Me: I know it's been a while and I apologize severely. Thank you for your reviews. Enjoy!
Hazy. The room was very hazy. A thick cloud of fog surrounded me. I couldn't see anything at all, not even my own body, when I looked down. I hear voices, but I can't move. I feel as if I'm being held down by something. Honestly, I'm too scared to move at all. I try to focus on the noise, trying to figure out who or what it is. Then I hear a high-pitched scream.
"Hello?" I shout, scared for the owner of the voice. I wait and wait for an answer, but no one replies. I try to stop my breathing to see if I could hear anyone near. I heard light tapping from a little off the distance. It almost sound like footsteps, running. But who would be running when they can't see where they are going. I turn my head in the direction of the tapping. it was getting closer. It was becoming louder. From behind me, I hear another high-pitched scream. I snap my head in that direction, hoping to see someone. Then I am tackled to the ground.
I fall to the ground, grunting when I impacted with what felt like concrete. I felt the heaviness of someone laying on top of me. I turned my body around. The heaviness that was on top of me was then lifted, as if the person stood. I looked up and saw a little girl. I couldn't see her face, however.
"Hey? Are you lost." I heard my voice bounce around like an echo. The girl's little hand shot out and covered my mouth. That's when I saw her face. She had the face of a toddler. Her skin looked as if it was made from porcelain glass. She had mid-length, golden hair. Her bangs curled themselves right at her eye brows. But the thing that made me take a sharp in-take of breath was cerulean, blue eyes. They were soft and held the innocence of a small child, but also held the maturity of a woman who has seen it all.
The girl put a finger to her own lips. She looked behind her and behind me. She slowly took her hand away from my mouth and crouched down in front of me.
"We don't have too much time before she realizes I'm gone so I have to be quick." She whispered, checking behind her again. "Listen," She whispered sharply, looking in my eyes. "Don't believe her. She lies. She tricks and she makes illusions." She said with such intensity. We heard yet another scream. I saw the girl's eyes widen in horror. She looked at me again, tears shining in her eyes. "Remember, don't believe her." She got up and started to sprint in the direction of the scream. I got up as soon as i could and tried to run after her.
"Wait! Who are you talking about?" I shouted after her. I soon grew tired and stopped running. it was no use anyway, I couldn't see anything. After I caught my breath and stood up straight and tried to listen for her footsteps. Instead I heard the sound of creaking. It was near and it was from behind me. I turned around and gasped in horror. There, swinging from a rope, was my sisters, the Professor, and the Ruffs. I screamed in pure terror.
"Bubbles! Wake up!" I woke up, shooting up in the air. I looked around, frantically. I then felt a chill that made goosebumps appear on my skin. I looked down at myself and realized that I was very naked. I floated down to my bed. That's when I saw Boomer. His eyes were full of concern. I landed in his lap, that was covered by the comforter, and wept in his bare chest.
"Boomer! It was horrible! I saw you and everyone else hanging, dead!" I wailed. He put his hand on my back, rubbing small circles between my shoulder blades. He then leaned down and kissed in between my shoulder and neck, knowing it would calm me down. My sobs slowed down as he comforted me. I leaned back and kissed hims softly. He smiled down at me and swept the hair from my face.
"It's alright. I'm right here. My brothers, your sisters and the Professor are all down stairs. Everything is fine. It was just a nightmare." I nodded my head and buried my face in his neck, taking in his cologne. "Are you hungry? I can go downstairs and get you a bowl of cereal." I shook my head, but leaned back.
"No, I'm not hungry, but I want to see my sisters." I said, taking in a deep breath. He nodded and got up. I couldn't help myself, but to smile when I saw his butt. I think he knew I was looking, because he gave me a shy smile and grabbed the blanket, covering his torso. I giggled and reached down to my clothes from yesterday. I walked over to my closet and dumped the clothes in my hamper. I grabbed a pair of jeans and my softball team, T-shirt.
I walked out and saw Boomer fully clothed. He looked over to me, giving me a smile of sympathy. I knew he was going to see his brothers. They were the next people I wanted to see. Butch was so excited for a baby, and Brick... he didn't even know he was a father. They both would've made wonderful dads. I walked over to Boomer and hugged him.
