Hey girls, this is an all Abby story! Now, I seriously want to know what you all think. This is my first CharacterXReader story so I hope it goes well. I have chapter 2 ready to post and chapter 3 ready to be uploaded. I really have to have AT LEAST 3 REVIEWSbefore I decide to post chapter 2. So review! Also, sorry ladies, for the story to work the way I want, you have to look like Astrid. Other things will still be your choice.

Disclaimer: I will only say this once and if this changes, which it sadly won't, I will let you know. I OWN NONE OF THE CHARACTERS! The only parts I own are the storyline, the family characters, and...you MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!


You carefully stepped off the boat looking around. You hadn't seen this place in years. You hadn't seen these PEOPLE in years. You'd always refused to come back when your grandparents came to visit for Snoggletog, but that was because you knew you were old enough to live alone for a couple weeks. It wasn't hard to toss a few logs on the fire or catch a few fish. Plus, you had skills with a sword or axe. You could feed yourself and tend to the house alone and no one in your village ever questioned that. Still, you had to admit that you missed your sister. You two were inseparable when you were very young, but after your parents had opted to send you to live with your grandparents, you had drifted apart. You didn't even visit each other. Most of the kids in the village had never known you even existed.

As you started to wander through town you heard someone yelling as they came from behind you. "Astrid! Hey, wait up!"

You stopped and looked around hoping to spot Astrid, but seconds after you halted, a pair of arms turned you around and hugged you before planting a quick kiss on your lips. Shock crossed your face for a moment before you slapped the boy as hard as you could. He fell to the ground holding his cheek, his brown hair hanging in his green eyes as he looked up at you surprised. You were about to let him have a piece of your mind when you heard your name being called.

"(Name)!? Is that really you?"

You spun around to see who it was. Astrid was walking quickly down the hill, "Of course, who else has a face like yours?" you ask jokingly. "If it wasn't me you'd probably be having an out-of-body experience." You both laughed and hugged each other.

The boy on the ground looked up at the two of you, "What is going on here?"

You both turned to face him. Astrid smiled down at him, "Hiccup, meet my sister, (Name)."

She helped him up and he dusted himself off. "I am very confused. How come...When..."

"She's been living with our grandparents on our mother's side since we were four. That's probably why you don't remember her," Astrid said knowing exactly what he was thinking.

Hiccup put his hand on his jaw checking it out, "Well, she's definitely your sister."

You cleared your throat trying to gain their attention, "Well, not that this isn't fun, but I do have one question for you, Hiccup was it?" You folded your arms and shifted your weight to your hip.

His eyes shot open wide and his face went bright red, "Oh, uh, that. I'm really sorry. I thought you were Astrid, and I just...I'm very sorry."

You couldn't help but laugh. You hadn't been upset really. You just wanted to see what he would do. You had to give him credit though. You hadn't been to Berk in over a decade. "Don't worry about it," you said with a chuckle, "It's understandable." Turning back to Astrid you spoke again, "Anyway, we should be getting home. I'll have to talk to Dad sooner or later, right?"

Astrid chuckled, trying to disregard the conversation between you and Hiccup, "Be ready. He may not be in the best of moods since you never come home, but that may just make him happy to see you. Who knows?"

You walked with Astrid as she led you to your home. Everything was different than what you remembered. It was small, but not bad for the small family. You knew that your mother had passed away a long time ago, but you never bothered to come home. You didn't want to see your father or sister at their weakest, and if you were in a different place, you wouldn't be reminded of her all the time. The door swung open and your father stared down at you. Thoughts ran across your mind as you tried to gauge his reaction.

After a few moments, he wrapped you in a tight hug, much to your surprise. He had never been the soft type. Once a child was old enough to hold an axe, they were fighting and training to kill dragons. It didn't matter to him if you cut yourself of tripped. He would tell you, "Rub some dirt in it," and tell you to keep going. That's how you and Astrid got so strong. Weakness was not allowed.

When the man released you, you could see the tears in his eyes before he quickly wiped them away. "Well," he said composing himself again, "glad to have you home, tomorrow you can help your sister with her chores. It's getting warmer and she'll be needing some help." With that he walked away from the house and through the village.

Astrid led you up to your room which had recently been furnished, "I'm right next door if you need any help. Tomorrow I'll bring you with me so you can remember where everything is. For now, you may want to get some sleep. After all, you've had it rough for the last couple months." She hugged you and left the room closing the door behind her.

She was right. After you had been sent to live with your grandparents, you'd relied on them. It had been the middle of winter when they'd gotten sick, and now they were gone. No one was as close to them as you were. It seemed that everyone who loved you was disappearing. Your mother died, your grandparents died, and you'd expected to come home to find either your sister or father dead as well. You place your head on the pillow listening to the sounds of the village. You heard the roar of a dragon not far off and glared at the window that was already out of light. Before you knew it, you had drifted off into sleep.

Review if you girls want to see more! I've got more ready and hope you look forward to it! This one is SUPERshort and the next one is 3 times as long. I won't add another chapter until I get 3 or more reviews! I even count PMing me with questions as a review!