So, this is my first ever fanfic and I've been thinking about this story for a while now. I have some ideas in my head and I'm not sure where the story will really go. It pretty much depends whenever I type. As always, the original Adventure Time goes to the amazing Pendelton Ward and Natasha Allegri for creating the gender bender versions of the characters. Enjoy~

Chapter 1: A Dance in Hell

In the land of Aaa, a certain Vampire King lived in a house inside a cave. Years before, he used to live in a giant tree that was converted into a house, which in turn was abandoned and then occupied by two different tenants. Of course when the Vampire King returned, there was a debacle of who should get the house, but in the end, the two tenants got their home back. Now, one of those residents is walking into the cave where a house with a blue and brown roof and white picket fences was located in. It had a large deck that overlooked a pond, a basketball net and three cupolas. Why the Vampire King never lived in his own kingdom, the people of Aaa will never know.

Fionna rearranged her blue mini-skirt as it had hiked up when she stepped over one of the white picket fences. Her black buckled shoes crushed the green grass beneath her feet and for the first time, she wondered how her best guy friend kept his lawn so green. She had never seen him water them before in all the years that she'd known him. Fionna walked up the stairs and knocked on the door. She glanced over to the outside of the cave. It was nearly sunset but she wasn't sure if the Vampire King was going to be up. He'd had a Battle of the Bands competition the night before and didn't come home till nearly sunrise because after that he had "kingly duties" to do in his kingdom.

Fionna felt guilty about bothering him, but she had decided to make the visit quick and congratulate him about winning the contest and then leave so her friend could get back on his sleep. The heroine of Aaa knocked once more and stood in the second step, waiting. After what seemed like a minute, she tried the doorknob but it was locked. She could've easily picked the lock, but she decided not to and turned to leave. As she was nearly on the last flight of steps, she heard a lock click and the door swinging open. Fionna turned around and there stood a bedraggled Vampire King. His black hair was all over the place, as if he had stuck a finger through an electric socket. He wore a black tank top that was wrinkled and red plaid pajama pants. His dark eyes were bloodshot and he yawned, showing his sharp vampire teeth.

"Fionna?" Marshall Lee rasped. He rubbed his eyes, probably thinking that he was seeing things. He blinked a couple of times and then raised one of his eyebrows when he was clear that he wasn't seeing an illusion of the heroin of Aaa. "What are you doing here?"

"I didn't mean to wake you up, dude," Fionna replied. "I wanted to congratulate you on your victory at the Battle of the Bands."

"Oh. Thanks."

Fionna, once more, turned to leave. "Well, I'll see you later."

"Wait." Marshall stepped out of the house. However, there were still rays of the sun left that was shining in the cave. One beam hit the skin of his arm. He hissed and quickly jumped back into the safety of the shadows, steam rising on his arm.

"Marshall!" Fionna rushed up the steps, entered his house and slammed the door shut. What little light she had instantly vanished as the interior of the house was bathed in darkness. She fumbled for the switch. When the living room lights were on, she inspected the wound on Marshall's arm. Luckily, it wasn't serious. With his fast healing, the boils disappeared and Marshall's skin returned back to its light gray and flawless appearance.

Fionna breathed a sigh of relief and released Marshall's arm. The Vampire King just smiled. "No need to freak out, Fi. I'm a vampire remember? We're fast healers."

"I know that, dude," said Fionna. "But I still get worried."

Marshall just smirked and rubbed the bunny shaped hat that Fionna seemed to wear every single second. He then proceeded to float towards his kitchen and Fionna followed him. Fionna blinked as Marshall switched on the lights.

"So, where's the furball?" Marshall asked, as he turned on the faucet in the sink. He dipped his head under the running water.

Fionna crossed her arms behind her head and slightly tilted to the side. "Cake," she emphasized, "is on a date with Lord Monochomichorn." She wondered why Marshall was soaking his hair in the sink when he could've just used the shower.

"What? No double date with you and Prince Pink?"

Fionna knew that Marshall was just joking, but she couldn't help but blush at the mention of Prince Gumball. She crossed her arms over her chest, indignant. "Don't be such a poo brain. You know I'm over him." Then why was her face burning?