"Tell them, I'm so sorry, and that I'll see them after I visit my sisters." He nodded and gave me a kiss on my cheek. we both walked out of my room, him going to Brick's room, me heading to the lab. That's where my sisters were recovering. I used my super speed and ran to the Lab door, opening it anxiously. I walked down the steps of the lab, slowly. I followed the sound of the small beeps. Both of my sisters laid on the recovery tables, awake.
Buttercup was breathing in a hollow pattern, This was a sign that she was angry and wanted to scream. Her jade, eyes locked on to mine. They were dull. The eyes that used to hold so much confidence and bravery were now begging for me to take away their pain. She was sweating slightly and her skin was pale. I saw the slight movement of her lip quivering. This was not the Buttercup I knew. This was a girl who had lost her will to live.
Blossom wasn't better. Her sclera was blood-shot red. She had cried all night. She was sweating as well, but it seemed to be worse for her. She was wheezing as she took deep breaths. She was also pale. Her eyes had black rings around them. Her intelligent, pink eyes were dead. She stared blankly up at the ceiling, not even trying to see who had come in. I could see the patch that the Professor had put on the side of her neck to stop any more bleeding. The sides were clawed up, almost, as if Blossom tried to take it off. Blossom had died with her child.
Tears started to fall down my cheeks from the sight of them. This is not who my sisters were. Her sisters never gave up. Never! Bubbles timidly walked closer. She stopped between both tables. Buttercup looked over at her, giving the best smile she could, but it wasn't good enough to hide the pain and sorrow she felt. Blossom finally looked over to me, but she remained expressionless.
"I'm so sorry!" I said trying to stop myself from sobbing. I felt selfish for crying. Here I was perfectly fine, while my sisters, one badly wounded and both just found out they lost their children, were laying on a recovery table and she was the one crying. She grabbed both her sisters' hands.
Don't belive her! She Lies!
I gasped when I heard the voice. I looked around, but it was just my sisters and I in the lab.
"What are saying?" Buttercup grunted, sitting up. "I'm fine." She gave me a cocky smirk that she usually wore when fighting. It wasn't real, though. It was a fake that she was trying to use to trick me. it wasn't working. I heard Blossom grunt from beside me. Her head went in small circles as she tried to catch her focus.
"Yes. We are quite alright. I'm just happy to see that you're okay." Blossom told me. She smiled warmly at me. I knew that Blossom's smile was real. She was always so motherly to me. She would've been such a great mother...
She tricks and makes illusions!
I heard the girl's voice again. I shook my head to try to ignore it. Now was not the time to start remembering a stupid dream.
"How are you two feeling?" I asked them, crouching between them. They both stayed silent for a minute.
"My neck hurts." Blossom stated, bitterly. "How's Brick?" She asked me.
"And Butch?" Buttercup added.
"I don't know. I haven't seen them. Boomer is visiting them right now. Last night, though, they were torn up about... the news" I added hesitantly. They both hung their heads, looking as if they were thinking about it. I heard footsteps and turned to face the staircase. the image of the little girl running glossed over my eyes. Then I heard the Professor's voice:
"Hello, Bubbles." He greeted me. "Hello, girls." He said, directing his attention to Blossom and Buttercup. "I need to check your fluids, pulse and heart rate. And for you, Blossom, i need to check your blood count. Bubbles, i know how skittish you are when it comes to blood, so I would suggest you go back upstairs and visit the boys." I nodded. I gave my sisters one last smile and walked upstairs. I heard the TV in the living room, so that was where I went first. There, I found Butch laying on the couch. I saw him staring at the screen, but his eyes were glossed over.
"Hey Butch. " I greeted as I walked beside him. His attention snapped to me. I saw him look behind me to the lab door. "She's doing okay, I guess." I said to him. He looked back over to me. "You can tell she's a little shooken up, though." I came around the arm of the couch and sat. "I'm so sorry, Butch." He gave me a sad smile.
"It's okay, I guess. I mean it hurts so fucking much, but I don't know what I can do about it. I really wanted a kid, you know!" He said. I could hear the raw pain in his voice as he spoke. "I wish I could fucking kill those bastards!" He shouted. I gulped, thinking back to the image of their dead bodies.
