Okay okay . . . I changed my mind about the one chapter one episode thing. It's too long. I'll be doing one day per chapter, so it'll probably take around 30 days (?). Not very sure. Exams just ended! Countdown to exam postings: 3 days. =(

To my reviewers so far: todd fan, Red Witch, darksensations, me, gothic- rogue 13, Joanne and JeanGrey6 - thank you!

::::::::::Day 1::::::::::


"What the hell is this?" Pietro asked incredulously, looking at miles and miles of sand, and not much else. A miserable lone weed swayed in the distance.

"I think it's our campsite yo," Todd said, hopping up and down. "Ain't much to look at, is it?"

Lance studied the map industriously. "You guys . . . our camp is supposed to be next to the ocean."

Wanda looked peeved. Tabitha tried finding a nice sandless spot to sit on, couldn't, and decided to sit on the poor weed instead. Fred looked blank, a look common for him when he done digesting his previous snack.

Todd hopped over to Lance and peered over his shoulder. "You might be holding the map the wrong way round," he suggested helpfully.

Pietro snatched the map from Lance and scanned it quickly. "We have to use a compass." He sounded disgusted. "I can't believe you didn't do that!"

"It's not my fault!" Lance moaned in frustration. "I didn't even know we had one!"

"Well, they did provide us with one at the beginning . . ." Tabitha trailed off, biting her lip. "I think we put it in one of our bags."

"Great," Lance grumbled. "Just wonderful. Everyone search your bags!" He turned to Ororo, who was filming. "Did you see it?" he demanded. Ororo shrugged in response.

There was a frantic search in all the six bags, resulting in items and various articles of clothing to be strewn all over the sand.

Lance looked ready to throw a fit. "Where's our compass?"



"Since when did we have two compasses?" Kitty asked curiously. "I thought we were only given one!"

"Who's complaining?" Kurt replied cheerfully. "That way, we can get there in twice the time!"

"Right," said Scott, the fearless leader of NemX. He led the tribe members forward into a dense forest. "Of course, not to brag or anything, but I _am_ an expert in reading maps . . ."

At this point, Jean, who was hanging from Scott's shoulder, woke up with a start. "Where am I?" she asked dazedly. She promptly fainted once more when she saw who was carrying her.

"What was _that_ all about?" Evan looked confused, as they trudged past many trees in no particular direction.

Scott stopped suddenly to face the team. "Here we are!" he announced happily, waving his arms around for emphasis. Everyone (with the exception of Jean) looked at their campsite.

"Ya're joking, raht?" Rogue snapped. They were surrounded by trees, trees, and more trees. "We're supposed tah be by the sea!"

"Some expert," Evan commented.

Scott flushed with annoyance. "The map says that we're supposed to be here . . ." He looked unsure all of a sudden. "Uh oh."

"What?" Kitty asked warily.

Scott looked sheepish now. "This isn't a map of Hawaii."

Rogue was torn between killing Scott and Killing herself. She took a few calming breaths. "Then what is it?"



"Where's our map?" Kurt groaned.



"Strange. We seem to have two maps," Pietro commented. "No matter. We're here anyway."

Lance heaved a sigh of relief. "Now all we need is a shelter and our water source."

"I got it yo," Toad piped up. He beckoned for Fred to follow, and he did so grudgingly.

The remaining four stood by the ocean (a truly Emmy-winning moment!), with the wind blowing in their ears.

"Shall we make a pact?" Tabitha said into the silence. "Any Brotherhood member who wins this will have to share the prize money with the rest."

The other three looked faintly startled. Pietro spoke first.

"Either way, it'd still be a Brotherhood victory."

"We're gonna win this!" Lance cheered, pumping his fist into the air. "One million bucks! Whoohoo!"

There was a trace of a smile on Wanda's face. "If we split the money six ways, do you guys think it'd be enough for me to migrate to Antarctica?"

There was an awkward silence. "Well - uh . . ." Lance fumbled nervously. "It might be."

Todd's voice cut through the air. "Yo guys! Check this out!"

The four followed Todd into the trees (The Emmy-winning moment ended. Sigh.). They could only gape at what stood before them. Or rather, _below_ them.

"I dug it with Freddy," Todd explained proudly. "This burrow's gonna help us plenty as a shelter."

"A burrow?" Lance asked faintly.

Pietro looked worried. "Won't it be all, y'know, muddy and stuff?" The last part came out as a squeak.

"Don't be a wimp, Miss Priss," Wanda snapped. "A shelter's a shelter, isn't it? You could always sleep out here and if it rains, you'll get sick and die. On second thought, that isn't such a bad idea. . ."

Pietro shuddered. "Okay, okay. I get the idea. Let's go."

They all crawled in one by one, Fred with some difficulty. The burrow didn't turn out to be so bad; it was fairly spacious (yes, even with Blob in it).

"How'd ya hold it up?" Tabitha asked wonderingly, staring at the soil ceiling above her.

Todd smiled. "Slime, of course."

They all shuddered. "Sorry I asked," Tabitha muttered.

Tbc. . .

[A/n: yay! Day 1 over! :) Review if you liked it!]