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La Push, Washington was never somewhere I thought I would end up. But after being relocated due to my mother's job, everything turned to hell. Or so I thought. At first, I couldn't grasp the concept of living here; everyone was so different than I was—tan (some of them) and familiar with the way of life here, the rain and the snow, the lack of sunlight, the cold. I did what I could to deal, but it was obvious that I stuck out like a sore thumb. I attracted attention almost too easily with my arrival.

I made friends instantly, and if it weren't for them, I'm sure I wouldn't have made the decisions I had. Settling into La Push wouldn't have happened; I would have begged to move back home to live with my grandparents, Bunny and Pops. Hayley and I wouldn't have become best friends and I wouldn't have finished my sophomore year of high school.

The most monumental moment I would have missed—meeting Jacob Black. If I were to have left La Push, we would never have met. Our relationship would be nonexistent, as would our extraordinary bond. The Quileutes would just be some tribe that lingered in Washington, their legends strictly myths. Large werewolves would be stupid, mythological creatures with no significance, as would their rivals, vampires.

But that wasn't the case. I was aware of it all.

I'm Sarah Caldwell. My mother and I live alone in La Push with a protection order against my father, who's locked up in jail for a year for abusing my mother. My school friends are ignorant of anything supernatural lingering in the shadows. The Quileutes are my second family, even if they are a pack of wolves. The police officer checking in on me has a daughter who dates a vampire.

My own boyfriend…well, he's nowhere in sight, as he has been for the past few weeks.

This is my story, and it's far from a fairytale.

A/N: Hello everyone, and welcome to The Ignited Saga: Inflamed! The second chapter of my Twilight series is now underway. It's been a long wait, a tad longer than a year now, but it's finally here! Not all of the story is finished, but I will try posting new chapters every two weeks or so, which means the updates should be consistent. However, for a head's up, I will be working quite a bit throughout this next semester, but I am dedicated to this series. Please do stick around, and enjoy the ride!

Reviews are encouraged, as are Alerts/Follows to keep up with updates.


P.S. Happy Holidays!