**-{Hey guys.}-**

This is pretty long.

I own nothing.


Ty Lee hissed in pain, the dagger in her leg stinging at the slightest movement. She couldn't move to take the blade, her hands bound. Azula was finally going to do it, she was finally going to kill her. And she was going to die, her new friends wouldn't be able to come save her this time.

But at least she would die saving lives. She had helped the Avatar, and because of the things she had done the world would be at peace. Her life was worth the sacrifice if it meant the rest of the world would be happy.

At least that's what she kept telling herself.

'You see,' Azula stood over her. 'This is why people don't betray me. This,' She gestured to the assortment of weaponry around her. 'Is what happens to them.'

She took the dagger out of the acrobat's leg, making her whimper. 'You won't beg for me to take mercy on you? You don't want me to spare you?'

'You won't... get away...with this... Azula...' Ty Lee spoke between pants. Azula raised the sword and stabbed it into her leg again, a little lower then before. Ty Lee bit her lip to stop from screaming out in pain.

'Hm. It seems like this isn't really working.' Azula left the knife in her leg as she turned to face the other weapons. 'Hm, so many to choose from, so little time...'

Ty Lee looked around the room. She was too weak and too small to reach any weapons to help her escape. She wasn't coming out of this room alive.

'Aha!' Azula snapped her fingers and turned back to Ty Lee. 'I know exactly what I'll do.'

She approached her ex-friend, blue flames in her hands. 'I'll give you a scar, on your left eye. To be the match to my brother's. You are both traitors, so you will both wear the mark of one!'

Her hand moved closer and closer to Ty Lee's big brown eyes, squeezed shut in pain. She could feel the heat on her face, and Azula's hand came closer and closer. Then the air around Ty Lee grew cold and Azula screamed.

'STAY AWAY FROM HER!' Zuko yelled, his hands both holding bright balls of fire. Azula was against the wall, a burn on her side. She coughed and Zuko ran forward, holding her against the wall by her neck, tears of anger burning in his eyes. 'Don't EVER touch her!'

His fist hit her head so many times he lost count. The hand he held against her neck was burning her, but he didn't care. She wasn't his sister, she was the monster who hurt Ty Lee.

Ty Lee.

Zuko's anger was forgotten as concern came over him. He let Azula's unconcious body fall to the ground as he ran to his girlfriend's side. The worry in his face was obvious. 'Ty Lee? Can you hear me?'

Her brown eyes slowly slid open. She smiled at him, seeming at peace. 'Hi, Zuzu.'

'Shit, Ty Lee...' Zuko broke the rope holding her hands, pulling her onto his lap as he took the knife out of her leg, making her hiss in pain. 'Why... why would you let her...? How did... Fuck, Ty Lee...'

She gently stroked the scar on his face. 'Everything will be okay, Zuzu...'

'N-No, I...I need you to be okay.' Tears were streaming down his face, but he managed to hold in his sobs. He held her closer and started to rock back and forth, whispering into her ear. 'I need you. I can't do this without you. Please, please please please, I c-can't.'

He shook as a sob escaped him. 'Please, Ty Lee...d-don't leave me...'

His voice trembled as Ty Lee started to lose conciousness. Her eyelids grew heavy, and her head started to fall against his chest. She managed to murmur out one word before she blacked out. 'Z-Zuko...'


