Disclaimer: I do not own Dragonball Z or the characters contained. Somehow, I wish I was that creative. -_-;

Warning: There is cussing in this fanfic.that and it's my first one, so it probably just sucks. Be kind! Arigato!

Copyright 2002 Elizabeth Abbott

A Gift Made of Stone


Chapter 1 -- The time of our lives

The sounds of snoring filled the room. Chi Chi tossed and turned, placing her head on Goku's chest one last time. She looked up at him, he looked so cute when he was sleeping. Especially after a big meal. She wondered what he was dreaming about; he had such a cute smile on his face. Reaching up, she touched his lips, tracing his smile with the tip of her finger.

"Goku. . . Goku wake up. . ." she whispered softly into his ear.

His eyes fluttered. His smile grew as he saw his beautiful wife lying near him, wrapped up in his arms, just looking up and smiling at him. Squeezing her good morning he stretched and sat up properly.

"Good morning Chi Chi." He said smiling

"Good morning sunshine" she giggled "Do you know what today is?"

He panicked. Her smile faded. He laughed nervously and rubbed the back of his head. 'How could I have forgotten today? It's her birthday, and I didn't get her anything.' Goku looked down at her and patted her on top of the head.

"Of course I know. And if you wait here. . .I have just the thing for you. Happy Birthday sweetie. I'll be back with your present by tonight."

Before she could respond, he flew off, getting dressed quickly and taking the window as an exit. She ran to the window and looked after him.

"Goku! Don't go!" She cried, obviously upset with him leaving her behind on her birthday. "I just wanted to spend time with you. . ."


"Happy Birthday Mom!" Goten said, hugging Chi Chi's legs.

"Yeah Mom, happy birthday." Gohan followed, handing his mother a flower and leading her to the table. "You don't have to do a thing today."

Chi Chi smiled at her sons, sitting down at the table. "Thank you, both of you. Have either of you heard from your father?" she asked, obviously worried.

Goten shook his head no. "I haven't. I don't think you have either, have you Gohan?"

Gohan looked up from the stove, spatula in hand. "No, I was just going to ask you where he was Mom."

"I actually don't know." Chi Chi sighed. "He just left this morning, saying something about my present. I told him weeks ago he didn't have to do anything."

"Mom, you know how Dad is." Gohan chuckled, cracking eggs into the frying pan. "He does what he wants when he wants to."

Chi Chi nodded once and smiled. "Well, I guess he will be back soon then won't he?" she laughed, looking embarrassed that she was so worried.

"Yeah Mom he'll be alright, he's Dad!" Goten exclaimed, clinging to Chi Chi and laughing.


Goku looked around for his "secret spot". 'Aha, there it is' he thought. Landing right in the middle, he smiled, looking around for his newest project. He pushed back many small trees and bushes to reveal a beautiful heart shaped rock. It was quite big, about 5 times the size he was, and extremely heavy. It looked like it was made out of marble, swirled pink and white colors. Goku smiled. If she didn't like this she wouldn't like anything. He flew to the very top of it, taking a hammer and a spike, drilling words into it once again. The I and the L O were done already; he really had to work if he wanted to get the rest done. It was going to take some hard work, but he knew he could do it. It was for Chi Chi after all.

Suddenly, a streak of light blazed across the sky. Goku looked up. It felt weird, not of this world. Something was up and that something had horrible timing. 'Oh great' he thought 'This is just what I need today.' He stood up and took off, flying towards where the great stream of light landed. When he got there, he did not like what he saw.

"This. . .is where my day gets to be a bitch" Goku said, landing and inspecting a space ship, whose door was now opening. He got into ready position, ready to take on anything that would dare to come out.


Goten stood up suddenly. The cup that was in his hand, shattered in it, while his eyes grew wide and scared. Gohan and Chi Chi looked at him, him reacting so suddenly to nothing was odd, and usually meant trouble.

"Goten, what is it?" Chi Chi asked, now again worried.

"Can't you feel it?" He asked looking ready to cry.

Gohan blinked and then gasped, dropping the frying pan. Tears sprung to Chi Chi's eyes as she suddenly let out a scream.

"I. . .can't feel dad anymore. . ." Goten exclaimed as Gohan ran to Chi Chi trying to comfort her.

Well, do you think I should continue? Please be honest, even though it's my first fan fiction ever, I'd like some honest opinions! Thanks!