Marshall shut the faucet off and removed his head from under it. He flipped his soaked, dark hair causing some of the droplets to hit Fionna.

"Hey!" She took a couple of steps back, until she was at the door frame. "Haven't your heard of a towel?"

Marshall grabbed the kitchen towel from the red drawer that was underneath the window that overlooked the living room. "You need to lighten up, Fionna. A little water can't hurt you." He vigorously rubbed the towel on his hair, and then he slicked it back, leaving some strands to fall over his forehead. Marshall draped the towel around his neck and turned to Fionna.

For some odd reason, Fionna's heart fluttered a little as she inspected the Vampire King. She noticed how his dark eyes weren't bloodshot anymore and how his wet, slicked black hair made him look older than he physically was. Fionna could almost imagine seeing Marshall in a black and white suit, except he would be holding his jacket while it was slung on his back. One button on his white shirt would be open exposing a little bit of his muscular chest…

Fionna's face burned and she quickly turned away. She didn't want her best guy friend to see her crimson cheeks because Marshall would definitely guess what she was thinking. "A-anyways, shouldn't you be going back to sleep? I did wake you, after all."

"Nah," Marshall said behind her. "Even though it's a little early this is usually around the time that I'll wake up. Besides, I think that sting from that sun ray woke me up."

There was a moment's pause and Fionna turned to see Marshall floating towards his fridge. He opened the door and rummaged through it. "You want some breakfast or early dinner in your case? I think you might've left some yogurt here or something."

Fionna walked over to him and surveyed the contents of his refrigerator. Since Marshall was a vampire and drank the color red instead of blood, everything in his fridge was that color. Cherry soda, a bowl of cherries, tomatoes, red apples and his personal favorite: a huge bowl of red ripe strawberries. Fionna even spotted a slice of red velvet cake right next to them. "Oh. I'll take the cake." She grabbed the plate of cake and took a bite while using her hands.

"I was going to save that for a special occasion," Marshall grumbled. "And haven't you ever heard of a fork?"

"I have and you shouldn't leave a cake like this out in the open," she teased. But, as Fionna was a sharer, she broke half of the cake and handed it to Marshall. He made a face.

"Did you even wash your hands, Fi?"

She blushed again. "Yes, I did. Besides, why do you even care if you caught my germs or something?" Fionna hated it when Marshall called out on her unlady-like eating manners.

Marshall grabbed the other half of the cake from her hands, smiling. "I was just teasing you." Fionna watched as his fangs popped out of his mouth as he opened it and sank onto the soft cake. The red coloring slowly disappeared as Marshall sucked it out of the desert. It wasn't long before the pastry resembled a vanilla cake slice. "Ah, that was a nice breakfast." He tossed the remains of the pastry into the trash. Marshall eyed the remaining cake in Fionna's other hand. "Are you going to finish that?"

Since Fionna's mind was still engrossed from the scene a moment before, it took a while for her to answer. "Oh…uh…Duh, dude. I'm not letting you have my cake." She shoved the remaining piece into her mouth and turned towards the still open fridge. Fionna grabbed the cherry soda, popped it open and drank. The cake inside her mouth slowly dissolved as the carbonated drink entered. She swallowed and wiped her mouth with her sleeve. "So, do you want to do something tonight?"

Marshall shrugged. "I'm game for pulling pranks on the Candy People."

Although the pranks were fun, Fionna always felt guilty whenever she did them with Marshall, especially when he would get too overboard on some of them. She still couldn't forget that on prank that they pulled on Cinnamon Bun…

"Maybe some other time," she said.

"How about we strangle some pixies?"

Fionna was horrified. "No! I'm not strangling any living creature!"

"Not if they were evil?"

"Good or evil, dude, I don't kill living creatures."

Marshall Lee sighed. "You're way too soft, you know that?"

Fionna stuck her tongue at him. "I'm a hero, Marshall, not a murderer." Yes, Fionna may slay demons and monsters but she would only knock them out or they would disappear into their own world. Even if she was given the chance, she couldn't do it. Fionna would never have the heart.

