AN: Hey, guys, sorry for the absence! Part of it was because I wasn't sure how to do part of this chapter, the other part is because SOMEBODY makes it so I spend more time on collabs than my own fanfics. Didjya miss me? Quick recap for those who forgot: Danny and co. are in the GZ, they went to Clocky's but had to leave, they're going to the Far Frozen now. BTW, sorry for the shameless self promotion, but the first in the series collab we're doing will be linked at the bottom. So, let's get to it!

Disclaimer: No matter how much I wis-... want it to be true, I do not own Danny Phantom.

Danny couldn't wipe the smile off his face as he ran towards the snow-covered island. The humans didn't try to keep up, relying on Sam and Tucker to guide them through the frozen wasteland. The two sighed, and called to the group, "Come on, guys! We don't want you to freeze because you got lost. Oh, and these ghosts look less... human than most, so try not to freak out." They walked for another five minutes, and started to hear thunderous voices. The closer they got, the louder they were, and soon, they could hear Danny's voice in the mix.

"Hahaha! It truly is great to see you, Great One! We had hoped you would soon visit us!" The group turned the corner to see Danny in the arms of a massive yeti, with ice for an arm.

Instead of screaming like they expected, he laughed along with the ghost, "Aw, c'mon, Frostbite, I told you not to call me that! It's just 'Danny.'"

"Ah, not for long-" Both of them stopped when they saw the group standing there. Forgetting that he held Danny, he threw his arms open, and shouted, "Haha! Friends of the Great One! This certainly calls for a feast!" Danny fell onto the snow and playfully glared up at the mentor.

Dash was the first one to speak, "I-I-Is that a yeti?"

Frostbite looked befuddled, while Danny glanced up at the ice ghost, standing up and brushing the snow off, and smirked, "More or less. Don't worry, Dash. He makes everyone feel puny, scrawny, weak..." Dash stared at him, mouth so wide it could catch a fish. He had listed those same qualities when talking about Fenton to Danny Phantom. So then why did Fenton say all those things? Before anyone could say anything, Danny turned to the ghost, "I assume upon my appearance, you had your people begin to prepare a feast?"

"Why, of course! Although, now, I must inform the chefs to make more, ah, specialized food." He nodded. "Please, guests, leave your things here! They will be taken to your rooms later! For now, please, follow me to the dining room!" They all followed, not bothering to question anything at this point. They knew they'd either get vague answers, or none at all.

Danny followed Frostbite, and waited for him to sit, when he realized what the furry ghost was waiting for, "No, Frostbite, I couldn't-"

"Nonsense, Great One, you must!" Realizing he wouldn't take no for an answer, Danny sighed and sat at the head of the table.

Frostbite sat to his right, with his closest friends filling in the seats closest to him. Once the food came out, everyone was in a better mood. Seeing that Danny and his friends hadn't eaten, the others were suspicious, and didn't touch the food. Danny stood from the table, and bowed, "Thank you for hosting us, Frostbite."

The ice ghost bowed lowerer than Danny had, "We accept your thanks, and offer ours, for your presence." They both sat, and Danny watched Frostbite expectantly. Looking over his guests, with a grin, he threw up his arms and said, "Let us eat!" Team Phantom immediately began to eat, cuing everyone else to do so. Jack's eyebrows shot up. It was like these ghosts had a sense of courtesy, rules, and rank. It also seemed that Danny and his friends knew this. The question was, how did they know that?

After some of the food had been eaten, some of the Frozen brought out more, though they tended to stay clear of Valerie. She rose an eyebrow at this and hid a smirk. Frostbite gave her a sympathetic smile, "I apologize for any disrespect you are shown, but we think it smarter to exercise caution around you, Huntress."

There was a clank, and everyone looked towards the source, to see that Valerie had dropped her fork. "I'm... sorry," she said, trying out the words, not used to using them towards a ghost, "What did you just call me?"

Confused, he explained, "By your title, of course, Red Huntress. Is there something the matter?"

She let out a chuckle, "Guess ghosts didn't know my secret was a secret. Well, certain secrets were bound to come out, anyway, on this trip." She stood up, and looked down, mostly to her left, to those not in the loop. "I am the Red Huntress." She rolled her eyes when she was met with laughter by her former friends. Lancer and the Fentons simply watched her with curiosity and intrigue. She pressed a button on her bracelet, and her red suit came out, covering her as she smirked at them. "Still don't believe me?" Almost every ghost in the room took a giant step back, not wanting to be her target, and most people gasped at being proved wrong.

Maddie and Jack got up and came around to her side of the table to examine the suit, "This technology is so sleek and advanced. Where did you get it?"

"Yeah, and for how much can we get some?"

She shrugged, "Sorry, but this baby is one of a kind. Not sure the guy who made this is willing to make another. It kinda backfired on him." She threw a glance at Danny, who was too busy to notice as he chuckled behind his hand, remembering that Technus had upgraded her suit, and she afterwards fought him. She looked over at the ghosts, then nodded, "It's alright. Haven't seen any of you before, and you haven't tried anything." She pressed a button, and her suit retracted back into the bracelet. They muttered amongst each other, unsure how to react to this new development.

Dani stood, too, announcing, "Me and-"

Danny, seeing where this was going, quickly interrupted her, "Valerie both have a secret! Isn't that right, Dani? You have a secret?" He gave a small shake of they head, and she slowly nodded, understanding.

