Epilogue -Six months later-
The forest in the Beor Mountains seemed to have grown thicker since the last time Eragon had stepped foot in there, due of course to the change in seasons. The weather had changed from the freezing cold of winter to the moist, warm air of early summer. The ground was soft underfoot and caused problems for everyone involved. Except, of course, for Ismira and Miramè. The two of them were thick as thieves playing in the mud and getting into mischief.
They were not far from Farthen Dur but Saphira and Firnen needed to hunt. Traveling with a full load each had weakened them and they needed to refuel. Being full grown dragons, they both expressed an interest in continuing on but Eragon and Arya convinced them to hunt. Given their relative close proximity to Farthen Dur, instead of sitting put and awaiting their return, they all decided to continue on, on foot. Roran, Katrina, Eragon, Arya, Ismira, and Miramè plowed through the underbrush. Miramè refused to go hunting with Saphira and Firnen, instead electing to stick by Ismira, which pleased Eragon to no end. He wasn't the only one concerned for Ismira's safety. As it was, Miramè was quite adept at catching small rodents and birds to fill her belly and had no need to seek bigger game.
They made decent progress that day despite the wet conditions and constant distractions from the young ones. They made camp that night and were close enough that, due to their preternatural senses, Eragon and Arya could hear the waterfall of Lake Kostha-merna. The fire was provided, proudly, by Miramè. She lacked the ability to sustain the flame for longer than a few seconds but it was sufficient enough for her to show off her ability at any opportunity. Usually it was for Ismira's entertainment.
Later that night, Saphira and Firnen arrived back with their bellies full and in good spirits. Ismira and Miramè had finally settled down by the fire, cuddled together in a tangle of blankets and wings. Roran poked at the coals with a stick causing a shower of sparks to jump into the air, swirling on the light breeze in mesmerizing patterns.
"You know, when we are finished here, we could take Ismira and Miramè to see Ellesmera. Every Rider should have the chance to explore all Ellesmera has to offer." Arya said.
"What do you think, Roran?" Katrina asked, lifting her head off of his shoulder to look him in the eye. "It would be lovely to spend some time there. We didn't get much of a chance to look around the last time."
Roran shrugged. "If it wouldn't be an imposition then I agree; it would be nice to visit again. Thank you, Arya. It is a princely offer."
Arya nodded her approval. She looped her arm through Eragon's and shifted her knees up to her chest. Shifting her weight, she leaned against his shoulder. Eragon placed his left hand on her arm. Katrina smiled at them.
"A Queen and a Rider, cuddled up with one another in the forest. I feel like it is the beginning to one of those old jokes Ivor used to tell in Morn's Tavern."
If Eragon thought the reception he and Saphira received when she mended Isidar Mithrim, the Star Sapphire, was incredible, it was dwarfed by the revelation that Ismira, Roran Stronghammer's daughter, was the newest Rider. At first, she was frightened by the sound of hundreds, if not thousands, of dwarves cheering. After a few moments, she brightened up and began laughing, even joining Miramè for a curtain call once they had moved on through Tronjheim. Dwarves lined up to catch a glimpse of the new Rider and Dragon. It was the first time Eragon could remember that he, Saphira, Arya and Firnen were not the recipients of the attention and stares. He decided he could live with it.
They met Orik in Ajihad's old study while Saphira and Firnen flew up to the dragonhold with Miramè. Orik was especially happy to receive the news. Ismira sat on his lap and played with random items sitting on the desk in front him while Roran and Katrina explained how Miramè hatched for Ismira. Eragon and Arya just sat together, holding hands and watching. They held a private conversation while the others talked.
Ismira is very advanced when it comes to her language skills. To be human and already able to speak in the Ancient Language is an incredible feat.
She is a smart girl, Eragon said, swelling with pride. She has a short attention span as most children her age do but she is capable and brilliant. It won't be long before we can begin her tuatha du orothrim.
Do you think it wise to begin her so early? Arya asked.
Not the way Brom taught me, of course. We have the time to do it right. Do it slowly. I won't push her unnecessarily, at least until she is older. He said.
