Hi everyone! I hope you've been hanging in there :) I'm sorry for not updating for a while but life in Ciara's world has been chaotic and…no time for laptops and writing, luckily though I have been reading HEAPS of books and I've got a few good ideas for you so ENJOY, Favourite, Follow and Review please (Especially dem Reviews me likey dose (For you Nicole :D) All my fanfictional Love, Ciara:Dxxx

I moan and put my hand to my head.

Damn! I don't remember getting drunk last night, did I?

Yelling, thats all I hear, lots of yelling.

I throw myself up and open my eyes and look around my room.

Ah Fuck! I didn't get drunk last night!

I blink and shake my head.

I look around and smile slightly when I see Jace, asleep on my reading chair.

I grab a fluffy light blue throw over blanket and put it over him.

He lets out a grunt and I slap my hand over my mouth and try to smother my giggles as best I can.

I turn as a shout reaver beets through the house.

I sigh and tiptoe over to my bed and get down on my hands and knee's and grab my hidden long shining seraph blade from under the bed

I tiptoe over to the door and open it quietly and jog to the stairs, trying to figure out where the yelling is coming from…basement?

I run to the basement and put my ear to the door.

"STOP FIGHTING!" Someone screams and then there's a piercing scream and I jolt back and hold my forehead.


I ease the door open and glide down the stairs without a sound.

"WHY WERE YOU FOLLOWING HER BROTHER?" A voice yells as I reach the last step and my eyes widen as I see Luke, Alec, Simon, Isabelle, Maia, Jordan and many, many more Werewolves…In my basement.

Oh holy mother of Crap!


I stumble up a stair and fall back, my body hitting the floor and my seraph blade bouncing out of my hand and onto the step.

Everyone spins around and some of the Were's start to change.

One of them comes at me and I grab my Seraph blade and shoot up, ready! But Luke flies across the room and grabs the Were by the head and slams it down on the ground and starts growling deep in his throat.

"Thats my daughter! She is no threat to us!" He orders and the Were changes back to human form.

Luke lets up and sneers at the Were.

"Put some clothes on you filthy beast!" he growls and the boy scampers over to the stairs and I notice a large cut on his shoulder.

I drop down next to him and shove him up against the wall gently, he looks at me and then back at Luke who's growling and looking at me.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING!" he snaps at me and I look at him and stand up.

"DON'T YOU DARE SPEAK TO ME LIKE THAT!" I bark and his eyes widen in shock.

"Clary! I am your father and you will not-" I broke him off.

I take a step closer.

"You are not my father! GET IT THROUGH THAT THICK SKULL! Your just the guy my mum married and handed me to when she died! End of story! You aren't my father and you never will be and thats the end of it!" I snap, my voice making some of the Were's whimper.

By that I'm standing right in front of him and my fury is bearing down on him.

If looks could kill, he would be dead, in a coffin, decomposing!

I fist my hands and un-fist them, again and again.

I turn around and grab the first aid kit from the table and walk over to the boy.

I clean his wound and bandage me up.

He looks down at the ground the whole time, never meeting my eye.

When I finish I put two fingers under his chin and tilt it up, meeting his eyes.

I smile at him and he gives me a week smile back.

"T-Thank-k Y-y-you," he stutters and I grin at him.

"You're Welcome," I say back nicely.

I stand up and look at all the men, tired and very, very smelly.

I look at them all and then look at Luke.

"Don't you feed your pack, or let them shower?" I ask and he looks away.

"Resources have been low lately," he says and I roll my eyes.

"We do live in a mansion, you know," I say and he looks up and into my eyes.

I walk toward a man with a large infected wound on his side.

I look into his eyes and smile at him, he gives me a pained smile back.

"Women and Men, You shall have a shower and then you can eat! There are plenty of beds to be used and we would be quite happy to supply, So come!" I say and start walking to the stairs Were women and men following.

I lead them all to the cup-bard and hand soap bars and shampoo and conditioner to them all and towels and then I lead them to the bathrooms. There weren't enough and so they made lines and waited.

I walked up to Izzy.

"Do you think you could get some basic white shirts, jeans, jocks for the guys and whatever shirts you can find and jeans and bra's and undies for the girls?" I ask her and she smiles mischievously.

"How long do I have?" she asks and I look at the clock on the wall.

"20-25 maybe 30 minutes?" I say and she nods.

I grab Luke's wallot and pull out $400 and hand it to Izzy and Alec's car keys.

"Go, Go, Go!" I order and she's out the door like a flash.

I run into the kitchen and look around.

"Right," I say.

"MAIA, JORDAN, ALEC!" I call and the three of them come running in.

"Okay, I need all of you's help! We have to cook up a storm and I cant do it on my own, so…" I say and they nod and I open the fridge and grab all the vegetables I can find and dump them on the counter. Maia grabs a knife and a chopping board and starts chopping up vegetables and so does Jordan.

I look in the fridge and see three huge steaks, I grab them and hand them to Alec and I grab chicken breast, chicken thigh, chicken drum sticks and chicken wings and I take them out and go over to the other side of the counter and dump them there.

I grab some prawns and 5 huge slabs of fish, I put the prawns in a huge bowel and get 4 frying pans out and turn the stove up, heating them.

I put oil on them all, meanwhile Alec is chopping the meat into bite sized pieces.

I get olive oil and butter out and put them in one of the pans and put two slabs of fish on, sizzling them away.

When there done I put them on a big plate and put another three on.

I wash my hands quickly and tell Maia to watch the fish and I run to the door just as Izzy comes in arms full of bags.

