Chapter 1- "Love Sparks"

As she looked into the dark sky, she saw the stars twinkling away. She let out a sigh, something bothered her, she felt a pull deep inside her, a pull she didn't understand. It felt like a craving, something she yearned without knowing. Her eyes fell to remains of the campfire, as the embers cracked away merrily without a care in the world. With that she snuggled up in her sleeping bag, and fell into a peaceful sleep.

"Boy, that was a good night sleep." The black haired boy yawned he looked across to se a teenager, around the age of 18, huddled over the fire. "Brock, you know you don't have to always cook breakfast for us." Ash said. rubbing the sleepers out of his eyes. "Well I just like cooking." "Ok, I'll take that as a good answer, what will we have?" "Well I wanted to try a new recipe, some great pancakes." "Great!" "Hey Ash, do me a favor, and wake Misty for me? Pancakes are almost done." "Sure" With that, he got out of his sleeping bag, and crawled over to a red- haired figure. Beside it was small egg, colored with triangles and squares. He gently rocked the red-haired figure and whispered in her ear, "Misty...Misty...wake up, it's time for breakfast" Misty let out a small yawn and opened her large blue eyes, and looked at Ash. "Oh, I'm sorry, I guessed I really needed my beauty sleep, huh Ash?" Ash smiled, "Aw, Misty, you don't need any..."

It was quiet for a few seconds, until Misty broke it, "Uh, Ash, what did you say?" A red line appeared over his face as he tapped his nose. "Breakfast is ready" he managed to stuttered out.

As the trio ate their pancakes, Ash couldn't help but wonder why he said that, "You don't need any?" He said to himself, "I really don't understand why I said that, I felt good saying it though..." Misty thought the same way, she felt the tug once again.

Brock how they were both distracted, he heard what Ash said, and he knew. It was obvious that they were deep in love. Even though neither of them admitted it, it was crystal clear. Brock was actually envied for himself, he wanted a relationship with a girl, he tried and tried, yet Ash, who didn't do anything to hint love, has someone admiring him, how could he be so lucky? But he knew he couldn't disrupt it., or it would take longer... "Hey Misty are you ok? You haven't even touched your pancakes." Ash asked, a sound of worry was evident in his voice. "Oh, I'm sorry, I was just thinking" she started to eat "Ok...if your sure..." "Yes, thanks Ash"

After they finished their breakfast, Ash spoke up, "Come on guys, I want to get home by tomorrow!" "Ok." Brock said, "But we need to stop at a Pokemon Center" he took out a map, "and according to this, there is one a few miles before Viridian City" "Ok! Lets go!"

And they started to walk. It was awhile until Brock, who was barely in an earshot, heard Ash and Misty talking. He rolled his eyes back to see them walking side by side. "Hey Misty?" Ash asked "Yes?" "I want to apologize for all the times I fought with you, I was reflecting on my entire journey, and I can't help but feel sorry for all the times we fought." "Oh...that's sweet of you, I also want to apologize." "Ok so lets bury the hatchet, friends?" Ash held out his hand "Friends" Misty stuck out her hand and shook his hand. Brock noticed something, neither of them unlocked hands. It seemed to be planned, because both were blushing, the time would be soon...

As they approached the Pokemon Center, Brock turned around and said in a cheeky voice, "Are you two still shaking hands?" If both of them were grossed out by each other their actions, they unlocked their hands and started blush. "Sometimes this makes me sick" Brock said in his mind.

As Brock swooned over Nurse Joy, Ash and Misty sat and ate some lunch as Pikachu and Togepi munched on some Pokefood. Brock stopped and looked at the two, they both had had the look that their minds were busy with confusing messages.

"What is wrong with them" A voice said behind Brock "It's funny, they are both are in love, but they are way too naive to realize it." "So that means Ash has a girlfriend?" "Yeah that would be, hey! How do you know Ash?" He spun around to see, "A.J?" Brock's yell made Ash and Misty snap awake and walk to A.J and Brock chatting. A.J's trusty Sandshrew was at his side, and Pikachu and Togepi walked towards it to chat with it. "Ash, you finally got a girl-" Brock ribbed A.J in the stomach. "What you do that for!" A.J whispered to Brock angrily. "Look if you tell them, that will make things go slower!" Brock whispered back. "So then what do I say?" "Anything, just don't mess this up" "Fine fine." "I got a what?" Ash asked out aloud "Er...A trophy yet?" A.J managed to stutter out

"An Orange League, I've gotten much better than I was" "Cool, want to battle?" "No." "Pika?" "Toge?" "Ash are you alright" Misty asked worried. "I got something on my mind...but let's go to Pallet Town" "Uh...ok" Brock said confused. "Hey A.J want to come along?" Ash asked "Well do we Pass Viridian City on the way?" "Yes" "Well I got nothing else better to do..." "Great, lets go."