"Yeah, yeah, we both had a secret. But since she revealed hers, maybe now is as good a time as any to reveal mine." Danny watched with fear as the rings appeared around her waist, and split off, revealing a blue sweatshirt, red shorts, blue converse, and black hair with blue eyes that made everyone look towards Danny. The two could be twins. She smiled, "I'm half human."

"But... for someone to be half ghost, and half human... It's impossible!" Danny winced.

Dani rose an eyebrow, and rolled her sleeve up, holding out her arm, "Oh yeah? Check for a pulse."

Danny and Valerie watched concerned as Jack took off his glove, and pressed his finger to the girls' wrist. Eyes wide, he turned to Maddie, "It's true."

Maddie's eyes also widened, and the teens could see the scientific curiosity in them. She crouched down close to the girl, and asked, "How would you like to take some, completely non-invasive, tests?"

With almost lightning speed, Danny leapt up from his seat and pushed Dani behind him, Valerie jumping in front of both of them. "Mrs. Fenton, I hate to say this to you, but if you harm a hair on her head, I will come after you." Danny glared at them, eyes green, and he trembled with rage. He didn't say anything for fear of saying something he may regret later. Dani took the chance to hide behind her original. After all, she knew his parents were scientists, and she didn't want to see a lab. Frostbite's was close enough that she always had a hard time going in there.

Jose called out, "Hey, how are you half-ghost?"

Madelyn added, "Yeah, and why do you look like Phantom?"

She shrugged, "I don't really know how, and as for why... well, that's his secret to tell, not mine."

Frostbite cleared his throat, "It seems that dinner is no longer important, so why do we not move this to the recreational room?" Danny nodded thankfully, and everyone got up, with Team Phantom and Valerie surrounding Dani. They all fit onto one couch, with everyone else crowding around them.

"How do we know you really are half-ghost, and not just a ghost pretending to be human?"

Tucker scoffed, "Take our word for it."

Danny nodded, "It's impossible for her not to be, knowing who she takes after. Of course, she can't live up to the original."

"Who does she take after?" Although most everyone was asking themselves the same question, it went ignored.

She put her hands on her hips, "And what is that supposed to mean?"

He shrugged, "Nothing much. It's just that he's a hero-"

"Been there, done that."

He smirked, "He's funny-"

"Yeah, funny lookin'!"

Danny ran his hand through his own hair, "He also has great hair."

She paused, then nodded, "Well, then that means I do, too."

He rolled his eyes, "Oh, shut up!"

"You started it!" They stuck their tongues out at the other, in a very mature way. People looked back and forth between the two, the similarities not going unnoticed. Team Phantom began to laugh at the two. Their thinking alike was normally what led to these sorts of arguments.

Star asked curiously, "Are you two related, or something?"

The two giggled, and Danny said through the laughter, "Yeah, or something."

Katherine, in a small voice, looked at Valerie, "How is it you got your suit?"

She glared at nothing-in-particular, "This jerk gave it to me. I thought it was for the good of the town, but I was just a pawn." Her fists clenched at her side, and Danny and Dani exchanged a solemn glance.

Clearing his throat, Nathan asked Danny, "Why is it that you aren't cold?"

He thought aloud, "Y'know, that's a pretty ice question, I'm glad you didn't get cold feet asking it. For me, the cold is snow problem." His friends groaned, except for Dani and Frostbite, who laughed at the puns. Tucker facepalmed, and Sam smacked Danny upside the head. "Ow! Hey, it's not my fault I need to always come up with new ones! I think it'd be less painful if you gave me the cold shoulder."

Dani yawned, and Danny rose an eyebrow, "Good idea, cuz, maybe we should all sleep on things."

"But Danny, I-" another yawn, "I'm not even tired."

He rolled his eyes, "Yeah, right." He yawned, too, giving her a playful glare, "Great. Now you got me doing it."

She smirked, then sighed dramatically, "I think I'm just too tired to go all the way from here to bed." Picking up on what she was implying, Danny sighed, and turned around, letting her climb onto his back, and he gave her a piggy-back ride to the bedroom door.

"You're going to have to make it from here to the bed. Think you can manage?" She sleepily nodded. He turned to the group and pointed to two doors, "Girls in that one, guys in this one." He looked to Valerie, Sam, and Jazz, then to Dani, and they nodded. They'd make sure the girl was safe, tonight.

He opened the doors to the guys room, walked over to the bed his things were nearest to, and collapsed on it. He wrapped himself completely in the covers. Didn't want anyone to see him change into Phantom when he fell asleep. Hearing the door close, and the guys murmuring, he grumbled and pulled the covers over his head. The rest of this week was going to be a long one.

AN: Wow! That was a pretty big reveal! Two in one night! How long until Danny's secret is blown? Anyone wanna place bets? I would, but I have a general idea of who will find out when. I'm sure you guys are excited for their reactions! Do you want the next chapter to be anyone else's PoV? I have a plan, but if you guys are bored of Danny, Danny, Danny, I could change it up! Oh, right! The link! Here you go: www fanfiction net/s/10301486/1/Trapped-with-the-Enemy . The rest will always be under that account, and will all have "The Enemy" in the title. Will, can't wait for next time! Remember, reviews make me smile! Kasena, out!