I grab them and she goes and gets the others.

I run up the stairs and into the laundry, I chuck the bags on the floor and turn on the top loader washing machine and put powder and fabric softener in and grab the jeans just as Izzy stumbles in.

"Help me!" I cry and she drops the bags and starts pulling tags off jeans and chucking them in.

We finally finish and I slam the lid shut and press on.

I look at Izzy.

"When they finish and that will be in 12 minutes, put them in the tumble dryer and put the white tops in and do what I did with the powder and fabric softener and then just get them ready, fold them when they're dry and put them in size piles outside the laundry and then come down to us when you're finished," I say and she nods and I rush out and down the stairs.

I run down the stairs and into the kitchen and notice that Maia's finished the fish and is back onto Veggies.

I rush over to Alec and help him cut up some meat.

"Clary we need to get these veggies in or they won't be ready," Maia says and I rush over and get the huge soup pot and load the veggies in there.

Maia and Jordan are still chopping more veggies and I get the cream out of the fridge and the salt, pepper, all purpose seasoning and chicken stock.

I pour the chicken stock in with the veggies and when its half way full I crack pepper over it and spoon some salt in and shake half a jar of all purpose seasoning in, then I add the cream, pouring it in and mixing it at the same time.

"They really need to be fattened up so thats good you're using full cream," Maia says and goes to Alec and helps him chop the last of the meat.

We put all the steak and chicken in a pan with peanut oil and fry it till its almost cooked and then I put it in with the veggies and let the cream and salt and all the herbs I put in get sucked into it.

I hear pounding footsteps coming down the stairs and smile when Izzy runs in, red in the face.

"Done," she puffs and I look at my watch and smile.

"1 Hour thats good timing cause we have almost finished the dinner," I say and she grins.

I go into the pantry and get out a HUGE packet of macaroni and a few tins of baked beans and hand them to Maia.

"Cook these and stir the veggies and meat until its bubbling and the veggies are soft, put the pot on the bench with a ladle and get more pots for the macaroni and baked beans and get 37 plates or bowels or whatever," I say and she nods and I grab Alec, Jordan and Izzy and we run up the stairs.

I give the boys all the clothes for the boys and Izzy and I take the girls clothes.

We run to the bathrooms and I go in one and Izzy the other and the boys divide up too.

I smile at all the girls and give them some moisturiser and then start handing out clothes.

They all accept them and when they are all clothed, I brush their hair and put it in a braid.

I walk out and smile as I shut the door and catch a glimpse of all the girls putting cream on their dry skin.

I grab the first aid kit and walk over to Alec's bathroom and knock on the door.

The door opens and I see all the guys are bare chested and I walk in and look for the man with the infected wound and when I find him I smile because he's clean and his wound doesn't look so agitated.

I kneel down next to him and smile at him and he smiles back, he's cleanly shaved so I can see that he has a few scars on his chin and cheeks but they're faint.

I get him to lie down on his side and I put some whiskey on his wound, he hisses as it takes away the infection. I pat it dry and soak a gauze in the whiskey and place it gently over the wound and then place a sticky bandage over it and wrap a bandage around his chest to keep it in place.

I help him up and look at him.

"You can't shift until thats healed, its why its so sore because when you shift your body moves and opens old wounds again. You need to stay here until its healed so I can tend to it, ok?" I ask and look at him sternly and he nods.

"Yeah," he says and I nod.

I hand him his T-shirt and he puts it on and goes and sits on the floor.

"Who's next?"


After fixing up half the guys and girls, it was finally dinner time.

Alec, Izzy, Jordan and I ran into the kitchen and I smile when I see that Maia's toasted heaps of bread and buttered it.

"Thanks Maia," I say and give her a hug.

"It should be me thanking you for looking after my pack," she says and I smile.

I grab bowels and ladle soup in first and after that means there's still heaps of food.

I finish with the soup and Maia hands me three more bowels and so I grab them and fill to the brim and pop a spoon in them.

I hear rushing footsteps when Alec runs in.

"STAMPEAD!" he cries and we all laugh.

Everyone gets into a single line and give them soup and then they go and sit down and eat it.

When the soup and bread is finished, we start on the Macaroni and baked beans.

Luke walks in and I look up at him and smile.

I walk over to the micro and grab his bowel of soup and fill a plate with the last of the food and hand it to him.

"Can't let the pack leader go hungry and I've seen the way you eat, so take it," I say and he takes the food and sits at the bench and stuffs his face.

I go and get a small can of bakes beans and heat it up and make some toast and put it on a plate.

I walk up the stairs and walk into my room and over to the still sleep Jace.

"Jace," I say and he opens his eyes and smiles at me.

"Good morning," he says and I laugh.

"More like GoodNight, here I made this for you, eat up and then hop into bed, I'll be in, in about an hour," I say and hand him the plate and kiss his cheek and then walk out.

I walk into the kitchen and my mouth drops as I see all the Were's pitching in and cleaning up.

Luke comes up to me and I look at him in shock.

"You go have a shower and go to bed, we'll clean this up," he said and I nodded, dumbfounded and walked back up the stairs and got in the shower.


I walk into my bedroom and smile when I see Jace, in my bed, in his PJ's al cuddled up.

I close the curtains and hop in with him.

I turn on my side and he shifts and wraps his arm around my waist and pulls me to him, burying his face in my neck and falling asleep.

I close my eyes and fall asleep too.

Hope you liked it! And its longer that some of my other chapters so be grateful xxx

Luv ya xxx
