Hello readers
My name is Superkamiguru
Or SKG for short
For those that know me,
I am an impulsive writer
I write what hits my fancy
What has hit my fancy today is nostalgia
And the topic is Rugrats.
Obviously you know this since this is a rugrats fanfic.
As a fan of the series, I felt it could have improved.
I think they either needed to make the kids at least in the teens (14-15)
Or at least expanded on Tommy and Kimi,
(Seriously we got one f***ing episode, no one cares about f***ing Rachael! (No offense))
So this is my story I how I would have continued the series,
Lil and Phil: 15
Chuckie: 16
Angelica and Susie: 17
So let's set the mood
Tommy's POV
It's 4:30, I finished all of my homework, and I'm waiting for my friends.
Ever since high school, We always kept our tradition of hanging out on Fridays. Today's activity was going to the carnival . My brother Dil, suggested we go since, it is half off for teens tonight only. Me, Chuckie, Phil, Lil, Dil, and Kimi have all been friends since we were babies. It's funny how things change. Chuckie is now the head of the Sewing, Chess, and Theater arts clubs at our school. Lil is the varsity soccer captain for two years (which is impressive since she was a freshman when she became captain), Phil is exercising hygiene (I know it is horrifying) and is in the Vice President of the cooking club. Dil started his own club, the Alien investigation club. (It is currently the 4th most popular club (non athletic) in the school.) he is planning some field trip to New Mexico, something about Area 51. Kimi is also rather busy, she took up several clubs, Dance, Choir, Art, (she says she is tapping into her Creative side) she is also part of theater arts. As for me, I have been working on my movies as usual, I joined a couple of film making clubs and also I started to work out. I can honestly say, I think I'm getting good results.
Although I can't say I have been having luck on the field. I have remained single since middle school.
Not because I can't get a girl, (some just throw themselves at me) it's because I have one girl stuck in my head.
My best friends sister, Kimi.
I couldn't tell you when I started feeling this way, but I can tell you that she is in my head. In my dreams, my thoughts. It is almost nuts.
At first I thought it was hormones. I mean she was quite an Asian beauty. She had silk like long dark hair, flawless skin, beautiful eyes, and a curvaceous body, (that a blind man could see) and I know that there is someone up there because of the gift that he gave Kimi. She was like a model (she was only 15! When she reaches 18, I think I might die from a heart attack)
But it wasn't just that, it was the way she carried herself, she wasn't stuck up, or snooty. Kimi was kind, sweet, stubborn, smart, witty, a little kooky, creative, and above all else, Bold.
But the crazy part about her was she had a crush on me once when we were kids. How I wish I could have known that back then.
I guess only three things keep me from making a move.
1. She is one of my friends.
2. She is completely out of my league
3. Even if i can work around rules one and two. Chuckie would kill me.
Chuckie is like a brother to me, he is the closest of my friends. He is also not as much of a weakling as he was before.
He took up karate about 3 years ago. He is already two belts away from Black.
About two months ago, some sleaze all hit on Kimi, Chuckie knocked him out in one punch.
Chuckie is still a bit scrawny, and usual carries a passive demeanor, but, Karate gave him some sort of strong, impulsive side. I'm not saying I'm afraid of what Chuckie might do, but i am a little more hesitant to make a move because of it.
I sighed at the thoughts that went through my head. My brother comes bursting through the room.
"Come on Bro! The guys are outside, we have got to go!" Dil said with a rush.
Dil was wearing his trademark Sherpa hat, that seemed glued to his head. He was wearing a green shirt that said "Aliens among us" and blue jeans, he was wearing flip flops despite the fact it was 30 degrees outside.
"Alright I going." I reply he nods and sprints out the door. I slip on a red hoodie and put my hand through my short dark purple hair, (make sure my hair is spiked)
I walk down the stairs and see my mom in the kitchen.
"Bye mom, Me and Dil will be back later!" I say as I pet my dog spike and walk our.
Outside I see Chuckie's car, it's basically a puke green mini van that got for 1000 bucks since an old friend wanted it gone.
It's about 12 years old and smells like a mix of wet dog and air freshener.
I make my way into the back seat with Kimi. Phil got shotgun, Lil and Dil took the Middle.
"Alright guys, buckle in." Chuckie said as I got inside. "I just got my license and i don't plan on losing it."
I got into the car and looked at Kimi. She smiled as I took a seat.
One big pro about having your best friend having a car means your mobile. The one downside, Chuckie drives much slower then a grandma. (I should know since my grandma actual drives Over the speed limit).
The ride should of taken 10 minutes.
By the time we got there it was almost half an hour later, and we left at 5:00!
While normally I would have hated it, I was fine with it because during the ride, Kimi fell asleep... On my shoulder. Kimi was wearing a simple baby blue t shirt that showed wasn't revealing skin, but still showed her "Girls" and tight blue jeans, that defined her "assets". She had her hair in a ponytail, since we were going to be in casual fun mode
Chuckie started to park, everyone was getting out. I sighed sadly, I nudged Kimi awake. She woke up on my shoulder. Once she realized what she was napping on. She shot up and blushed (from embarrassment)
"Sorry... I was tired and Chuckie was driving so slow..." Kimi whispered loud enough for only me to hear.
"It's fine, I'm just glad you got to rest. Because now we are off to an adventure!" I say like a cliche actor.
Kimi giggled at that. (Man I love that laugh)
"You have been watching way to many movies." Kimi said. We both laughed at that like dorks.
"Come on you two hurry up!" Dil said killing the mood.
We both compose ourselves and get out of the minivan.
Phil smiled as he stared at the carnival entrance. "I am going to eat so much cotton candy." He says as he sprints to the entrance and we follow after. Little did I know what was in store for me.
And scene,
Merry Christmas (unless your reading this after Christmas or don't celebrate it)
Please review and tell me what you think
Until next time