Riders spent years in training before the Fall. It will be good for her to have her education given to her in the correct way. Although, she added with a smirk, the way you were taught was no doubt effective.
Could you do me a favor? Eragon asked.
When it comes time, will you be the one to train her with the sword?
Why me? You could teach her just as well.
I don't think I can. I look at her and I don't see a student. I see my niece. I love her and I don't think I could bring myself to train her because it would mean having to hurt her in some way. Plus, I think we have established you are the better swordsman. If she ever has to fight, I want to make sure she is the best.
Eragon, I'm sure she would understand. She knows you love her. However, flattery will get you everywhere. If it means that much to you, of course I will.
"To think I missed it by a just a few days! This makes tomorrow's feast all the more important! Two adoptions and a new Rider and dragon to boot! May Helzvog give me the strength to live through all of the ale we will have to drink to properly toast the lot of you!" Orik said, his booming laughter echoing in the small chamber.
To say the feast was the largest any of them had ever seen would be a massive understatement. The dwarf kitchens had turned out more food and drink than even Saphira could devour. Orik welcomed them like royalty – which Arya actually was so it was fitting – and Roran was heralded as a war hero. They showered gifts upon him and his family and no expense was spared. Katrina received several valuable pelts, some really nice clothes tailor made for her using the best dwarven cloth and some beautiful, rare jewelry. Roran was given a new steel shield emblazoned with the insignia of the Ingeitum and hand painted with some breathtaking artistry. He was also given a black leather belt with a specially designed loop that held the third gift; a new hammer.
This new hammer was just a bit larger than his old one but was forged using dwarven steel and enchanted to be harder and more durable than hammer made by anyone else. The handle was wrapped with black leather and dimpled to improve his grip. The head of the hammer was etched with the Ingeitum insignia and double sided. One side was the traditional flathead shape while the backside was sharpened. Along the handle, just above the leather grip, was a line of glyphs in the Ancient Language that, when Eragon inspected it, said, "To Roran Stronghammer: the human who fights like a dwarf with the strength of an urgal and the tenacity of an elf."
Roran was humbled beyond words at the generosity of the dwarves. He knelt before Orik and thanked him for the gifts. However, Orik was not finished. The dwarf king produced gifts for Ismira and Miramè next.
For Ismira, a hatchet, engraved with glyphs for strength and wisdom. When Orik presented it to her (or rather to Roran on Ismira's behalf because even Orik wouldn't give a sharp hatchet to a toddler) he said, "This hatchet was given to me by Hrothgar when he adopted me. I had it cleaned and enchanted to ward against breaking and magic. I want Ismira to have this so that she may remember that strength and wisdom in perfect balance is a dwarf's best friend. Whenever she looks at it, I want her to remember that Uncle Orik is thinking of her and that, should she ever need me, she has but to ask."
Miramè was given a promise. "You are still young but I can already tell that will undoubtedly grow into a fearsome dragon. This is good because your Rider is someone very dear to many of us. For that reason, we want you to be well protected. As we speak, our finest smiths are fashioning a complete set of dragon armor. Our finest spellweavers will imbue the armor with protective wards to better protect you."
Thank you, Orik-dwarf king. The kindness you have shown me and my Rider is exceeded only by your good looks. Miramè said.
Orik was especially pleased with her response. The dwarf king turned to Eragon and Saphira next, saying, "Eragon. Saphira. You have given us more than we could ever repay you monetarily. I could think of nothing to give you. If there is anything you should need or want, it is yours."
"You have been like a brother to me, Orik. I have no need for gifts. The kindness you have shown my family is more than enough for me. That and your friendship."
Saphira grunted her affirmation and support of Eragon's statement and it was good enough for Orik, who gave Eragon a rough hug.
The feast lasted three days. Realizing they weren't in any hurry, they decided to stay for a few more days. Roran was happy for the reprieve as he had discovered he had a taste for a stuffed mushroom appetizer. By the end of the feast, he had eaten his body weight in them.
