Before you read this story, keep in mind that it's my first time writing. So… tell me what you think.

Chapter one: WHAT'S THIS?

"Good work Miss Ayuzawa"

On hearing her name the black hair lawyers spun around on the heels of her Bandolino and flash a smile at the person who complimented her.

"Thank you" she said and continued walking to her black Mercedes Benz.

She jumped inside and started the car. As she drove down the street, she couldn't help but smile as she thought of her past achievements.

After graduating from college she became a lawyer. But she didn't stop there. She studied hard day and night and finally it paid off. She got one of the biggest cases in Japan and with hard work she won the case. Since then, she was known as the best lawyers in Japan. Then with the money she earned she was able to fix up the house, pay Suzuna's college fees, rent an apartment for herself, buy a car and still save a quarter of it.

Yep, all her hard work paid off and today she was going to a place that helped her reach this far, her old working place… Maid Latte.

She quickly parked the car and went in the building.

She quietly took a seat in the corner, remembering the days when she uses to work there. But her thoughts were soon interrupted by an ear piercing squeal.


From the moe flower that suddenly appeared Misaki knew who it was.

"Hey chief" she smiled at the purple hair lady.

"Are you visiting us?" Satsuki asked as more Moe flowers appear.

"Yeah," Misaki replied feeling guilty seeing that it was the first time visiting for the entire year.

"That's great! Oh yeah misa-chan, I heard that you won the case last week."

"Yes I did."

"Well, congratulations," Satsuki smiled as hugged misaki.

"I can't breathe" she somehow said as she struggled for air.

"Sorry," Satsuki apologized.

"How about I give you some air." Came the deep masculine voice of the one and only Takumi Usui.

Misaki turned to face the green eye blonde.


"Come on misa… maybe a kiss, it won't hurt"

"Not in a million years"

"A hug…"

"Shut up!" She screamed as she turned away as she try the blush on her face.

Although they were officially dating, she will always act like a silly high school girl when she was around Usui.

"You're so cruel misa-chan," he smirked.

"Um... Sorry for interrupting but... how about we go to the back," satsuki suggested on seeing the attention they were getting from everyone.

"Sorry," Misaki apologized as she and Usui went to the back.

"Wow!" misaki breathed, "this place is still looks the same."

"Yeah we didn't touch a thing." Honoka said while sitting down.

"We couldn't touch a thing," Erika walked in, "Satsuki would of kill us."

"And she was right, this place is filled with memories," Subaru said.

"Memories huh." Misaki muttered.

"Hey guys, look what I've found." Satsuki ran in with an album in her hands.

"What is it?" misaki asked.

"Its pictures from that time we went on the staff trip to the beach." Satsuki said as she opened the book.

"Hey… I remember this," Honoka pointed a picture of the whole staff with bikinis and aprons on, "that time when we worked as maids on the beach, right Misa"

Misaki blushed. She did remember that. How could she forget. It was the same day she got the kiss mark on her back.

"And this picture is when we were at the hot spring." Erika pointed, "I still remember how the water felt, nice and warm …. It really was amazing."

"I better go. I got a lot of work to do." Misaki said getting up feeling very awkward.

"I'll go too." Usui smirked.

Misaki flashed a quick glare at him went to get her bag that she left in the table. She grabbed her bags and spun around knowing that Usui was right behind her.

"You do know you don't have to stalk me right? After all I can take care of myself." She pointed out.

"I know…" he smirked, "but I like to stalk you, it's fun."

"You really are a perverted al-," misaki stopped what she was saying. She stared straight ahead for a moment and then walked to the other corner of the room.

"Misa-chan," He looked at her with a questioning look on his face as he tried to figure out what suddenly got her attention.

Misaki didn't wink. She focused on a bundle that was on the floor in front of her. She reached down and picked it up.

"What's that," he asked coming over.

"It's…" she stammered as she turned to show Usui the bundle, "… a baby."