AND CRAPS I FORGOT TO MENTION...This story wouldn't be here unless it were for my awsome BETA Minatochan2!X3 You guys should really check her out she's great! Sorry Minato I forgot to put this again...

Summary: Aaaagh overload! So many awesome story ideas popping into my head, and I already have a bunch of stories that need updates! GAH is too much!X3 Okay now the plague has spread across the town outside of Silent Hill(I think it had a name…Whatever that one was that that girl was living in), and our RE's are going in to do a B.O.W clean up….But they're not B.O.W's….So how are you gonna kill em?*I say the last parts like the guy on the insurance commercials* Anyway, I wanted them to have a bit of a connection with the whole thing….There's also going to be a bit of a surprise at the end…*Hint: It's a resurrection*X3 I hope you enjoy! Oooh I want you guys to try to guess what the resurrection is!X3 Pweeese, leave a guess in your review?

WARNING: My updates MAY?WIll BE slow, so if I don't post anything sooner than you guys expect, I'm probably busy with school, chores and other stuff, I never abandon my stories!

Rating: T: Language; Violence; Disturbing descriptions (Well I would say images but…It's not a movie) Some uses of advanced technology ("In Dexter's Laboratory, he's the smartest boy you've ever seen!" *continues to sing Dexter's laboratory intro*)

Authors Note: Chris still has his post-traumatic are also a couple new arrivals, which are just like the rookies on Claire's team, since we all know Chris' team. Here are the main ones on Claire's side, and yes I revived a few fellow members of Chris' team, so what, man can't be the angel of death all the time, let's say maybe for once he DOESN'T get his partner killed/kidnapped/caught up, yeah?:

Chad: He's the rookie on Claire's team, so long story short in a ways, Chad is like Claire's "Finn MCcauley"

Stark: He's like Claire's second in command, next to Jill and Sheva being her best on the team, although Sheva is temporarily there, like Chris was on his mission with her in Africa. Anyhow Stark is like Claire's "Piers Nivans" in a ways.

Chris had just finished putting his pistol together and adjusted the sight.

"What are our coordinates?" He asked as he heard the door behind him open then close and the sound of boots coming closer.

"West Virginia…Some place called Silent Hill…." the young man said with a slight tone of disbelief.

"You're serious? THE Silent Hill…?"Chris looked back at the young man, who nodded in return.

"Yeah, crazy right…" The young soldier said and sat across from Chris. He started maintenance on his weapons. A few other agents in the room were doing the same thing, and the room filled with the sound of clicking.

"More like creepy…" A familiar female voice said from behind Chris, heavy with an accent. He looked back to see the woman and Jill standing next to her. The young man that sat across from Chris loaded his pistol and then looked up at them.

"Sheva, Jill, I wasn't informed that you two were assigned to the mission." Chris stood up and turned to face them. The young man continued with his guns, and Jill nodded.

"We didn't know up until a few minutes ago…"Jill started.

"She and I were on our way to see our captain," Sheva finished. Chris walked a few feet away from them and slid a hand down his face.

"Your captain. Of course if you two are here, then so is she," Chris muttered to himself.

"Piers, go find Claire, while I talk to these two…" He looked back at his partner who was still messing with his weapons. The man nodded and left the room. Chris then walked over to Sheva and Jill, asking them a few questions to make sure they were up to speed with the whole thing. He worried about the two, especially Jill since she was finally back in the saddle.

Piers soon returned through the door.

"Here she is captain," he said as he held the door open for the woman to walk in.

"Claire…" Chris nodded at her with a small smile as she entered. She returned the smile and walked over to hug her brother as Piers shut the door.

"Chris, how've you been?" She asked him. He told her that he was fine, but she knew something was still bothering him.

"Captain…" Jill said to Claire and the red-head turned to face her. The blonde told her captain where they were reassigned, and the two teams discussed their objectives.

"Okay, now everybody listen up!" Chris declared as Piers set down a device in the middle of the table. It projected a map of the town.

"This whole area's been closed down, and its been evacuated so we can get through…" As Chris spoke, Piers moved through the projections.

"Our objectives are to clean up the city, rescue any stranded, and collect whatever useful information we can." Piers brought up a live satellite feed of Silent Hill and where the 'plague' spread throughout the other city.