It wasn't until they had been in Farthen Dur for eight days that they set out for Ellesmera. Katrina and Ismira rode with Arya while Roran rode with Eragon. Miramè decided she wanted to fly on her own, eager to prove herself. They decided to take the direct path by cutting directly through the Hadarac desert. Despite Miramè's young age, they were able to make very good time. By the end of the second day they were in the heart of the desert. The sun was harsh even in the early part of the year but the dragons relished the heat. They were just about to land to set up camp when Saphira said, Urgals to the northeast.
How many? Eragon asked.
Many. It looks like a village. Saphira and Firnen took a wider course to bring them closer and get a better look. Not wanting to startle them by flying directly overhead, they landed a few leagues away.
We were spotted. There is a small band heading this way. A few of them are Kull. Firnen said.
Eragon and Arya dismounted and, shielding their eyes against the rays of the setting sun, looked out in the direction of the urgals. As they got closer, a familiar figure was discernable at the head of the group.
Nar Garzhvog greeted them with enthusiasm. "We did not expect you so soon. We had plans to make a formal invitation later on in the summer when the new hall was nearing completion."
"We stumbled upon your village by accident on our way to Ellesmera," Eragon said, grasping Nar Garzhvog's massive extended forearm in greeting. "A pleasant accident but an accident nonetheless."
Garzhvog surveyed the group, greeting them all until his eyes alit upon Ismira and Miramè. "The young one is a Rider? This is a joyous occasion indeed. Welcome Silver Hand. Welcome Flametongue. Come, all of you shall stay with us in my village as my guests."
Garzhvog led them all to the village, telling them about the history of this particular village. "When Galbatorix rose up, the herndalls decided to build a secret village away from prying eyes. Here we were safe from the mad king and his crazed black dragon. When you asked me about training future Riders in one of our villages, I knew this was the place to do so."
The village was more of a city. The huts were more primitive than Eragon thought they would be but they were each beautiful and unique in their own way. The wooden support poles in each corner of the square huts were magnificently carved into shape of snarling animal heads, usually bear or wolf. One of the homes was actually a teepee with the center pole carved into an eagle head with such detail and artistry, Eragon half expected it to come alive.
Women and children came out of their homes to see the visitors. Women were only a hair shorter than the males and they lacked the horns. The children of both genders were equally well-muscled though the females were slightly leaner than the males. All of them had curious eyes and studied the visitors with intense gazes. By the looks on their faces, Eragon assumed that they all knew who they were and were equal parts terrified and awed.
"You and your dragon are legends, Firesword. As I said before, you are welcome in any of our villages and will be greeted as heroes."
Many fingers were pointed and words directed at Ismira and Miramè. The two soaked up the attention. Ismira even turned to Eragon, pointed a young urgal child and asked, "Fricai?"
"Já, thierra fricai." Yes, they are friends.
"Vili thierra leika vili nosu?" Will they play with us?
"Bioja." Ask.
They were all too caught up with how cute it was to realize there was a language barrier.
True to Garzhvog's word, they were all treated like royalty. A feast was prepared, consisting mostly of meat, and they were given seats of honor. As good as the food was, it took a backseat when compared with the entertainment. Two Kull, each large brutes, put on a wrestling display. Roran grimaced when they slammed horns together. His wrestling match with Yarbog was still fresh in his mind. The two Kull wrestled for what seemed like an eternity, even resorting to punches, kicks and headbutts until only was victorious. The victor, a name that Eragon couldn't pronounce, grabbed the other in a bear hug and squeezed until the loser fell unconscious.
The bout brought cheers from the audience and the winner was bestowed with honor while the loser, when revived, received jeers. The next performer was an Urgal maid who sang a song for them. Her voice was deeper than Eragon thought it would be but not unpleasantly so. In fact, her voice had a haunting beauty that threatened to bring a tear to his eye. They didn't understand what she was singing but it sounded so amazing it didn't matter. Even Arya, who had the most beautiful singing voice Eragon had ever heard, stood up and clapped loudly when the maid had finished.
Several more games were put on display afterwards, including spear tossing and sling throwing. There was even one where a disc of woven reeds was tossed down a roped off range to a target painted in the sand. The winner was the Urgal who was able to get the disc the closest to the center of the target.