During the trip, they talked about miscellaneous things, it soon got dark thereafter, they set up camp and went to sleep...all except Brock and A.J. "Now that they are asleep, A.J, I know a way to speed up their feelings." "How so?"

"I know these two pretty good, and I know when Misty is cold in her sleep, she tosses and turns like a Tarous." "And that helps us how?" "Well, I got a bag of ice, I will put this bag at Misty's feet, soon she will get cold, then thrash around." "And..." "Stop that." "No" "Anyway, if Ash loves Misty, he'll wake up, and do something to keep Misty warm or something like that." "So then we wait?" Brock, never getting out of his sleeping bag, scooted over to Misty and placed a large bag of ice at the foot of her sleeping bag. "Now we do."

As they waited, all was silent. Nothing moved or made a sound, only the fire, with the occasional crackle. Finally, what seemed to be years, Brock's plan started. Misty, just as Brock said, started to move around, looking like she was in a nightmare. She let out a whimper of discomfort as she thrashed around violently, yet silently. Then Brock's plan came into full swing. Ash woke up, and raised his body upwards. He sat there for a moment, slowly blinking, trying to wake up. Then his eyes laid onto Misty. He sat there, looking at Misty, as she helplessly moved around. Ash, never leaving his sleeping bag, scooted over to Misty and removed the bag of ice at her feet. He then took his arms out of his sleeping bag and, so carefully, he slipped one over Misty's body, and one under, making a circle. He then brought her as close to him as their sleeping bags would let them. Then all was silent and still again.

"Hey A.J! Did you see that?" Brock whispered, but his reply was light snoring. "He fell asleep..." He yawned, "I guess I should do the same, I need to wake up before them." With that, he fell into a restful sleep.

Brock woke up with a start, did he miss it? He jumped up out of his sleeping bag and looked at the two. No, Ash and Misty were still asleep in each other's hands, both were smiling. He heard a voice behind him, "Mission Accomplished?" "No" "Ok, so what will we do when they wake up?" "Uh, I didn't plan that far, but if Misty-"

"I am sick of that If-Then crap!" "I only did it twice!" "That is one too many" "Why you little..."

A few things happened at once. First of all, Brock and A.J started wrestling and fighting. Then everyone except Misty woke up with a start. Ash's Pikachu and A.J's Sandshrew rushed to Brock and A.J's fighting, trying to calm them down, but failed. Ash, then realizing what a sticky wicket he was in, tried to move, but somehow, Misty's weight was constricting his arm under her. He couldn't move. Pikachu, fed up with the duel, screamed a loud "PIKACHU" and thundershocked them both. Ash was horrified to hear Misty yawn. His mind raced. What could he do? He knew Misty hated him, and if she saw what he was doing, he would be beaten silly! But what could he do? He was stuck! So he nervously closed his eyes and hoped for the best.

It was quiet...he felt Misty moving around, but he was too scared to open his eyes. All of a sudden, the motions stopped. He opened his eyes. He saw Misty's eyes, so beautiful, staring deep into his own eyes. It seemed to happen in slow motion. Misty's arms went around Ash's body. Slowly their heads moved together, and sweetly, a kiss happened between their lips. Pikachu, not understanding what was going on, was flailing his small arms wildly like he was on fire.

"I think it worked" Brock said confused "And I think I am out of here." A.J said running off with Sandshrew trailing him.

Pikachu screamed another "PIKACHU" thundershocking both Ash and Misty out of their kiss. The couple looked at the confused, yellow mouse. "Uh, Pikachu, why did you do that?" Ash said, a bit mad at it. "Pikachu! Pika cha?" "It isn't harmful, watch!" With that he grabbed Misty and kissed her again on the lips. "Oops, sorry Mist." "Oh Ash..." She hugged Ash tightly, so happy with herself. But it seemed that Misty's Togepi was the most joyous. It slowly grew white and began to grow. It was evolving!

"Togetic!" It squealed Ash took out his Pokedex, "What is that Dexter?" He said pointing the small, red object at the new Pokemon. "Togetic, the egg Pokemon. Evolves from Togepi. Believed to whoever owns this Pokemon is extremely lucky." Misty laughed, "Dexter is right, I am lucky!" She opened her arms to invite the newly evolved Pokemon for a hug. "Toge Togetic!" It said running into her arms. "This is the happiest day of my life" Ash said, putting his arms around Misty.

"It's about time..." Brock said to himself, "It's about time..."