A/N: This is it. The very last chapter. It's been a pleasure writing for such great followers, and I hope you'll allow your imagination to run with this ending.


Fire everywhere.

It crackled and flared, the flames licking at the floor and the ceiling and leaving nothing unscathed. The building groaned as the fire weakened the support beams, and debris began falling from the roof.

She felt the intense heat against her skin and coughed violently as the smoke invaded her lungs. Looking around wildly, she struggled to move, but it was no use. A fallen crossbeam had fallen onto her leg and crushed it, immobilizing her. Years earlier, she would've been able to easily avoid it, but old age had taken its toll on her body. Her reflexes were no longer as sharp, and now, she was trapped.

He wouldn't leave her. She begged and begged him to go save himself, but he wasn't having any of it. After arguing intensely, in an act of desperation, he shot his own leg. She screamed and watched in horror as he sank to the ground. He gritted his teeth in agony but still managed to drag himself over to her.

"You died alone once. You won't die alone again."

He clutched her hand and smiled sadly as she yelled at him for doing such a foolish act, tears streaming down their faces. She was sobbing, but he remained calm. She soon calmed down and looked at him. He wiped the tears off her face and gripped her hand tightly. Their breathing soon became labored, and, with their fingers still intertwined, they both closed their eyes.

They both knew this was their last mission.

Fourteen Years Later…

In the shady alcove of a graveyard owned by Ishikawa Funeral Home and Cemetery stood three gravestones, each made of solid black marble. Looking down at them was a man with black spiky hair dressed in an all-black suit, holding his fedora, adorned with a simple orange band, in his hand. His eyes were closed as he listened to the wind rustling the leaves of the tree that stood guard over the tombstones. Once he heard the roaring of Sky Flames, however, his eyes shot open, revealing two golden orbs dotted with emerald shards.

"You're late, Yuki," Akira Chaos said flatly, spinning around to glare at the brunette woman lowering herself to the ground as she deactivated her Dying Will flames.

"Sorry, nii-san," said Tsunayuki Chaos-Itami, grinning sheepishly. "The responsibilities of being the Vongola Undicesimo are hard to escape."

Akira stared at his sister. Though they were siblings with only a three year age difference, they looked nothing alike. He took after their father with his sharp features and black hair, while she took after their mother, inheriting her straight light brown hair and slender frame. Anyone who glanced at them would not believe they were even remotely related, but if they took a closer look, they would be fascinated by what they saw.

They had the same beautiful eyes…

"The Vongola Undicesimo should learn to be prompt," said Akira, though he couldn't contain his grin.

"Tell that to your wife!" retorted Tsunayuki, pulling off her X-Gloves angrily. "Sakura Roumi-Chaos may be my best friend, but she's just like the Cloud Guardian before her: uncooperative and confrontational. I don't know how you guys haven't ripped each other's heads off yet."

Akira laughed. "The secret to keeping a family together is looking to the future, and as you know, our future holds—"

"Yeah, yeah, your son," said Yuki, waving her hand impatiently. "You've told the world almost about a million times already. Maybe it's her pregnancy that's making Sakura more grouchy than usual. That's just another reason why I will never have children."

"And does Kagano know about your decision? You remember how Keiko acted when you accidentally brought it up that one time."

Tsunayuki shivered and looked around. "She was the scariest grandmother-in-law anyone could ask for. However, Kagano always said he was terrified of Reborn, so I guess we're even."

"Yeah…that's our dad for you," said Akira, looking at the gravestones with a sad smile. "Our mom too. Stubborn as hell, even at the very end."

Tsunayuki came up beside him and stared with him. "It wasn't easy, growing up with parents like ours," she whispered. "When they weren't on missions, they were pushing us to the brink and training us nonstop. We had huge shoes to fill, and they were determined that we'd rise to the challenge. Hell, not every child could say that they were raised by the greatest hitman pair in the world. We travelled across the globe with them and lived a life full of uncertainties. However, the one thing we both knew was that…" Her voice cracked, and she trailed off, but Akira knew what she was going to say.

That they loved us more than we'll ever know.

Tsunade's and Reborn's deaths came as a shock to everyone. Just a few months after Akira turned 21, a new enemy rose from the ashes of Leoko's fallen corporation. Unnamed, unknown, the man went out to kill the strongest hitmen in the world, starting from the old generation. Tsuna ordered Reborn and Tsunade to go into hiding because it was obvious that they would be prime targets, but after Sakamoto and Chihera were murdered, they were done cowering in the shadow. They threw off their security detail easily and hunted down the killer, cornering him in an abandoned warehouse. However, before he died, the man triggered a series of explosions in a nearby shopping mall. They acted quickly acted managed to evacuate everyone, but as they were trying to escape, Tsunade's leg got caught under a piece of debris. Reborn probably refused to leave her side and stayed until the bitter end. Their remains were found and buried next to Tsunade's first grave, and they remained side by side even in death's embrace.