The festivities lasted well into the evening and into the early morning. Eventually, through mutual exhaustion, they all called it a night and went to sleep. Seeing as they didn't need sleep, Eragon and Arya decided to take advantage of the quiet time and go for a walk together, alone.
They wandered through the village until they made it to the edge and then they kept on walking. The sky was beautifully clear and the stars were bright. Moonlight was as good as sunlight to the two of them. Despite being in the middle of the desert, it was almost below the freezing point. A quick spell from Eragon was enough to take the edge off and keep them warm.
"So what happens now?" Arya asked.
"What do you mean?" Arya remained silent. She gave him a look that he didn't understand. "I guess we continue on to Ellesmera like we planned. Maybe we could leave a couple of dragon eggs with Garzhvog, like we did with Orik. It would be nice to get the first dwarf and urgal Riders. Then we continue on and build a life of peace for the land we fought so hard to protect."
Arya laughed. "That all sounds wonderful, Eragon. But it is not quite what I meant. I meant what happens next…for us?"
Realization dawned on him and he blushed. "I…I…" He stuttered.
"How eloquent?" Arya jibed. Eragon blushed again. Arya laughed once more and stopped, turning him to face her. "I love you, Eragon. More than I ever thought possible. I don't know what I want out of the rest of my life but I do know that, whatever it is, I want it to be with you."
"Do you know what I first thought of when I saw you? In my dreams, I mean?"
"I thought, 'She is the most beautiful woman I have ever seen.' I didn't know what had happened to you but I knew that I wanted to do whatever it took to prevent you from feeling pain ever again, even if it cost me my life. I loved you before I even met you and I love you more and more with each passing second of each minute of each day."
Arya smiled and lay her head on his chest. "Good."
"I know elves don't usually marry in a human traditional kind of sense but…"
"I plan to spend the rest of my life with you anyway so we could…you know, make it official…if you wanted." Arya said softly.
"Ok." Eragon said, thoroughly unable to contain his glee.
"Ok." Arya replied through her own glowing smile.
Eragon was ecstatic to think that his life had finally taken a turn for the best.
Life was good.
Du Enda. The End
Yes, it is over. I have spent hours upon hours developing this story. Writing, reading, deleting and re-writing when I realized I messed up my own plot. It is harder than most people think. No matter how long you work at it and how many hours you spend re-reading, there will always be unanswered questions or loose ends. As for the endings of things, it is extremely difficult to find a neat place to end something that you really don't want to end. That being said, I did my best to end things at a decent place where you can use your imagination to finish or expand things however you wish. After all, I believe that is the point of any story. Someone narrates the important bits and everything else is left up to the reader to interpret. I strove to make sure this story was as seamless as possible and enjoyable for those of you willing to spend the time reading this. This whole venture started out as something fun to do in my spare time and became a passion that consumed all of said spare time.
I think 100% of any of the credit for this story should go to CP, who created this world and the characters who live in it. Honestly, CP is the reason I decided to take up writing. His personal story (for those of you who don't know his story, look it up. He is quite a gifted individual) and how he went about sharing his world with our world, when he was just 15 years old, is inspirational. I sincerely doubt CP has the time or the ability to find these fanfictions let alone read any of them. However, on the very small chance that he does; Thank you, CP, for your hard work and years of dedication to your world of Alagaesia and all the individuals who live within it. I hope you decide to come back to it at some point and continue on with your work.
I also wish to thank all of you who have taken the time to read this.
Without you, this wouldn't have been nearly as fun. Your comments and reviews were what kept me going when I felt like stopping or felt like I was hitting a wall. So, sincerely, from the bottom of my heart; thank you. Eka elrun ono.
I have thought about beginning another piece soon that will focus on Angela and Arngeir's past or moving forward with Ismira's future. Perhaps both...
I also have some ideas for a couple original pieces so my time - or what little I have - will be strained and spent working on one or the other.
I very much hope that all of you had as much fun reading this as I did writing it.
Thank you again.
Best wishes and kind regards.