"I know that, but I'm pretty sure some heroes have killed before," said Marshall.

"Oh, yeah? Like who?"

Before Marshall could answer, there was a hiss that came from the living room. Fionna whirled around and, suddenly, a gaping hole with flames appeared on one of the walls. Fionna's heart started to pound in her chest and her cherry soda slipped from her hand and spilled to the floor. She knew that hole all too well. She had too many nightmares after Fionna rescued Marshall from that place after he had unwillingly became its ruler.

It was a portal to the Nightosphere.

Marshall walked towards the portal, ignoring the red pool of soda. His body was tense and his eyes were red. He cursed. "Fionna, I want you to hide."

She was surprised and offended. "I can take care of myself—"

Marshall spun around and snarled, "NOW!"

Stunned and a little hurt, Fionna backed to the middle of the kitchen. Marshall closed the kitchen door and the shutters that overlooked the living room leaving the heroine no view of Hannah Abadeer or whatever was going to come out of the portal. Fionna wondered why Marshall was acting all gunked up and tense.

She had met Marshall's mom before and had seemed nice enough, until she had tried to suck her soul. Then there was that time when Marshall invited her to hang out in the Nightosphere and his mom had given him an amulet that made Marshall into that ugly soul sucking demon. In the end, it turned out alright and Marshall didn't seem to hold a grudge against her and Fionna even gained a little respect from her.

However, that was a long time ago.

But, what about now?

What was the current relationship between the Vampire King and the Lady of Evil?

So curious to find out, Fionna pressed her ear against the kitchen door and strained to listen to the sounds from the other side. All she could hear at first was the crackling of the flames and then she heard Marshall's voice.

"Oh, it's just you."

A new voice that Fionna didn't recognize replied. "Have I offended the King of the Vampires? Were you hoping for someone else?" The voice sounded feminine.

Fionna pressed her ear against the door harder.

"What are you doing here?" asked Marshall, ignoring the unknown woman's question.

"I'm here on official business from your mother."

Marshall's mom? Fionna thought.

She heard the clack of heels.

"Yeah? What does she want and why didn't she come herself?"

There was a small moment of silence and, for some strange reason; Fionna thought that the lady was smiling.

"Is a certain Vampire King missing his mother?"

Marshall replied but it had an angry undertone in it. "I can't believe you would ask such a stupid question after what she did."

What did Marshall's mom do this time? Fionna thought.

Another moment of silence. Then, the woman said, "An espousal is not the end of the world, Marshall Lee. Think of it as whole new chapter in your immortal life."

"Yeah," Marshall said sarcastically. "Called 'My Hellish Prison'." Then he busted out laughing. "That's the perfect name for it!"

Fionna heard the woman sigh and then the sound of paper.

"I was ordered to give you this."

Fionna heard nothing, so she guessed that Marshall was reading. Glob! She was so tempted to open the door a little and see what was going on, but she was afraid that the demon lady might notice.

"What the glob is this?" Marshall sounded incredulous.

"An invitation, of course."

"I can see that, but when was the last time she ever did this sort of thing?"

"That wasn't part of my errand description for today. I just came here to deliver that."


"Why what?" asked the woman.

"Why is she inviting me to this?"

The woman sighed. "You may be the Vampire King, Marshall, but you are still the heir to the Nightosphere. That hasn't changed."

"Is this another ploy from my mom to get me to take the throne? Because if it is I'm—"

"I assure you it's not."

Marshall snarled. "For some reason, I don't believe you."

"Believe what you may, but you're mother insists that you have to attend."

Fionna heard the click of heels and she could imagine the woman turning around and walking back towards the portal.

"We hope to see you, Marshall Lee Abadeer. Oh, and you may invite a friend if you wish."

Fionna heard the portal closing shut and the sound of crackling flames disappearing. As soon as it got quite, Fionna burst opened the door and announced, "I'm going."

~So what did you think? Leave some comments and if it's well received I'll continue the fanfic :) Again thank you for reading!

Sorry for the delay in chapter two :( having problems with uploading it. But here's the next chapter title: A Whole Other Level.