"Are you alright now Sakura-chan?"
Naruto's arms were still cradled around her. Her face was buried in his chest.
They were in complete silence in this position for hours.
Sakura had forgotten the feeling of someone's embrace being locked away in that lab for so long. It was almost scary to her. "Why is this person being so nice to me? Can I trust him? I have no idea what's going on anymore."
"You keep calling me Sakura. What's that?" Sakura distanced her face away from his chest so her words could be heard clearly.
"Well I named you Sakura since you weren't able to speak." Naruto spoke nervously. "What's your real name?"
"I-I don't know." An unbearable mental pain came over her. She couldn't remember anything from before she was taken to Orochimura's lab. "I don't know a lot of anything anymore. Everything has just faded away from me. The last thing I remember..." Sakura had a sudden flash back of the last event she remembered in the lab. The screaming of a man echoed through-out her head.
"I'll help you in any way possible to get your memories back Sakura. Don't worry okay." Naruto looked to her. He wanted to get a glimpse of her face to have some kind of sense of what she was feeling.
Sakura resumed distancing herself away from Naruto. She placed herself in the fetal position before she started to cry. All she could think about was the monster that she became.
"Where are my mom and dad?" She sniffled and Naruto inched towards her. "Do you know where they are?"
"Sakura…" He placed his hand on her shoulder with saddened eyes. "Your parents aren't here with us anymore." Naruto went to grab Sakura's file. "I read it here, in this file I took from the lab."
Sakura snatched the file from Naruto. She skimmed through it. As soon as she gotten to the section about her parent's death, she threw the file across the room. She was in so much pain.
"Why is this happening to me? What did I do to deserve this?" The tears started to build up in her eyes before they rolled down her cheek.
"I'm sorry…" The feeling of guilt poured into Naruto's eyes. He worked for Orochimaru for this long and didn't know he was doing such a thing to someone. Not just someone, but people.
"I can't be here… It isn't safe." She started to panic. "He'll find me." Her breathing pattern got rough and uneasy again. "I don't want to go back…"
"You'll be okay here, don't worry. He doesn't know where you're at and he won't find you. You're safe with me. Calm down, okay? You won't go back. I'll protect you from now on."
"You promise?" Sakura's voice was cracking.
"I promise."
Naruto didn't know what else he could say to her. He couldn't imagine what she has been through. Being experimented on? It must be truly horrible.
Naruto didn't bother Sakura anymore after that. He left out the living room and gave her some time alone. He went to his room for a while.
After some time he went to check on her. .
"Sakura, how are you feeling?"
"I don't know how I feel. I don't know how I feel about any of this."
"We'll find some answers. I promise, but are you hungry? You haven't eaten anything."
"Yes, I'd like something to eat."
Sakura stood up and walked towards Naruto. He led her to the kitchen.
"I'm not the best cook in the world, but I can make a mean cup of instant ramen."
"Ramen, What is that?"
"Well it's like noodles in a cup."
Sakura sat down at the table while Naruto went in one of the cabinets to get the ramen cups.
While Naruto was preparing the ramen, Sakura looked down at her body. She noticed how baggy the shirt was on her and the strong scent of something. She never noticed the smell earlier.
She scrunched her nose up from the smell, before she took off the shirt.
"Alright, the ramen is finished!" Naruto turned around with a silly grin on his face. He dropped one of the ramen cups on the floor getting sight of Sakura's bare skin. The broth from the cup created a little puddle on the kitchen floor. "W-Why are you naked?! Put that shirt back on!" His face brightened up.
"Why? It smells."
"It must be my colonel."
Naruto placed the remaining cup of ramen in front of Sakura. He walked over to the puddle of ramen remains on the floor to clean it up. While he was cleaning up the mess, he could be heard whining like a baby.
"What's wrong, Naruto? Naruto is your name correct?"
"Oh it's nothing important. It's just a perfectly good cup of ramen went to waste." His whining continued.
"We can sure this one then. It's not that big of a deal."
"No, no, it's fine. You need to eat." Naruto finished cleaning up the mess. He washed his hands, placing a pair of chopstick in front of Sakura. "Enjoy." He smiled at her.
Sakura picked up the chopstick and started eating. She ate slow and feebly like. Her hands started to shake.
"Thank you for all of this…" Her voice sounded shallow. "You've help me so much already. I can faintly remember when you took me from the lab." She placed the chopsticks down and looked over to Naruto. "When I return to my normal self, my current self. I get scared. The way I was acting before is from this pill that they given me. The pill subdues my mind. They make me feel like everything is okay and I lose sight of what's really going on. I even forget who I am some times. "
Sakura bottom lip started to quiver. Naruto looked in her eyes. She was about to start crying. He could see the tears building up.
She stood up from the chair and threw herself at him. Wrapping her arms around him, she pulled Naruto into a tight embrace. Sakura was basically sitting in his lap.
Her breasts were pressed against his chest. Naruto's face brightened up again and his heart was racing. His chest felt like it was going to explode and his heart was going to bust out.
"A cute naked girl hugging me." Naruto puckered up his bottom lip. His skin was shivering. "I can't handle this."
"Sakura-chan… Can you please put that shirt back on?"
"Alright, I will, but can we stay like this for a little longer."
"O-Of course." Naruto slowly wrapped his arms around Sakura. His hands rested against her lowered back.
She was holding on to him so tightly. For the first time in a long time Sakura felt safe. She didn't know him very well, but he made her feel like everything was going to be okay.
A few minutes passed and Sakura loosened herself from Naruto. She picked up the shirt and slipped it back on.
"Sorry about that. I didn't mean to hug you so suddenly."
"It's alright Sakura-chan."
"Now that I'm free from that lab can I go outside? I haven't been outside in years."
"Sure. You need clothes and we need to do something about your hair. Orochimaru probably has people out there looking for you. We need to be careful. If I'm going to stop what he's doing to people, I can't let you get caught again. It's already a bit risky as it is."
"You're right." Sakura let out a sigh of disappointment.
"Tomorrow, I'll go buy you some clothes and get you some hair dye."
"Alright." Sakura smiled slightly in excitement. "Thank you, Naruto."
I'm so sorry guys. I've been busy and I started a new project on here. I feel bad for just leaving my work on finished. So I'm going to be writing more :) Here's a little something until I get back in my groove. - Sy