"They just had to be the heroes," said Tsunayuki quietly.

"Of course they did," said Akira somberly. "They knew the man would come after us sooner or later. They had to protect us. We were their treasures, but we were young and reckless. We would've run headfirst into battle. Their final sacrifice did change us, but for better or for worse, I'm not sure."

Tsunayuki chuckled bitterly. "If only they can see us now. Their daughter is the eleventh Vongola boss after Tsuna resigned, blaming himself for their deaths. Their son and his wife took their title as the 'World's Strongest Hitman Pair'. Their deaths had such bittersweet effects."

Akira looked over and saw that, despite her best efforts, Tsunayuki couldn't contain the tears running down her face. She was barely an adult when they died, and it hit her especially hard. Then, just a few years after, Keiko and Kureko, who always watched them when their parents were away, died after an interrogation went wrong. Tsunayuki was heartbroken, but she stepped up to the plate and became a successful Vongola boss, continuing the peace that Tsuna established. However, even little over a decade later, the wounds wouldn't heal. Sometimes, when he looked at her, she still looked like a little girl thrust into a whirlwind of responsibility without her parents to guide her.

She looked so…lonely.

Akira reached over and wrapped his arms around her. Tsunayuki stiffened at the sudden embrace, but then her eyes watered up again and she began sobbing. Akira felt the sting of tears in his own eyes.

"Yuki," he mumbled. "It's ok Yuki. You don't have to suffer in silence. Your idiotic but loving husband is here for you, your guardians are here for you, and I'm here for you." He tucked her head under his chin. "You should rely on your older brother more. Remember what Mom used to say about the two of us? She used to say our flames were perfect complements of each other. Don't cry alone, Yuki.

You're the sky for my sun, and I'm the sun in your sky."

Tsunayuki sniffed and smiled. "What's with the sudden brotherly advice?" she said jokingly, but she squeezed him tightly. "Thanks nii-san."

She stepped back and took another look at the gravestones, and she closed her eyes and prayed. "Mom and Dad, thank you for all your love. It's been over a decade since you both passed away, but I can still feel you both breathing down my neck from time to time. Akira and Sakura are expecting their first child soon, and Kagano and I finally tied the knot five years ago. Things have really changed in a short amount of time, but you both are still legends in the mafia world. People still whisper your names at competitions, and they look at us and are in awe of the legacy you left behind. I wish you both could've stayed with us a bit longer. It wasn't fair how much you both suffered for such a limited amount of time together, but I also know you didn't regret anything. I just hope that wherever you are now, you can see us, and I hope we've made you proud."

Tsunayuki opened her eyes, and they both stood in silence for a little while as they watched their emotions swirl in vibrant colors around them. They both knew their parents were proud of them, wherever they were now. Neither of them had any doubt that their parents died doing what they loved, but they also wished Reborn and Tsunade had more time together. Their love for each other extended over two lifetimes, but even then they only a few years together. If Akira and Tsunayuki could have one wish granted to them, it would be for their parents to have more time together, to have more time to love each other…

"Shouldn't you be getting back to work?" Akira asked after the colors settled.

"Don't remind me," groaned Tsunayuki. "There's a big meeting with a hostile faction of the Russian mob today and I don't want to deal with the tricks they have planned."

"Sounds like the sky could use some sunlight," said Akira with a smirk, turning towards the exit. "You always need me to get you out of trouble."

Tsunayuki glared at him. "That's not true! Remember that time with the Americans—"

"I pulled you out of a sewer."

"The Armenians—"

"Almost run over by a train."

"The Siberians—"

"You would've frozen to death if I didn't show up in time."

"Whatever!" said Tsunayuki angrily as she stormed out of the cemetery. In a slightly quieter voice, she muttered, "It's not like I hate my Sun Guardian coming with me anyway."

Akira laughed and followed her out.

Nanimori Middle School

He was at the top of the rankings. Again. Of course. No one was surprised when his name was at the top again after he earned perfect scores on all his midterm exams. He heard his classmates whispering in jealousy and awe behind him, and girls couldn't help but admire him from behind, falling in love with his spiky black hair and slim but muscular frame. However, after he rejected nearly every girl that confessed to him, no one dared to go near him. No one, except…

"Again?!" shouted a girl with long brown hair pulled back in a low ponytail. "How the hell do I always come in second to…to…

Konton Reborn!"

Reborn turned around to face her. "Language, Kawado Tsunade," he chided the brunette.

