coming from the palace hall.

"I'm okay," Anna called out, sitting up.

"Can you please tell me what the nightmares are about?" Elsa asked softly, drawing close to the bed, her large blue eyes full of concern.

"Uh I don't even remember," Anna lied. She didn't want Elsa to know the dreams were about her freezing. And she didn't want Elsa to know about the physical pain that the freezing- and the thawing- had caused. It had been excruciating if she was honest with herself. But she never had told anyone. It would only make her older sister feel more guilty. And that was the last thing that Anna wanted Elsa to feel. The guilt only made Elsa draw away, made her feel like she was a danger, made her want to separate herself. Anna needed her far too much for that to happen.

"Are... are you sure?" Elsa's eyes narrowed, slightly suspicious.

At first it had been a little awkward between Elsa and Anna, but they had surprisingly quickly grown comfortable with each other.

Anna was quiet. She wanted to let someone in on her nightmares. Maybe if she shared the burden, the strength of the dreams would fade, their grasp on her mind might weaken.

She could talk to Kristoff. But every thought of her being in pain seemed to cause the large blond man agony.

Olaf. She would talk to Olaf. The friendly snowman was a surprisingly good listener, and the two shared a close bond. Olaf would understand what she should do.

"I'm sure," Anna said more firmly. "Really Elsa."

The white haired young woman hesitated.

"You know if you ever want to talk..."

"I know," Anna smiled.

Elsa turned to go, but Anna jumped out of bed and gave her a huge hug. At first Elsa flinched away from the contact but slowly relaxed into the hug.

"I love you Elsa," Anna murmured. "You're the best sister ever! Thanks for coming to check on me." She chose to ignore the fact that Elsa's skin was cold to the touch, chilling her slightly.

"Of course. I love you," Elsa's voice was quiet and protective. They were quiet for a moment. "Now get some sleep."

"Yes your highness!" Anna replied cheekily, the effect ruined by a yawn.

When she fell back to sleep, the dream didn't return.

Elsa sleepily ran a hand through her silky white hair, blinking in the morning sunlight which was filtering through the window of her bedroom.

"Elsaaaaa the sun is awake! It's another day of summer!"

Elsa was completely undisturbed to find a small snowman walking into her room.

"Good morning, Olaf," she laughed softly. Quickly she glanced over the lovable pile of snow's personal flurry to make sure it was keeping him nice and frozen.
Initially upon meeting Olaf, she had expected the snowman's constant chatter to annoy her, but to her surprise, she hadn't felt a single twinge of annoyance at him. Maybe it was the fact that Olaf was a constant reminder of the good her powers offered the world. A reminder that she had light and beauty, and yes, oddly lovable strange live snowmen, to bring to the people around her.

The pain and suffering she could cause sometimes threatened to overcome her. The reminder Olaf gave was nice. And Elsa was fairly sure that Anna would not be alive if not for him.

The thought caused her chest to ache with fear, ice spreading from her fingers to the sheets around her.

Elsa... Your sister is dead.

She shook off the voice which so often echoed in her head. The past was behind her and what mattered was that they were all safe now. Elsa just wished that Anna would tell her what the nightmares were about. She felt so helpless hearing her sister scream in fear night after night, not being able to do anything to help.

She had a sinking feeling that the cause of the nightmares was ultimately her. Of course Anna wasn't going to tell her that.

"Olaf, do you think you could talk to Anna? I..." Elsa paused. She wasn't very used to bringing up her feelings. "I'm worried about her. She's been having nightmares."

"Nightmares?" Olaf's jovial face became serious. "Of course I'll talk to her! I'll talk to her right now!"

"I don't think that's necessary, you can talk to her when she's up. Thank you though."

Elsa quickly got dressed, her mind turning to the day ahead. There were so many duties to get to, from going over trade arrangements, to debating whether to acknowledge a new country that had split off from a nearby entity. At least she could look forward to a town ice skating party that evening. She would be providing the ice, of course.

The thought made her smile as she hurried through the halls. Making people happy with her ability- that was the thing she loved doing the most.

"Elsa, have you seen Anna?"

Elsa almost ran straight into the large blond man. Kristoff looked typically nervous to be in the fancy hall, twisting his hat in his hands. He was more at home in the snow with a large pick in his hand than navigating the noble halls of the palace. Sven was behind him, munching on a tapestry, large antlers entangled with a curtain.

"She's in her room still, I think," Elsa gave him a small smile. She had been suspicious of the ice harvester at first, but it was obvious that the gentle man would rather die than hurt Anna. And the way they were both infatuated with each other... it was almost sickening.

"Thanks Elsa," Kristoff headed past her.

Suddenly a scream shattered the peaceful morning.

Elsa's heart skipped a beat and she was sprinting down the hall before she even knew what she was doing, in her panic, ice spreading out from wherever her feet hit the ground.

The scream had belonged to Anna.

What do you think? Should I keep going? :)

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