Remembrance Day

"I'm telling you, it wasn't that important!" Jaypaw protested.

"It was my WARRIOR ceremony, how is that not important?" Lionpaw, now known as Lionblaze, complained. "I come back, still thinking I'm an apprentice. So when I ask my mentor what we're doing, he gives me a weird look and says he's not my mentor. Then I had to get Hollypaw to explain things to me. Do you know that apparently, she has to make every sentence have the word 'tree' in it a least once? And I didn't even get any Congratulations Lionblaze!"

"Yeah, yeah. Whatever." Jaypaw mumbled, turning away.

"He's jelly!" Rock appeared beside them, smirking. "Jaypaw's so jelly!"

"Stop following me!" Jaypaw snapped. "I'm not jealous, or jelly! I'm not in love with a stick! And before you ask, for the thousand's time, I refuse to go help the Ancients!"

"You will aid them." Rock promised.

"In your dreams." Jaypaw turned back around.

"In yours, maybe." Rock whispered.

"Wait, what?!" Jaypaw was seriously creeped out.

"Indeed." Rock smiled, and disappeared.

"I still hate you." Lionblaze stated.


Somewhere in the middle of camp...


There are a few common things that happen at camp. One of them is arguments. And whenever one breaks out, every cat is always there. This one, is no exception.

"I'm telling you, it's not my fault!" Firestar protested.

"I'm telling you, it is!" Sandstorm snapped.

"So I ate Leopardstar's gummy worms. What's the big deal?" he demanded.

"You ruined her Halloween!" Sandstorm hissed.

"Hey... I'm still upset, if anybody cares..." Graystripe mumbled.

"Nobody cares about your problems." Sandstorm waved him off. "Now what do you have to say for yourself?"

"I want more gummy worms!" Firestar bawled, collapsing on the ground in a fit.

Then Squirrelflight walked up, slapped her father, shouted "Jaku! Watashi wa suika ga hoshi!", then ran away.

Suddenly, Firestar broke into a fit of coughing. "*cough* *cough* I think I'm sick..."

"It's the plague!" Someone shouted.


"The Black Death!"

In no time, the entire camp was void of life. "Fine, be that way." Firestar mumbled, getting to his feet. "I'll go infect the medicine cats first, then come back for the rest of you." Then he headed in the direction of Leafpool's den, only to stop when he heard arguing from inside.

"Where were you? I had to take care of two patients all by myself! Two!" This was Leafpool's voice.

"I was helping ShadowClan! They were in their rebellious phase." Jaypaw was clearly annoyed.

"Still, you can't just leave without saying anything!"

"Every time I say I'm going out, you cry and hug and kiss me. You're way too dramatic."

"I just want to take care of my darling son, uh, I mean apprentice."

"Just let it go already!"

"Let it go! Let it go!" Elsa jumped out of nowhere. Sang the two lines that were basically all she was famous for, then vanished in a puff of snow.

"Maybe I'll come back later..." Firestar mumbled to himself.


Jaypaw opened his eyes... and he could see! For the past while, he'd been lost in the tunnels, before coming upon this exit. Outside, the trees were in full bloom. Dozens of cats turned to face him, shock clear on their faces.

"OMG!" One shouted. "Jay's Wing, you're alive!"

"Curse you Rock!" Jaypaw hissed under hiss breath.


Back in camp...


"Where is Jaypaw!?" Leafpool shouted, running into the middle of camp and startling quite a few warriors.

"JayJay? I think he went out. Something about a stick..." Lionblaze mumbled.

"Everyone is getting sick, and pretty soon people will start dying!" Leafpool hissed. "If yous see him, tell him to get over here pronto!"

"Oh, he won't be back for a while." Rock appeared beside them. "I sent him on a special mission."

"And you wonder why nobody likes you." Grumbled Fallen Leaves.


Back with the Ancients...


"Okay, pack your bags people. Time to move on. We're done with rocks." Without any thought, Jaypaw cast his stone onto the 'leave' section.

"Curse you rocks! You've betrayed us!" Wailed Shy Fawn.

"Yeah, yeah. Whatever. Now lets get going." Jaypaw began rapidly shoving everyone in the direction of the mountains.

"You'll lead us right?" Asked Half Moon, in her gentle, kind voice.

"No-" Jaypaw stopped himself, as he looked into her wide, Bambi eyes. "I mean, yeah, sure."

Her face lit up. "I knew I could trust you, Jay's Wing!"

"Yeah..." He mumbled.


Five minutes later...


"What do you mean I have to leave?!" Protested Jaypaw. "First you kidnap me, and force me to go help the Ancients. Then when I finally decide that hey, maybe this isn't so bad, you go and say, 'Fun's over'. Just leave me alone!"

Rock grinned. "My job is to make your life miserable."

Jaypaw sighed. "Just don't make this happen again."

"Can't make promises. Now go, wake up!" Rock waved his hands in a hypnotizing motion.

Jaypaw's eyes snapped open, into darkness. He was sitting on the cold stone floor of the tunnels. "You could at least teleport me back to camp!" He shouted into the darkness.


"Hey, JayJay, you okay?" Lionblaze asked.

