Flynn, with the dish of soup in his hand, made his way to the Snuggly Duckling pub that was not far from Rapunzel's tower. He opened the doors and stepped inside the pub, greeted by a dim-light, loud chatter and lots of people. He had only been here once before, that was after he completed a job with the Stabbington Brothers. He made his way through the crowds of people and took a seat at the bar counter.
"What can I get ya?" The tall, bulky man behind the counter aked in a gruff voice.
After thinking for a second, Flynn looked up "I'll take a glass of gin," Flynn ordered. "and can I get a spoon for this?" He asked motioning at the soup. The bartender nodded and handed Flynn a spoon before he turned around to get the alcohol for Flynn. Flynn brought a spoonful of the soup up to his awaiting mouth. As the soup flowed through his mouth, Flynn could taste hazelnut, celery, broth and herbs. There was a clink as the glass of gin was set infront of him. Taking the frosted glass in his hand he downed the cool, yet buring, liquid. Motioning for another glass, he could only think of the girl from earlier. Rapunzel.
Rapunzel watched as Flynn disappeared into the darkness, know that he probably wouldn't come back. He really had no reason to anyways. She wondered what would happen to Flynn if he were to go back, empty handed, to the people who had given him the job. He would probably be beat, left broken and bloody in the middle of nowhere.
"Stop thinking like that silly, he will be fine." She reassured herself, making her way over to the stove. "Flynn's a big boy, he can take care of himself." Rapunzel poured herself a bowl of soup and sat down next to the fireplace. She ate the soup slowly, thinking of Flynn.
A/N: AUGHH why can I only write really short chapters? ;n; I'll try to write and post more chapters soon! 3