The Talk

In the past few days, everybody in the police station noticed how weird the sheriff was behaving.
Spacing out, not eating properly, not to mention the ocasional blushing everytime she saw her partner.
And yeah, that was bugging Vi more than it should.

"C'mon cupcake, talk to me. The fuck's wrong with you?"

"W-what? What are y-you talking about?"

"THIS is what i'm talking about! You're being weird! C'mon! I'm your partner, ain't i? Tell me what's wrong!"

"I-it's nothing, really. Thanks for your concern, Vi"

And just like that, the conversation was ended. One thing Vi had to admit, Caitlyn was good at finishing conversations,

but it generally left her talking to herself, something that pissed her off. Big time.


And Vi stormed out Caitlyn's office. Okay, she was pissed, but a lot more pissed than kinda hurt her seeing the sheriff like that. She cared about her. Damn, it was no secret for everyone that Vi had feelings for Caitlyn. Ok, seriously now. She liked her. Well, damn it. She loved her. More than she could think off. Vi was no good at hiding it, but surprisingly, Caytlin didn't "notice" it.

Vi's POV

"That stupid Caitlyn! The hell is she thinking?! FUCK!"

The poor trash can suffered Vi's frustation taking a heavy blow from her hextech gloves.

"First, she doesn't see that i freaking like her...HELL...I LOVE HER! And second, she's all weird...and she's avoiding me!"

And again, the trash can suffered.

And it made her think. It wasn't her strong suit, but she had to. What was keeping her from telling Caitlyn her feelings?
What was on the sheriff's mind? She wanted answers. She needed them. That's when she decided, she was going to talk to her.

"Fuck it! I'm gonna talk to her. Whether she likes it or not."

And Vi left the alleyway near the station, and went to find Caitlyn.

Caitlyn's POV

"Damn! What am i doing?!"

The sheriff went to her office to get a drink. She didn't drink. But god knows why she needed one right now.
Her behavior, her mood, the reason of her thoughts, was no one, than her partner. Vi.

"I'm so sorry Vi...i want to talk to you so bad...b-but..."

She rested her head on her hands and let out a sigh. Of course she couldn't easily talk to Vi about her feelings.
While Vi wasn't good at hiding the fact that she liked Caitlyn, the sheriff was incredibly good at hiding the fact
she liked her partner. Oh come on, who are you kidding? The enforcer became food for Caitlyn's thoughts.
When she woke up, Vi popped in her head. When she was driving, Vi popped in her head. Even in some dates arranged
by Janna and Jayce, Vi was the reason why Caitlyn never had a second date. Needless to say what happened to her
when she saw the enforcer at the station, right?

The fact she was avoiding Vi was killing her. She never meant to treat her partner bad, but she couldn't help it.
Caitlyn looked to her half-filled glass and after a few seconds she drank the rest of her drink. The burning sensation
of the scotch going down her throat made her thoughts somewhat clearer. That's when something caught her attention:
a picture of them. Caitlyn was holding her rifle and Vi was hugging her with her left hextech glove and making a victory
sign with the other one. While the sheriff was somewhat serious, the enforcer was smiling.

That's when it hit her...why she had to feel like this? Why couldn't she talk to Vi? Why? Why?

"That's a lot of 'whys' Caitlyn...that's not like you at all..." That's when she decided. She was going to talk
to Vi. Something has to be done. But more importantly. She was hurting her. That a thought that plagued Caytlin's mind
more than it should. And that would stop. That night.

But in that moment when she thought her courage was all mustered, a tiny thought came:

"What if she says no?"

The sheriff froze. She never thought about it. But little she knew she wouldn't have much time to think about it.
Vi came to her door and knocked, bringing Caitlyn back to reality.

"Cait? You there? Listen, we gotta talk..."

The sheriff noticed some nervousness in her voice.

"L-look, i'm going in, right?!"

And the enforcer entered the room.