"Shut up, Butch." I heard Brick say. Brick and Boomer were standing at the bottom of the stairs, walking into the living room. "Buttercup will hear your loud ass and start worrying about you. You want her to recover fully, Don't you?" he asked. butch nodded numbly.
"Hi, Brick." I said getting up and giving him a hug. He smiled at me and it made my heart clench. His smile was so heartbreaking.
"Good Morning, Bubbles. Did you sleep well." I looked over to Boomer shyly and nodded. Brick also looked at Boomer and for the first time since yesterday morning, I saw the real Brick. "Well this is interesting." He stated in a joking manner. boomer blushed and looked down at his shoes. Butch looked Between us curiously.
"What? What's interesting?"
"It seems that last night Bubbles made our, dearest little brother a man." He smirked at Butch. Butch's eyes then became lighter in humor as he stared at Boomer.
"Oh ho~ Really now?" Butch stated. I blushed and giggled softly.
"Will you two shut up!" Boomer yelled at them. I knew he was happy, though. Their minds were distracted for the moment and it was like yesterday never happened. I sighed happily and snuck away to the hall bathroom. I looked into the mirror and expected Brat to appear, but I was relieved when she didn't. Actually, now that I think about it, I haven't heard from her all morning. That's weird. Maybe that means I won't have any more anger and no one else will die. I smiled to myself and turned on the sink. I splashed warm water on my face. I patted it dry with a hand towel that was close by. When I looked up, I hand to cover my mouth to hold in a scream. I saw the little girl in the reflection behind me. I turned around, but she wasn't there. I gasped in surprise when I faced the Mirror once more.
There was Brat before me. She was sneering at me. I could see pure anger in her eyes. I almost wanted to cower at the sight.
"What's wrong?" I asked, finally. She gave me a bitter smile.
What's wrong? You want to know what's wrong? I'm becoming weak! That's what wrong! I'm losing my energy! I need to kill! Let me go and Kill something. How about that monkey. Mojo, I believe is his name. I shook my head no. I started to slowly back away, but a force pushed me closer to the mirror. Why not? if I'm correct, he's your biggest enemy.
"No. He's not anymore. He stopped being bad a little over a year ago." I told her. She frowned at me.
Then just let me kill him anyway.
"No! You can't! That's wrong!" I yelled at her.
Oh come on, Bubbles! Stop being such a priss. No one will miss him. He's just a stupid monkey.
"You're wrong. The ruffs will miss him. He's their father." I said. Then I thought of something: "Wait.. I thought you said you were me, just my angry side." I said. She crossed her arms and gave me a skeptical look.
That's right. I am you.
"Then you would know Mojo has been good and that He's the Ruffs' father!" I yelled.
She lies!
My eyes widened as I thought back on the little girl. She was talking about Brat. I struggled against the force that was holding me to the mirror. Brat started to laugh darkly.
"Boomer! Help me!" I screamed. Brat glared at me.
This is not over, Bubbles. I will be back and I will get my way. She disappeared right after, as the door to the bathroom opened. I felt the force vanish as Boomer came up behind me. Butch and Brick stood in the door way, peeking in concerned.
"Bubbles, are you okay?" I looked to the mirror and smiled up to him.
"Yeah, now I am. I just was having a flashback of my nightmare." i said kissing his cheek. I smiled at Brick and Butch. "i'm sorry that I worried you. How about we go to the lab and Help the Professor. I bet you two are dying to see my sisters." I suggested. They both smiled back and nodded. I grabbed Boomer's hand and led him to the lab, closing the bathroom door on the way out.
You think you're so smart, don't you? Brat said pushing the small child in front of her. The girl whimpered, but never lost the look bravery. Brat crouched down next to her, taking her cheeks in one hand, squeezing. Well you aren't! And for what you did, We'll punish you and you precious family. The girl's eyes widened in horror and Brat laughed wickedly. Behind Brat a pair of magenta and a pair of olive-green eyes glowed evilly.
Me: Sorry if it's no good. I just wanted to update today. I hope you liked :)