The average duration of a human triplet pregnancy is approximately 32 weeks. That said this pregnancy was not human and by no means average. There wasn't anything to use as a form of reference for succubus/ lycan pregnancy, never mind the further complication of not one but three babies. Needless to say both Bo and Dyson where anxious and somewhat frightened due to the fact that they simply had no idea what to do or expect. Neither knew when Bo would go into labour; whether it would be before, after, or at the human due date. They were unsure whether the pregnancy would be accelerated or prolonged due to the unusual genetic situation. Bo had adopted the attitude of it happens when and how it happens, not wanting to dwell on the unknown and lived life with as much normality as possible. Dyson on the other hand was verging on a mental breakdown. He kept up a strong façade for Bo's sake, not wanting to burden her further. Every time she so much as moved he was right by her side convinced something bad would happen. He hated that she was still working cases. Dyson trusted her beyond hope. Knew she'd never do anything to endanger the three babies, or herself now. There was always danger and it seemed to follow them around. No matter how many precautions where taken there were always a million and one things that could go wrong.