THIS SCENE IS WHAT INSPIRED THE ENTIRE STORY! Excuse my yelling. But seriously the ending was the whole reason I wrote this story. Yes a few things will change because of story reasons. Go with it. I am super excited!

BTW I have a new story posted if you want to see it called The Way Out. Since summer is awesome I'll be updating frequently.

Enjoy friendship!

I fall into a dark cavern. I feel the earth crack beneath my feet as I stick my heavy landing. I stand before a beast. The real deal. I don't really know where I am and I don't really care. This is my real test. Somewhere my friends are fighting and they need me right here.

My opponent looks like he is made of dark cloud. I notice his armor is Stygian, I begin to formulate a plan.

I lunge knowingly at the Giant. I'm sure if I stall long enough a surefire way to win will come to mind. Yeah, that's right, stalling always helps.

If you've ever fenced you know the kind of art it is to sword fight. However, now is not the time to show off my artistry. It's time to, if I may borrow a phrase, kill everything.

The Giant and I lock in equal combat. I presume someone is helping me. Some god maybe, on my own I could never fight a Giant.

We clash swords and he tries to knock my sword clean out of my hand. I grasp it firmly with my left hand. Being ambidextrous is awesome.

I fight long and hard, I manage to escape the giants full wrath. I evade every hit he throws. I begin to realize I'm not fighting alone, my friends are here.

I take notice of Hazel first pelting the Giant with precious metals. I smile under my helmet. I can't wait for this to end. I can't wait to talk to her.

Leo is setting fire to the Giant as Frank taunts it in a lion's form. I catch Annabeth bravely fighting, even though she looks like she's near collapsing. Percy looks just as bad, but fights just as strongly. Jason is flying above us throwing everything he's got at this monster.

I of course am putting all my training to good use. Maybe Bellona's proud, maybe she isn't. But I know someone is, my mom. She's bursting at the seams with pride.

I jump at the first chance to stab a distracted Giant. Before my feet touch the ground I watch our defeated enemy engulfed in flames. Either Leo has gotten very good in the time I've been gone, or some god has intervened.

I look to my left and see Annabeth on all fours. I run to her, grabbing her arm and wrapping it around my shoulder.

I see a goddess speaking with Hazel through the lines of my helmet. As the goddess dissipates the other demigods run to Annabeth and I. Without a moment to lose Nico manages to shadow travel all of us out of the cavern we'd been.

We appear outside on a grassy hill. I feel my weight lurch forward, but my balance mostly remains in tact.

Annabeth get's a grip and is able to stand on her own two feet.

"Thank you." She pants as I let go of her.

I am about to take off my helmet, as it is sweltering in this thing, when Percy and the others notice my armor clad figure.

"Who are you?" Percy asks.

"Besides a bad ass." Leo smirks.

"A warrior of Bellona." Jason notices. I nod swiftly.

"He seems to be on our side." Nico says to the others.

"But what's his name?" Frank asks.

"Sir, who are you?" Hazel walks up to me.

As I reach up to take off my helmet we all hear what sounds like screams. Looking up at the sky I see Reyna flying on a Pegasus that's out of control. They crash land, Her Pegasus pants for breath, obviously near the end of its days.

I help Reyna to stand, a bit to strongly as she stumbles into my arms. When she's regained her balance I watch her take out a knife and end the life of her Pegasus.

Reyna turns toward our group misty eyed, but then she sees me.

"A warrior of Bellona." She stands straighter. I nod respectfully to her, the daughter of my patron, "I assume my mother sent you to help these heroes." I nod again.

"Okay bro, who are you?" Leo asks.

"Yeah dude, you're freaking me out just standing like that." Percy says.

I take off my helmet roughly, "I am not a man!"

"P-Piper?!" Jason stutters.

"Yep." I throw my arms out to my side as if presenting myself.

"You've been training?" Hazel asks.


"With... Bellona?" Frank asks next.


"But you're a girl. And a Greek." Reyna says.

"I'm the exception." I say to her.

"Huh?" Leo asks.

"Long story."

"Okay... Did you get taller?"

"Huh?" I look down, "Oh yeah. I'm nineteen."

"What!?" Jason asks.

"Don't worry, it's temporary. I'll be back to my own age soon." I say quickly.

"Uh... I think we all need to explain some stuff." Nico says calmly.

