Chapter 20

Interviewing ME!

"Hello everyone! And welcome to the last and final interview! With ME! CookieM2012!" I stood and bowed, arms outspread as the crowd clapped for me. Don clapped too, and sat in my usual chair while I sat in the interviewee's chair.

"Feels strange interviewing you Cookie! Sitting in your chair and everything!" I laughed at his comment.

"Strange sitting in the interviewee's chair instead of my own one! I miss my chair." I gave a sad look and reached out for the chair like a baby looking for it's rattle or milk bottle, but their expression would have been more desperate looking than mine. "I'm actually quite nervous about the questions! God knows whats going to come up!"

"Well we can begin whenever your ready." Said DonTheHero.

"I can't tell you what to do anymore my friend! You're the interviewer! You're in charge now, just make sure I don't do anything stupid or regretful."

"Alright then! Well to start off, you know the rules obviously, and without further interruption, we shall begin the questions! Mystery Person asked; 1. What do you want to be when your older?"

"Oh boy! That brings back memories! When I was little right, I had eleventy-seven different jobs that I wanted to have when I grew up. There was a police officer, actress, singer, dancer, art teacher, dance teacher, nurse, vet, artist, writer, voice actress... and a bagillion more jobs I can't think of! Right now? My heart is set on acting, or possibly writing... but if none of those work, my mind is set on a Veterinary Nursing."

"Cool! Now question 2. Do you see yourself writing stories in the future?"

I nodded excitedly. "I'm actually writing a 'novel' at the moment! I'm planning to send something out to be published before I'm eighteen. I'm on the second chapter still, just trying to finish up stuff with school."

"Sounds interesting! What is it about?" Don frowned when I tapped the bridge of my nose.

"That would be telling, wouldn't it?" I state with a wicked grin plastered on my face. "What else do they ask?"

"Question 3 is; What animal do you see yourself as in the Ice Age movies? Unfortunately it can't be one of the main characters."

"Hmm... that's a toughie! Usually I would base my decision on my personality, but just from my choice, would be a bird. Mainly because I always loved the idea of flying, and feeling the freedom embracing me as the wind hits me."

"I'm sure people feel the same, but decide different species of animals." Don scanned the card of questions in his hand again. "Question 5. What other fanfictions do you specialize in?"

"Well, if you go to my profile-" the projector came up with my Fanfiction page. It moved to the end and showed the list of all my stories. "I specialize in Ice age, but mostly in Kung Fu Panda. I did CSI, Despicable me, and Disney Channel's Jessie too, but I kinda lost motivation to write in those."

"How many of each?" Don questioned me.

"There is twenty-eight stories still on my profile in total, over my four years on Fanfiction, I have done more then that, but they ended up being deleted. I started out in Kung fu panda, but then I branched out in Ice Age and the other fields I said, before I deleted them. I have two short stories for Despeciable me, four for Ice age, and the rest is for Kung Fu Panda."

"That means twenty-two stories for Kung Fu Panda!" Don jumped out of the chair. "WOW! That's a lot!"

"I know! I better keep working on Ice age and have twenty two stories for that!" I said with a laugh, but when I saw Don's face I knew he was serious, even though I only made a joke.

"I'm sure that answers the person's question Cookie!" He said after a while in silence. "Now, Guest asked; What are your hobbies?"

"My hobbies are what you would expect from most writers; some like art, which I do. Some like reading, like I do. But for me alone, I play Volleyball, I'm part of a Drama Group. We have or three festivals every year, and they are the best highlights of my year! I'm not a big fan of make-up, unless it has in my shows, of course! Not lots, only if its essential! I just love having winged eye liner on!"

"Well you seem busy with life! Next we have TimberPaw, who asked; Why did you start publishing stories on FanFiction?"

"I started publishing on Fanfiction is because in a way, i'm achieving something I always wanted; to publish stories, whenever, and whatever I want, and every new story idea I think, or in some cases, given to me, it's always a new opportunity to work with, and I always hope to finish it successfully."

"Alright then question 2 from Timber Paw- Are the names or the personalities of your OC's related to anyone in your life?"

"Not entirely. My character Jade is named after my cousin. I liked the name a lot, but Jade's personality isn't inspired by her. I made up her characteristics myself. As for the triplets; no one inspired me to create them! I just thought to myself what life in Ice age would be if they had triplets running about!"

"Question 3- Do you have any other FanFiction readers or writers around you in real life? Because I don't have and sometimes feel awkward about it."

"Oh my god! Twins... in a way! Kind of same here! I have no Fanfiction writers in the Ice Age Fourms, but I have two from the Kung fu Panda one. Not near me, but we're friends on Facebook. Plus a friend of mine is an author on WattPad, as far as I know."

"Awesome! You'll have to tell us about this friend of yours! Alright question 4 is: Do you have a special goal you wanna reach on FanFiction, like a story with 200 favorites or something like that?"

"No not really. It was just out of fun at first, but then I realized how much I loved to write, and I wish to have a lot of followers, and plenty of reviews on all my stories."

"Don't we all?" Don asked. "Well TimberPaw left questions for you to answer for Jade too; What does Jade like more, being a saber or a human being? Does she sometimes wanna kill the triplets? Has she met any cute tigers on the island recently?"

"Like me and my little sister, indeed! Jade kind of reflects off me sometimes. She loves her little brothers, like I love my little sister, but I also wanna kill her sometimes! Especially when she's annoying. So in a way, Jade is like me."

