This is my first fanfiction! I'm super excited for it and please don't hold back on the reviews! I will have copious amounts of Malec and I will definitely have lots of Clace and as much Sizzy as I can! The story starts off right after the dreaded page 511 in CoLS. Basically about everyone's lives being reconstructed…
-I still can't believe that this is happening. The love of my life is leaving me. God how could I have been so stupid? - Alec thought to himself.
As he watched Magnus wander farther down into the subway, away from him, Alec sank down to the ground in despair. He didn't know whether to scream or cry or both. All Alec could do was sit there. He knew he had to get home soon before his family, (mainly Isabelle and Jace) started to worry. He sat up numbly with all the strength he could muster and made his way back to the Institute in the pouring rain.
He made his way up the steps, wondering what his sibling were doing, and slipped through the doors as quietly as he could.
-Damn those stupid old doors- Alec thought.
He made his way to his room and as he passed the kitchen he heard the high pitched laughter of Clary and could smell something cooking on the stove. He knew it was Izzy because it smelled like something straight out of hell. He ambled his way past the kitchen and went to his room. He was so exhausted from the day's events that he didn't have time to change, he just fell onto the bed in his wet clothes and fell asleep.
-the next morning-
Alec woke up stiff and sore as hell from last night. He groggily recalled the events of last night and slowly stood up to take a hot shower. He had forgotten all the wonders of a good shower as he let the warm water cascade over his muscles. He let his tears fall freely from his face and mingle with the running water as he recalled everything he and Magnus had shared. He was his first everything. His first kiss, is first love, the first person to say that they loved him, (outside of his family of course). He was everything to him and he messed up. How could he have trusted Camille? He stepped out of the sower and prepared to face the day. He was determined to keep a strong stature in front of his siblings.
Alec went into the kitchen to find Simon trying to help Izzy make eggs, and Clary wrapped in Jace's arms. He was so sick of all these couples everywhere, surrounding him, all so happy, when he wasn't sure if he could ever be happy again.
"Do you guys really have to do that here?" Alec asked, venom dripping from his voice.
"Jeez Alec what's up with you?" Jace asked. "Why so grumpy, I'm sure you and Magnus have done much worse." He said with a knowing smirk on his face.
"Yeah Alec, I know you don't like me very much but you don't have to be such an asshat." Clary replied. (You'll see why she acts like this a little later hopefully).
That was the last straw for Alec, tears started to brim in his eyes as he remembered all the kisses that he and Magnus had shared.
"Is everything okay Alec?" Izzy asked, her voice full of concern. "Did you and Magnus have another fight? Are you okay?"
"I'm fine", said Alec. He had just enough time to get out of the kitchen and into the training room before he let the tears fall freely once again. He fell down to the floor, silently crying for Magnus. He suddenly stopped. He wouldn't let this breakup get to him. He promised himself that much. He loved Magnus but he couldn't ruin himself over their breakup. He got up and went over to the bows and picked up a quiver and one of the larger bows. Then he went over to the daggers and armed himself with six of them. He dedicated himself right then to push himself to the best of his ability. He didn't want to be the one that people looked down on, especially to his siblings. He was the oldest and he was going to be treated that way.
So that is the end of the first chapter. Tell me anything about what you think about the story! More reviews the faster and more frequent the updates! Sorry it is so short. The next chapters will be long.