This was originally suppose to be one chapter but turned out to be three parts because it was so long! Anyway please read and review and I hope it's okay!


Part 1

Christmas Eve

"I want a turkey and a penguin and a... Zebra! And a rein deer and a cookie and a lollipop and an umbrella and a little brother named Lerry! Oh and house on the moon and a pet marshian!" Squeaked Hollykit.

"Hey Hollykit it's my turn to talk to Santa!" Complained Loinkit.

Firestar sighed to himself. How Sandstorm ever convinced him to be Santa this year was a mystery. Firestar sighed again and adjusted his bright red hat.

"And a turtle named bob. And a pickle. Okay I think that's everything!" Finished Hollykit.

"Ok that's nice. Have a great Christmas." Meowed Firestar.

"Don't you mean have a merry Christmas?" Asked Hollykit.

"Uh, yeah, whatever." He grumbled, then shoved a candy cane into Hollykit's mouth and pushed her off his lap.

"Finally!" Breathed Loinkit. He jumped onto Firestar's lap and began to talk. "Ok for Christmas I want to be the greatest warrior ever!" He exclaimed, slicing his claws through the air as if attacking another warrior. Then he stumbled and shoved his sharp claws into Firestar's pelt for balance.

"OWWWW!" Firestar screamed, and began jumping up and down with Loinkit hanging on for dear life.

"Oh my gosh! Santa's been injured!" Leafpool yelled, then she rapidly began shoving Firestar towards her den (with Loinkit still hanging on to his pelt).

Once inside Leafpool began hastily going through her herbs and scattering them all over her den.

"Leafpool, you have to calm down!" Commanded a voice in her ear.

She turned to look at an image of Yellowfang scowling at her. "Why are you here?" She whispered.

"I am here to... Wait a second, why am I here?" Wondered Yellowfang. Then she shook her head. "That doesn't matter now. What matters is that you don't let Santa die. You have to calm down and believe in the unicorn!"

"Such wise words." Leafpool murmured as Yellowfang disappeared.

Meanwhile Firestar and Loinkit watched as Leafpool talked to empty air. "That is why imaginary friends are scary." Firestar murmured to his grandson.

Then Leafpool turned around and held up a humungous needle. "Time to get down to business." She meowed.


A lot of screaming later...

"It hurts." Firestar moaned.

"I know dear. But even Santa has to endure pain." Comforted Santstorm.

Firestar's whole body was covered in bandages, and in truth no cat knew exactly what had happened, but Leafpool's den had suddenly become a horror zone.

The door to the den suddenly burst open and Cloudtail came racing in exclaiming. "Today is Christmas eve and I can't find any Flamingos!"

"Why do you need a flamingo?" Asked Sandstorm.

"Because! Brightheart has great new idea for how to cure Jaykit's sight!" Cloudtail breathed.

"So those new solar powered extra strength glasses aren't working?" Asked Sandstorm.

"Sadly no." Muttered Cloudtail. "Maybe it has something to do with the fact that it's been cloudy lately."

"Who knows." Firestar joined in. "So anyway, what's this new idea of yours?"

"Ok!" Cloudtail began. "So Brightheart decided to replace Jaykit's eyes with those of a flamingo's! But if I can't find any than I guess we are just going to have to use a squirrel's eyes."

"Wow! So scientific!" Marvelled Sandstorm.

"Somehow I don't think Jaykit is going to go through with this." Stated Firestar.

"I think it's a great idea!" Exclaimed Loinkit, who was still hanging on to Firestar's back.

Cloudtail's eyes widened at the sight of Loinkit suddenly moving. His orange pelt had blended into Firestar's and Cloudtail didn't know he was there until just barely. "That's a little creepy." He whispered.

"Is it?" Asked Loinkit thrusting his face in front of Cloudtail's.

Cloudtail screamed and went running out the door. Leaving a trail of dust behind him.

As soon as he left, Brambleclaw came running in. "Firestar!" He gasped. "Our hunting patrol spotted several ShadowClan warriors coming straight for the camp! They'll be here any second!"

"Then I must go." Meowed Firestar.

"No, you mustn't, it's too dangerous!" Cried Sandstorm.

"Do not worry, my love. I give you my word, I will return." With that they kissed.

Loinkit puked. Meanwhile Brambleclaw was dancing around like he ate too much sugar. "Firestar we have to go!" He hissed.

"Right." Meowed Firestar and he followed Brambleclaw out the door (with Loinkit still on his pelt of course).

They rushed to the entrance of camp just as the ShadowClan warriors appeared.

The rest of ThunderClan gathered and both clans faced each other. Then Blackstar stepped forward and turned to face his warriors.

"A one, and a two, and a one, two, three." He told them.


"They're just carollers ." Brambleclaw murmured while the rest of ThunderClan began clapping.

"Jeez Brambleclaw!" Exclaimed Firestar. "You woke me up for this?!"

"But Firestar, you were already awake." Stated Brambleclaw.

Then Whitewing came up beside them. She whipped out her iphone and snapped a picture of the ShadowClan carollers.

"We've been spotted!" Blackstar suddenly screeched. "Activate ninja mode!"

Immediately all of ShadowClan dove into the nearest shadows and in an instant, were gone.

"I hate Christmas!" Stated Birchfall. All of ThunderClan gasped.

Meanwhile at the eye doctor's...

"Can you see me now?" Asked Brightheart.

"No." Meowed Jaykit.

"And now?" Questioned Brightheart.

"Still no." Answered Jaykit.

"How about now?"




"Right now?"


"And now?"




"I give up!" Exclaimed Brightheart at last.

"No." Muttered Jaykit.

"Your absolutely right!" Realized Brightheart. "I should never give up!"

"No." Murmured Jaykit.

"Hey Jaykit!" Brightheart yelled. "Are you awake?!"

"No." He mumbled.

Back in camp...

"I hate Christmas." Growled Birchfall. He looked at all the open mouthed cats. "Oh you think that hate the actual Christmas! I just hate the word. I can't spell Christmas and it drives me nuts, I hate it!"

"I can speak Japanese!" Stated Squirrelflight. "Watashi wa kuro sakura neko ko!"

That night...

"Dad does eating cookies make Santa get fat?" Asked Hollykit.

"Of course it does!" Exclaimed Loinkit (they still couldn't get Loinkit off Firestar's pelt so Firestar slept over at Brambleclaw's den). "You saw him in camp. That cat was fat."

"Now, now kids, don't make fun of Santa." Brambleclaw told them, knowing that Firestar (who was snoring loudly on the couch) was the one that had dressed up as Santa.

Suddenly Jaykit burst into the room screaming. "THEY WERE GOING TO REPLACE MY EYES WITH A RABBIT"S!"

"Calm down bro." Loinkit meowed.


"Now, now!" Meowed Brambleclaw. "Stop insulting Bigfoot."

"HEY!" Exclaimed Hollykit. "Who drank all the milk?!"

"Oops." Meowed Firestar, who was now awake. "I was thirsty."

"That was for Santa!" Cried Hollykit.

"But I am Santa."


There is the first part, the second and third part will be posted tomorrow on Christmas! I hope you like it so far!

Please review!

And have a merry Christmas!