Reaching For You


Disclaimer: First of all, I will reluctantly profess that I do not own the Harry Potter franchise, or any of it's original characters. That honor belongs exclusively to the amazing JK Rowling, and her subsidiaries, and she is well deserved of it. I'm not sure how much she was aware of what an incredible creation she had wrought in the Harry Potter books, or that her writing would touch both children and adults with its wonders, but I truly thank her. The characters are so rich, the situations so fraught with possibilities that it is an absolute joy to contemplate and explore them constantly and repeatedly.

I also want to thank her for her gracious inclination towards us fanfiction writers, allowing us to take her work and use it in any way we can conceive, even if she is deeply opposed to the messages we take from its pages. It takes a lot of courage to open up something as private and personal as your masterpiece to the hungry Lion's Den, that is the Human public, and considering how widespread and popular these books are, that's a really big and often bloody arena. Therefore, in using her incredible work for my own entertainment, I pray that I will do her honor.


Throughout the books of Harry Potter, JK Rowling has always professed the power of love and its ability to overcome even the blackest of evils.

That particular theme is the focus of this story, along with the post-series revelation that Lucius Malfoy is one of the only Deatheaters who can truly love. It follows that both Draco and Narcissa are the same. The Malfoy family really do love one another, and in the end, seem to realize that all that truly matters in this world, is each other.

This story is an alternate version of the events that occurred during those 19 years between the end of the war, and the day that Harry and company see Albus, Rose and Scorpius off on their first year at Hogwarts.

I have mixed events in both the movie and the book versions of the cannon world. I use the movies' idea of the Malfoy family walking away from Voldemort after Harry is revealed to be alive; and the book version of the confrontation in the Room of Requirement on the Eve of the battle. In the book, Crabbe is the friend that casts the Fiendfyre spell that kills him in the end, and Goyle is the surviving friend that witnesses it, not Zabini; but I do make some reference to the movie version of events, just with the proper substitutions. You will learn of that soon enough. I also see Blaise as he appears in the movie; as a handsome proud and aristocratic dark-skinned boy with an African-Origin mother and an Italian father, as Zabini is an Italian name.

The fate of Harry's wand is also more complex. In the book, he uses the Elder Wand to repair his old wand, and then I assume returns Draco's wand to him afterwards. In the movie, we sort of assume that he keeps Draco's wand, which has switched its allegiance to him due to his mastery over the Elder Wand. I resolved it in the idea that Draco will have a new wand, but that Harry repaired his wand as in the book. What becomes of Draco's original wand is yet to be seen, so stay tuned.

In addition to my cannon mixes, the story includes several "off-screen" moments that push the Malfoy family just that little step further, into true Redemption.

The big change, however; is in the story's main pairing, which I have chosen, for several reasons:

One: They are the only two main characters in the story that end up with mates that we never even heard of.

Two: In my mind they follow the ideological idea of the Asian Yin/Yang: two opposites that create a perfect balanced whole.

Three: He is darkness, she is the moon, and like that natural relationship, they too feed each other symbiotically. In my own words: She is the light in his darkness and his darkness makes her shine.

Pairings: DracoxLuna (Druna), HarryxGinny, HermionexRon, NevillexHannah Abbot (Cannon). All other pairings are Cannon, but there may yet be more surprises.

Now, please enjoy: Reaching For You , Part One: "Dragon Rising to Moonlight."