"I don't need you to scold me!" Tsunade glared at him. Reborn stared back with his sharp obsidian eyes, noticing for the umpteenth time her odd eyes. One as green as an emerald. One as bright as gold. She always said it was a result of a birth defect, but to Reborn, it didn't seem like her eyes were a mistake.

They were a gift from heaven.

"Hey!" snapped Tsunade, pulling Reborn out of his daze. "Are you even listening to me?"

"To you, dame-Tsunade?" he replied with a smirk. "Never."

"Don't call me that!" By now, a crowd gathered around them. Everyone was wondering who this girl was, and how she had the nerve to argue with Reborn, who paralyzed everyone else with fear. In fact, to everyone in the room, they looked like an arguing married couple.

"The new principal is coming!" someone shouted. In a blink of an eye, everyone scattered. Everyone except Tsunade and Reborn, who were holding each other by the collar when the new principal walked in. The principal had gravity defying brown hair that stuck up at odd angles with some streaks of white among the mess. Standing next to him was a man with silver-white hair, presumably the assistant principal, talking animatedly on his cellphone. However, when the pair turned to face them, they all froze. Tsunade's green and gold eyes clashed with the principal's golden-brown ones, and Reborn's black eyes met the assistant's emerald ones. For a moment, Reborn felt something within him stir, as if some part of him was reaching out to the odd pair that was standing there.

"S-sorry, sir!" stammered Tsunade. Her voice was enough to pull Reborn back to reality, but he still felt like he was forgetting something…like a memory. He let go of Tsunade the moment she let go of him, and he bowed to the principal.

"Sorry for the inconvenience," he said, looking down at the floor. "We got carried away in an argument about our rankings."

The principal chuckled and took a look at the list. "Konton Reborn and Kawado Tsunade?" The two of them nodded. The principal kneeled down to look at them. His face, wrinkled from years of stress, seemed to lose a few years when he smiled.

"My name is Sawada Tsunayoshi," said the principal. "This is my assistant, Hayato Gokudera. We're new around here, so I suppose we don't know much about how much this school has changed since we were students. However, I assume that fighting is still frowned upon."

"It won't happen again, Tsuna-ni—I mean, Tsunayoshi-sama," Tsunade caught herself, but she frowned at her strange slip of the tongue. Tsuna's smile grew wider.

"I think I'll turn a blind eye this time," said Tsuna, standing back up. "Any comments, Gokudera?" Gokudera shook his head. "That's that then. You two should be heading home anyway."

Tsunade's eyes widened. "We're going to be late for cram class!" She bowed hastily again, and then she grabbed Reborn's hand, to his surprise, and dragged him outside. Before they left, Reborn's eyes met Tsuna's eyes. Time seemed to slow down for a brief moment, and for some reason, Reborn smiled at Tsuna. Tsuna smiled back and mouthed a single phrase,

Thank you.

"I can't believe I lost points in math," grumbled Tsunade as they ran. "Numbers are always my downfall. If only I could be as good as you…"

"Oh?" Reborn arched an eyebrow. "Are asking me for help, dame-Tsunade?"

"Stop calling me that! Though I suppose…" Reborn looked over and saw that she was blushing slightly.

"I wouldn't hate it if you tutored me a bit," she muttered. Reborn stared at her for a bit longer, and then he chuckled. Squeezing her hand, he pulled her into an alleyway. Tsunade squeaked in shock.

"What are you doing?!" she demanded. "We're going to be late, and Keiko and Kureko will be waiting—"

She froze up as Reborn brushed a strand of hair out of her face. "I would love to tutor you Tsunade," he said softly. "And here's your first lesson." Smiling, he closed the distance left between them and kissed her.

Tsuna and Gokudera stood in the doorway, watching Reborn and Tsunade run off, hand-in-hand.

"Looks like they got their happy ending after all," said Gokudera, valiantly pretending like tears weren't threatening to choke him up.

"No," said Tsuna, smiling through his own tears. "This is not the end." This was not the end of their story. It was merely the middle of a long tale full of tragedy and love. It began with a chance meeting, and it would continue this way through many years, maybe decades, maybe even centuries. No, this was the middle of a story that began with the start of a romance between two star-crossed lovers, and the end of their latest chapter was the beginning of a new one. Their story would continue, and hopefully,

It will never end.

A/N: Unfortunately, I have to say good bye to you all for an indefinite amount of time. This story was a rollercoaster for me to write, and I certainly enjoyed writing it, but it took two years to complete. I have ideas and plans for a new story, but if I started, I'm not sure if I could finish it, or if you all would even be interested since it takes a sharp turn from what I wrote about in this story. If this really is good bye, I would like to thank you all for your loyalty through the years and for giving me a chance to share my story and characters.