"Yeah. That'd be nice." Reyna sighs. I notice how war torn she looks. She looks scorched, sweaty, beaten. Things I've been too but still, I feel sorry for her.

"Can I get out of this?" I ask.

"Please." Percy says.

I throw my helmet back on and smack the center of my chest. I then watch as my armor crawls back into a compact, leaving me standing in my too small camp clothes.

"Jason, your girlfriend is a Transformer." Leo says. Shoving the compact into my pocket I head back to the ship. We set up a picnic blanket to have our lunch on the hill.

I try tugging on my shorts to make them more appropriate, but then you can see my midriff, and if I pull down my shirt my boobs will make a guest appearance. In short I can feel the awkward stares and the immediate regretful skyward glances from the boys I'm around. Minus Percy who laughs.

Percy and Annabeth forfeit talking about their experience in Tartarus. I can't exactly blame them. Jason, Leo, Hazel, Frank, and Nico talk about what's gone on since Percy and Annabeth were gone, while informing me of what I missed. Reyna then tells her short tale.

I go last. I tell them of my journey. Of my trails and tests. They take the story very well. I try making it funny. I try smiling, laughing, it helps but there are some things I can't smile at. My challenges.

I try not to detail them. I give just enough information to satisfy the story.

We discuss how to handle the giant Athena statue. Once a consensus has been reached I manage to pull Reyna aside.

I see her talking to Jason, Nico, and Coach. Jason hugs her before turning to Nico.

I walk over to her.

"Reyna, can I talk to you really quick?" She looks me up and down before nodding. I take away just enough so the others can't hear us. I hear her sigh. I look at her and before I say anything I hug her.

"What are you doing?" She asks.

"I'm a hug person." I say as she uncomfortably pats my back, "Anyway, what I wanted to say is... Your mother's proud of you Reyna."

She gives me a look, "You think this is a joke?"

"No and that's why I'm saying it. You've had a hard time. And your mom knows it. She thinks you're doing a great job." She softens just the slightest bit, "You're a lot like her. Always having a plan. Super good at what you do. But there's something I like about you better than her."

She chuckles, "And what ever could that be?"

"That you can think of things other than battle. That you can understand and compromise. Bellona told me that a war without cause is hardly a war at all and a war that will lose. She taught me a lot, but she said I taught her some things too. Plus, you're a whole lot nicer than her."

"Well, I guess I'll have to change that." She jokes.

"Oh do. Can't have Octavian messing things up."

"No we can't."

"Could you punch him on request?"

"If I could he'd be blind in both eyes."

"You should consider it."

"Oh believe me, that petition has come to my desk more times than I want to admit. Seven... I mean what?"

I laugh, "Be safe Reyna."

"You too." She nods smacking my arm, running back to Nico and Coach who seem to be waiting for her.

I get back on the Argo where the others are preparing for departure.

"Pipes." Jason puts down whatever he's doing to walk toward me.

"Jason." I smile.

He takes my hand sending a shiver though my body, "Come on."

He walks me down to his room and sits on his bed, "I'm sorry."

I chuckle, "Don't be. I'm sure you've heard it's not your fault enough... But it's not your fault."

"I know that... But I just... I needed to tell you that." I sit down next to him and kiss his cheek.



"Everything's okay..."


"It's not always going to be like this."

"I know that."

"Can we pretend it will always be okay? Just for now?"

He brings me closer to him, "Yes we can."

"Yay." I chuckle.

And maybe I won't tell him about my fears. Maybe I won't have to. You never know, of course.

I guess I should give some kind of sentimental ending. Here it goes.

What I know now is that no one is useless. That skill can be earned. Hard work will get you far. Courage comes in all shapes and sizes. Love isn't useless. Loyalty is the greatest power we have. Fear is only as strong as you allow it to be. You are always better and stronger than you think you are. Values matter. There is always something worth fighting for. Fears are not always bad.

All the stuff you got to learn alongside me.

But what I want you to take away is that it's always your choice. That you get to decided how strong or weak you are. In any and every situation you have the power to change yourself from victim to victor. You don't have to take the place you were given. You always have a choice.

I hope that means something to you. I hope this ending isn't totally pathetic. I just want you to know that you're more powerful than you'll ever be willing to believe.

So I guess I can say this. Go forth hero and don't let anyone stand in your way.