A/N: Hiya! So here's the next chapter! I hope y'all like it. Enjoy.

Peeta and the other two men heard a blood curdling scream coming from the shore.

"That sounded like Johanna." Finnick said, grabbing his trident as he, Peeta, and Beetee sprinted down the sandy beach to the shoreline.

What they saw made them stop in their tracks.

Johanna and Wiress knelt on either side of Katniss, who was now lying face down on the sand since Johanna dragged her there. The water washed away with a blood red tint.

Peeta knelt down by her head, brushing a strand of wet hair out of her face. Katniss' eyes flickered but did not open.

"The arena..." She choked, but her eyes remained tightly shut.

"She needs medication. If she doesn't get medication, she will definitely miscarry. Or worse." Finnick said, kneeling down beside Peeta, who, without a moments hesitation, picked Katniss up bridal style and carried her away from the shoreline, carrying her over to where they had been when Johanna screamed.

"Well, how will we get medication? The only way that we can get it is from a feast or_" Beetee started, only to be cut off by what sounded like a bell.

They all looked up to see a silver canister attached to a parachute floating down towards them.

"That was fast." Johanna stated, catching the silver container and opening it to reveal a syringe with a needle attached and a small vial filled with a clear liquid. Peeta reached into the canister to grab the note that was attached.

"Give it to her. All of it." He read, taking the vial and the syringe, filling it up with what all of them assumed was medication. A medication that would either help with the pain or prevent a miscarriage.

Peeta hoped it was the latter.

"Haymitch probably knew something like this would happen so he started getting sponsors as soon as the games started." He explained, rolling up the sleeve on Katniss' suit and preparing to inject the clear liquid when Beetee stopped him.

"You don't want to just inject her with it. You need to find the vein first and then apply pressure as you do it. Wrap a tourniquet around her upper arm." Beetee explained, gently taking Katniss' arm and poking it and squeezing it until he found the vein. Then, Beetee took a knife and his coil, cutting off a strand of it and wrapped it around her bicep, giving Peeta a nod.

Peeta nodded and injected the medication slowly, pushing down on the plunger of the syringe until it was empty.

For nearly two hours Katniss drifted in and out of consciousness, the bleeding had stopped shortly after they gave her the medication, but it still concerned them how out of it she was. The group of tributes stayed by her side, even Johanna who was growing more and more concerned with each minute that Katniss was out cold.

As it neared the second hour, Katniss' grey eyes snapped open. She was fully alert which was a good sign, but she seemed dazed and confused.

She looked at everyone, meeting their concerned features.

"The arena," She choked, "It's a clock."

A/N: Let me know what y'all think! Please review :)