Japaw shoved another spoonful of ice cream into his mouth. For the past couple days, after the epidemic had been cured, all he'd done was mope around camp. Most of the time he could he seen sitting in a dark corner, eating ice cream. Brightheart insisted it was love.

"No..." He mumbled. "Do you need something?"

"Yeah. Leafpool wants you to come to the moonpool tonight." Lionblaze told him.

"Ugh. Not again. That means I'll have to listen to Willowshine's complaining. She keeps putting me on the same level as you." Jaypaw complained.

Now slightly offended, Lionblaze still tried to cheer up his brother. "Who knows, JayJay. Maybe it won't be that bad."

"And another thing, stop calling me JayJay!" Jaypaw snapped.


At the Moonpool...


Maybe the surprise would have been better if Jaypaw could actually see. He would later be told about the ribbons and streamers and balloons, and the giant cake that read "Congratulations!".

Unfortunately, since he wasn't told before hand, he ended tripping over one of the streamers covering the path down to the pool. One second, Jaypaw was fine, the next, he was lying at the bottom of the path, dazed from falling all the way down.

"SURPRISE!" All the medicine cats shouted at once.

"W-what?" Jaypaw made his way back onto his paws.

"Ve have decided zits time to give vu, zour medicine vat name." Barkface began.

"What he means is, congratulations, you are now Jayfeather." Leafpool summed it up.

"That's it? No dramatic suspense?" Jayfeather asked.

"Nope. Now let's go back to camp." Leafpool and the other medicine cats filed out of the hollow and back toward the clans.

"So we came all the way out here, just to say I'm Jayfeather. And that's it?" Jayfeather asked.

"Yep." Willowshine pushed by him.

"Lionblaze, you really weren't missing out on much." Jayfeather mumbled, following the group.


"I have an announcement!" Firestar began, proudly sitting atop high rock.

"You always have an announcement." Jayfeather grumbled, still upset.

"Well that's technically all he does." Mumbled Cinderheart. "I mean, he never goes to battle unless it's important, like the one with BloodClan. Bramblestar organizes all the patrols and everything else. So it's not Firestar does anything besides make announcements."

"Proves my point." Jayfeather hissed.

Firestar completely ignored the two, while the rest of the clan nodded in agreement. "I have decided that from now on, every twelve moons, we will take a day to remember those who have passed on. It will be called, Remembrance Day!"

Suddenly, thousands of poppies began falling from the sky, appearing out of nowhere. Then Bluestar shimmered into existence, beside Firestar. "Yes! Remember us! Worship us! Forever!"

Then Yellowfang appeared beside her. "No, ya twit! It's because the clans remember, that evil cats such as Tigerstar still exist! If you didn't remember them, they wouldn't be here!"

Bluestar shoved the elderly cat off the ledge. "Anyway, please continue to remember us intently." Then she vanished.


Up in StarClan...


"Yellowfang... Yellowfang..." The old medicine cat opened her eyes, only to see Rock standing over her.

"Holy #%$# #$!" She shouted, leaping a foot in the air. "What do you think you're doing?"

"I'm bored. I need to bug someone." Rock sighed heavily, levitating in the air, like a ghost.

"Then go bug Jaypaw!" Yellowfang snapped.

"First, I think he's called Jayfeather now. And second, he's mean! He keeps yelling a me and calling me a bully. So I figured I'd come bug you instead." Rock explained.

"NO! Just no! Jaypawfeatherthing bugs me enough as it is! Every night it's the same thing! I have to track him down across StarClan. First he tries to aid Tigerstar in the Dark Forest. Then he hears a prophecy he shouldn't know about. Next he's invading the other medicine cats' personal space. That kid has problems!" Yellowfang hissed. "And it doesn't help that you keep kidnapping him!"

"I prefer the term, abusing my power, thank you very much." Rock sniffed. "You know what? You're just as mean as Jayfeather. I'm going to go bug someone else now." He looked over at a tortoiseshell she-cat walking by.

Spottedleaf glared at him. "No way in StarClan, buddy."


Back in camp...


Lionblaze sighed, sipping his lemonade. "I'm bored. Nothing interesting ever happens anymore."

"I don't know," Hollyleaf mumbled. "I mean there's been a few interesting things. Like how ShadowClan actually listened to Sol."


Down in the tunnels...


"That's right! Then they kicked me out!" Sol sniffed, shifting around some poker chips.

"Well you did try take over. Then there's also the fact that you're bent on revenge." Fallen Leaves picked through his cards. "Maybe you could try disappearing for while. I mean, if something bad happens, like a murder, they're probably gonna blame it on you. If you go with them back to camp, then you can try indirectly taking over again."

"Avengers all over again." Rock mumbled.

"That could totally work!" Sol's face lit up. "I'll take the next train to the big Twoleg place quite a ways from here!"

"Umm... you don't have to go that far. I mean, you could just hang out here for a bit." Fallen Leaves mumbled.

"No! I must go get some more minions while I can!" Then he ran off.

Fallen Leaves sighed, throwing in his cards. "Dang. Lost another player. You think that Lion kid will come back down and play with us again?"




