Alters Fanfic ch2

Okay you can shoot me! I've spent so much time writing one shots and putting this fic on hold, I deserve to be shot! But I have accomplished at writing 3 one shots and 2 multiple chapter fics so... Happy happy happy? Idk don't ask.

Thankyou SO much for the reviews! I didn't expect this many! But wow... 20! I'm so glad you guys like this idea, if you have any ideas DM me :)

Disclaimer: I own NOTHING! If I did Mike wouldn't of lost the personalities and the Tumblr TD fandom would stop fighting about it!


Svetlana began to pick up the pieces up, Mal rolled his eyes and leaned his chair back as far as the chains would allow and started swinging on it, Vito had found the dice again and started playing with them, Manitoba was helping Svetlana but being careful not to get In her way so he wouldn't make her even madder than she already was and Chester... Was sleeping, thankfully for the others so they didn't have to hear him complain.

After a bit they finished cleaning but Svetlana was still annoyed. Manitoba was sure to keep his distance and sat at the far end of the table next to Mal. Mal noticing how uncomfortable he already was decided to make him even more uncomfortable.

"BUDDY!" Mal yelled and swung his arm around Manitoba's neck. Manitoba's eyes widened but the poor adventurer didn't dare move as he knew what The Malevolent One was capable of. Even if he was in chains.

"Alright!" Svetlana yelled. "Let us continue. She moved Mal's piece 3 squares up.

"Whitechappel Road." Mal said dryly "These names are gay."

"For $60 would you like to-" Svetlana was cut short by Vito. "Ey! He has a point."

"Zays the guy can't count..." Svetlana muttered. Manitoba and Mal snickered while Vito blushed. Chester (Who had woken up) rolled his eyes.

"You ninnies can't change the names of the damn towns so deal with it! Just be greatful you even have this game! Back in my day we threw rocks for fun!"

"Yeah... What he zaid." Svetlana said. "Now lets pl-"

"Wait!" Manitoba cut her off. "We could change the names!"

"To what dumbass?" Vito asked.

"Anything!" Manitoba replied. An evil smirk appeared on Mal's face.

"What's with the creepy as fuck rape face?" Vito asked him. Mal closed his eyes and squinted them and suddenly the board changed. It now had wires and buttons around the side and there were 5 things that looked like wired headbands. Manitoba poked his first, but seeing nothing bad happen he put it on.

"Screw changing the names." Mal started. "We can play 'Shock-opoly' simply if someone says something stupid or does something in the game you don't like, just press the button with their face on it and-"

"Do I look sexy in this?" Vito asked admiring himself in a mirror that came out of no where, he was wearing the headband. Mal hit the button with Vito's face and he started shaking rappidly as electricity glowed around him. It stopped after a couple of seconds.

"Hehe... Rainbows!" Vito cried as he tried to stand up but failed fell down. Svetlana's eye's widened as did Mal's malicious grin. Manitoba pulled out his lasso and was about to throw it at Vito but Svetlana hit the button with his face on it not wanting to relive the first time he brought it out in the game. Manitoba buzzed and glowed with electricity but then it stopped and he walked around like a drunk man. Svetlana raised an eyebrow.

"Zis cannot end well..."

"No." Mal said "This is going to end really badly... Perfect!" He said in a creepy but somehow sexy malevolent tone. Svetlana pressed the buzzer with Mal's face on it and Mal started glowing and twitching. When Svetlana released her finger from the button Mal fell to the ground... And landed ontop of Vito.

"Toodles!" He cried in a dazed tone and just laid there.

~In The Real World~

Mike and Zoey were sipping on drinks waiting for their meal when Mike twitched. He had done it twice earlier but she hadn't said anything, now she was starting to get worried.

"Mike are you okay?" She asked. "You keep twitching."

"I'm fine." Mike told her. "I just keep feeling an eletric spark in my brain. Like when someone zaps you with static electricity."

"That's weird." Zoey replied, but she was deep in thought of what he said. "Do you think... The others are doing it?" She asked.

Mike shrugged. "I have no idea if they can do that or not. I'm fine anyway, really. It might just be the drink. I don't have much achole... Or really any at all for that matter." Mike said gestering to his glass of wine.

"Remember if you feel to uncomfortable we can go. I don't mind." Zoey said but Mike said firmly. "Its fine, its just a small pain. If it gets worse I bought meds with me."

"Okay, okay." Zoey said and the two went back to drinking - but to be on the safe side Mike let Zoey finish his drink and he bought himself a Coke.


Yes short chapter, that's because this is more of an update chapter to let you know, Yes I am alive and yes, I am writing this... After 6 months. I don't know if I wrote it before but I'm halfway through the last chapter of Fears and in the middle of the first chapter of my new fanfic Let The Games Begin! A Zoke Hunger Games AU. But yeah, Now I've started writing this again (And I have new idea's for it!) I will update as frequently as I can and if I don't feel free to shoot me.