"That place looks freaking creepy…" One of Claire's soldiers commented from within the group that was crowded around the table.

"Yeah, so let's make this quick. Everybody move out!" Chris commanded and his soldiers nodded. They filed out of the room and loaded into tanks and cars with mounted machine guns.

"What are you standing around for? Get outta here!" Claire yelled and left behind her team. Chris and Piers looked at each other and nodded before leaving as well, Piers got onto one of the mounted automobiles and Chris inside one of the tanks.

The two tanks and other army vehicles soon rolled slowly into the smoky city, ashes falling from the sky. The building's exteriors looked alright, but the interiors were not so lucky. The teams were sure to wear gas masks.

"Remember, we need to get to Silent Hill; it's the heart of all this mess…" Chris said through the speaker of the tank he was in, and as he did low, twisted mewls, moans and growls were heard. Nothing was seen.

Claire signaled for her team to move as she jumped out of a mounted car, her AK-47 brought forward from resting on her back. She quickly adjusted the strap a little and took point as she and her unit cautiously entered the city on foot. Sheva and Jill moved through slowly, watching for any sign of movement. Chris pressed two fingers to his ear.

"Claire, I guess we're going ahead. Catch up when you're done he," he said to his sister.

"Got it…" She responded before moving over to a park looking area with Chad and a few soldiers.

Chris's tank rolled by and he watched through the small window as his sister disappeared into the distance.

"Sheva, Jill be careful…" He kept his fingers pressed to his ear.

"We'll be fine," Sheva responded as reassuring as she could sound. She and Jill made their way towards a school building with five soldiers.

"Yeah….kay…nd….Jill, w…ch, after…Claire…" Chris said through a fuzzy signal.

"Don't worry, I will…" She responded before their signal cut out, and Chris could no longer see his sister, Jill or Sheva….

"You alright Captain?" Piers asked, fingers similarly on his ear as he looked back at the tank his captain was in.

"Yeah I'm fine…" Chris responded.

"Are you sure you don't wanna leave me with Claire?"

"No, its fine…Jill'll take care of her…" Chris continued with a slight smile, though no one could see it.

"Whatever you say, though I still would've recommended leaving me with Claire instead of….Jill…" Piers forced himself to say the blonde's name, then sighed and leaned against the mounted machine gun. Chris laughed lightly.

"You may not trust her but I do…Don't worry, Claire's gonna be okay with her,"

"Uh, hey. Quick q-question" Finn cut in, fingers to his ear.

"If this plague or whatever was supposed to be only in Silent Hill…h-how did it get all the way to that other town? I mean, they did say that the evil was contained there by some sort of witchcraft…"

"Well, someone's been doing their homework," Piers concluded and looked over at Finn who was in the vehicle next to him. He waved with a grin behind his mask to which Piers only shook his head and rolled his eyes, chucking him a half-hearted duce (AN: ya know, the two fingers…) as he looked back at the tank Chris was in.

"No idea. That's why we're going to Silent Hill. We're gonna tear it down and hope this mess stops," Chris responded to Finn. He winced slightly, and held his head as flashes of images went through his mind.

"You okay captain?" Piers asked a little frantically and sat up in the vehicle as if he could jump out and go to the tank that his captain was aboard...

"Yeah, fine. Over and out," he responded and looked out through the window at all the ash and smoke…

"Oh! W-Wait! One more question! What kind of information are we after?" Finn asked.

"Albert Wesker, Finn! You may be a rookie but you should know this at least. Anyway apparently the guy had some kind of connection with the place…" Piers continued to inform him.

"Wh-" Finn started on another question, but Piers cut him off.

"Hey, Finn?"


"Shut up please," Piers said nonchalantly.

"Oh, uh. Yeah. Sorry Too many questions…Stuff I already know, sorry…" Finn gave a nervous chuckle and sat back in the vehicle with a heavy sigh. Chris shook his head and chuckled a bit himself at the two.

Soon the tank stopped right outside of Silent Hill along with three mounted automobiles. Chris climbed out of his transport and met Piers over at the armed car.

(*For some reason this ending seems like where the intro's ended and they finally let you start playing the game on split screen! XD *I'm such a cheezer!*)

Leave comments….Let me know your EVERY THOUGHT on this…ANY IDEAS, ANY QUESTIONS, ANYTHING!X3