"This is so not happening." Jayfeather slapped his forehead.

Fire was raging around them, from the lightning that had struck camp. Everyone was already gone, deciding to save themselves and not bother to check if there was anyone left behind. Right now, Ashfur was being a jerk, blaming Squirrelflight for his horrible love life.

"Well, you wanted action, didn't you, Lionblaze?" Hollyleaf asked, glancing at him.

"But this is stupid action." Lionpaw protested. "I just wanna go home and sleep."

Jayfeather stepped aside. "Be my guest. But it might be a little toasty in there." He laughed bitterly at his own stupid pun.

"I hate you!" Ashfur shouted at his ex-girlfriend. "You left me for that jerk! Just because he's deputy and buff, didn't mean you had to go for him!"

"Kare wa watashi ni yama o katte, gorikai kudasai!" Squirrelflight begged.

"I have no idea what you just said," Ashfur meowed epically, his fur blowing in the harsh wind. This whole thing felt like some sort of drama movie. "But to punish you, the way you punished me, to know the same pain of loosing someone so close to you, I will kill you children!"

"We don't want to die!" Hollyleaf protested.

"Nobody cares what you want!" Ashfur hissed. "This is strictly between me and Squirrelflight."

"See?!" Jayfeather gestured to them. "Nobody cares about our opinion!"

"Umm... if you kill us, won't you be named a murderer and banished or possibly killed?" Lionblaze called.

"I'll blame it on Squirrelflight. I've already thought this through." Ashfur continued to glare at his ex-girlfriend.

"But why would she kill us?" Shouted Lionblaze. "I mean, she's our mother, isn't she?"

Ashfur hesitated, narrowing his eyes. "You know, you might have a po- IT DOENS'T MATTER! What matters is my revenge! Squirrelflight, prepare to watch your kits slowly burn to death!"

"Good. I thought we were going to burn to life." Jayfeather mumbled sarcastically. "Come on, can't we just push him off the stick? It's three against one. Four actually, including Squirrelflight."

"But he's a warrior!" Hollyleaf protested.

"Umm... we're all WARRIORS!" Jayfeather gestured to them all.

"Lies!" Ashfur hissed. "Jayfeather's a medicine cat!"

"Because that's totally going to matter when facing three other opponents, one of whom has the power to never be defeated in battle." Jayfeather was irritated.

"But that doesn't matter!" Ashfur hissed. "Because you are trapped, and will soon die!"

"Oh for the love of- We just went over this!" Jayfeather flung his arms in the air. "You know what? Never mind! I'm fine dying! I can annoy Yellowfang far more that way! And when the Dark Forest comes, we all know who to blame when we all die because SOMEBODY killed off the three most powerful cats in the world!"

"But I have no power!" Hollyleaf protested. Then covered her mouth and grinned. "Oops. Spoiler alert."

"Anyway," Ashfur went on. "Squirrelfight, again, watch your kits die!"

Even Squirrelflight was getting annoyed by this. "Sakano no ainotameni, karera wa watashi no kodomode wanai!" She exclaimed finally.

"Wait, wait, wait!" Ashfur realized she'd probably said something important. "What'd she say?"

Jayfeather stepped forward, not at all shocked. "She said for the love of fish, they're not my children."

Squirrelflight Translations (of more or less what she said); When she slapped Firestar; "Jerk! I want a watermelon!" / When she was fighting with Ashfur, the first thing she said; "Please understand, he bought me a mountain!"

"Tattletale." Lionblaze huffed.

"What? Because he's gonna tell the clan Squirrelflight's not our mother?" Jayfeather sighed.

"Don't worry." Hollyleaf told them. "I'm sure he'll be kille- I mean silenced- uh, I mean he won't tell!"

"Not only that, but the stupid author decided this is the end of Warrior Holidays. I'm way too young to retire." Lionpaw grumbled. "And by the way, as far as I can tell, I'm still Lionblaze. So stop messing up my name, stupid author!"

For some strange reason, LionKIT was then thrown off a nearby cliff.

"I'm Lionblaaaaaaaaze!" He shouted, as he rapidly fell.

And then exploded.

"Gee." Mumbled Jayfeather. "Thanks for killing off my brother. Anyway, I guess I'll do the end of story messages or credits or whatever you want to call them. To let everyone know, this is really the end of Warrior Holidays. That also means that Warrior Holidays 2 is coming out Christmas. I sincerely hope you enjoyed this story, and will come read the next one. Wait, why am I doing this? Seriously Falconface, get over here and do them yourself!"

Yep, that's it for this story. Come back at Christmas!

Please review, tell me how you liked it. If you would like things to be done differently, or have suggestions, please comment in the box below.

For Warrior Holidays 2 I'll also take suggestions for different holidays that I haven't done in this one, such as Earth Day and Star Wars day and such. For what day the Birthday special will be on is a first comment first serve. So, whoever reviews for the day first, that day will be the day I post it one. The voting will start once the first chapter of Warrior Holidays 2 is out. Any attempts to vote before hand will be ignored.

I thank you so much for staying with me all this time, and reading my stories.

Bye until next time -Falconface