"Really? I hope to see more of Jade's sisterly side the next story!" Don said excitedly. "And so, he left a question for the triplets too. What do they do when they're bored? What do they think about Jade? Is she a good sister?"

"They love Jade very much! She is an amazing sister to them, but she can't help them out in one thing! SHe can't help them when she's bored most of the time. She has to enjoy her teenage years, so when she's off with Peaches or the others, and they get bored? Sometimes it's simple with each cub; Cody would go with his dad and watch him hunt, or attack Sid. Teal would stay near Shira, or help his brother attack Sid... and Shamrock would tag around with Jade when she's with them, unless it's too far from his parents, and he would try and help out attacking his Uncle Sid too."

Don and the Audience laughed. "I love it! The cubs share one thing in common; they all attack Sid!"

"What can I say? Their Triplets! Also, it's only happens when they are extremely bored."

"Which happens how often?" I thought about it for a while...

"I'm not sure... and I think poor Sid lost count too, the poor guy! You'd have to feel bad for him!"

Don put the answered questions on the side table, and continued with the questions. "SirCreepington9th asked you three questions; 1. Who is your favorite Ice Age character? Imaginative Me and Angeloffdarkness asked you this also."

"It would have to be either Manny or Diego. I find those two hilarious! Manny's all old school, but funny. As for Diego, he acts all tough and leader of the team... but under his hard reputation, you see a good guy with a soft side and golden heart."

"Question 2. What are your favorite scenes from all of the Ice Age movies?" I raised my eyebrows so high, they nearly disappeared behind my hair for good. "I shouldn't even have to answer it! The gas scene from the third movie is the best! In fact... I accidentally left a wad of helium balloons in with our male guests-"

"HEY!" I heard Soto call, before everyone in the audience started laughing. Crash and Eddie were eventually located back into their room with Manny, Diego, Sid, Ethan, Gutt (still in his cage), Soto (also still in his cage) and the before the break ended, and we set up hidden cameras into their dressing room as well as giving the ladies a chance to have a glimpse of the action themselves, in the comfort of their own dressing room. We had an insight of how the females reacted, and they were all practically rolling across the floor, excluding Peaches, who found it hard to stand from all this laughter. Then we went back to the guys, and watched Manny, Sid, Diego, and Buck live through their old memories with one another from their time in the Gas Scene.

The laughing between me and the audience went on for about ten minutes, before DonTheHero was able to speak up, with question three;

3. Do you keep your story ideas in a journal?

"He does by the way," Don added.

"I did at first, but now... no. If I get an idea, I actually start typing away, and soon, more ideas come my way, and then I keep going until a chapter comes up. I write down what I'm going to do next in the upcoming chapter in a file on the Doc Manger, and then once I'm working on the next chapter, I read through everything to see what I'm doing. I tend to get very forgetful now, so I have to write everything I think of down or else it's gone forever, and I get annoyed trying to remember it in the morning."

"Alright we are now with Gigigirl1908 and she asked you: how do you get ideas for fanfiction?"

"Most of the time, if I hear something that would make a great title, I work on it from there. But when it came to 'Something Unexpected' I was watching Ice Age 4. It was about... my third time watching it? Sounds right, and when I saw Diego and Shira together, I imagined what it would be like if they had a cub. But then I wanted an OC of mine to come into their world, and the day the story came out, which was the twenty seventh of may, 2013, it's officially Jade's Birthday!"

"That story is about three years old now isn't it?" I nodded excitedly. "Which makes Jade three too? Even though she's not?"

"Indeed. As for ideas for other stories, like my Ice Age Christmas Special, I was listening to Christmas songs and the ideas crawled into my head. And for my Melody One-shots, the first one came into my head when I heard the song."

"Looks like you get inspired by things you see or listen to." Don said, before nodding towards me and looking down at the next question. "Your last two questions are from Angeloffdarkness; Question 1: how could you just came up with such a great ice age story just like that?!"

"Is it really that great?"

"They must think so if they love it so much!"

"Well, I just had it in my head about an OC coming along, and then she had one or two battles with Manny, and meets the enemy. I did my planning and made sure it all went through smoothly, and got a better response then I expected, definitely 'Something Unexpected'! But nothing too drastic."

"Too drastic? Angeloffdarkness also asked in their final question; what gave you the Idea about giving Diego and Shira a daughter that they didn't know they had?"

"I have no idea! I woke up one morning, thinking what I'm gonna do about the 'bombshell' of the story. And I was Paturnity show a lot, like Maury. And I think that gave me the idea of the child they didn't know they had!" I looked towards the audience. "I hope that I answered everyone's questions!"

"I'm sure you did, but that wraps up all your questions from your viewers. CookieM2012 everyone!" I stood and bowed as everyone clapped and cheered me on as DonTheHero walked off stage.

"Thank you everyone for attending all my interviews with the characters from Ice Age, one of the best films ever made!" I waved as the characters pour out and waved at the audience too. Gutt waved too, receiving a small amount of positivity, while Soto just sat in the shadows of his cage. The triplets came out with Jade, who stood by me, smiling at the audience silently. I looked at her. She turned and looked at me. We both smiled and slowly, my hand, and her paw entwined, as the triplets gathered around our feet.

We wanted to share this moment together... the author and her characters...


And there ladies and gentlemen, the curtain closes for my Interview story!

Hope you all really enjoyed it!

Please keep sending ideas for a sequel for 'Something Unexpected'.

It really helps.