I Am A Vampire

Hello everyone! Sorryyy before I finished my first fanfic I have already upload this one.. it's because my idea of this story just keeps spinning around my head, so finally I decided to write it down before the idea make my brain go crazyy..

By the way, this is the prologue of my second fanfic ^^

Please, enjoy =D



The rain pours down heavily in one dark night. A group of dark silhouettes that have dark black eyes and sharp fangs was gathering around one wooden door which is the door to a mansion that was glimmering with soft light even though the night is so dark.

Two of the dark silhouettes start moving towards the wooden door and the other dark silhouettes gave the way for them by forming a line on the both sides. Except for one tall silhouette that was standing on the mid way of the make shift fence. He is standing with a dangerous and powerful aura. And by the way they bow down to him, its looks like he is the leader of the group. He has really dark eyes, there is no doubt that anyone who sees him will cowered in fear.

The leader lifts up one hand above and shouting a no coherent words. But the other silhouette seems to understand it and the two of the dark silhouette began to break the wooden door down.

The wooden door can't stand against the two strong creatures and it break down right after the third pound. The leader shouted some no coherent words again and this time all of the dark silhouettes barge in through the broken wooden door. It's really clear that they didn't try to make the invasion silent, because as soon as they get in the mansion, they started to shout like some hyena charging to its prey.

The mansion which is in a peaceful silent suddenly filled with panic. Screams can be heard everywhere and there were many of the creatures that lived inside the mansion running around. But, the leader didn't even take a glance at the panic creatures' running, he let his minions do the work to get rid of every living creature in this mansion while he was just walking with firm steps to the big double door. He slammed the door open and he started to run to one and only soft pink single door which is located on the east side of the room.

But suddenly he stopped because he cannot see the pink door anymore and because of a dark silhouette which is not one of his minions blocked his way. Right in front of him was a tall man with brownish hair who was staring at him with such an intensity that will make anyone back off but not him.

"Go away, you cannot invade this room," growled the tall man, glaring hard.

The leader smiled viciously, showing his sharp fangs which were glowing on the moonlight that went through the big window beside the soft pink door. "Nothing that I can't do," he said with a low and dark voice.

The brown haired man makes a quick move to his right side, and in no time, there was a long double edges sword in his right hand. The leader moved back a bit, but he just grinned evilly not minding that he will face the man without any weapon. The brown haired man was taken aback, seeing his opponent didn't even get scared a slightest. The leader quickly took the opportunity by lunging forward while letting his claws impaled on the brown haired man flesh.

The brown haired man growled in anger and he swung his sword forward, slashing the left shoulder of the leader, making some black blood ran down to his arm. The leader just grinned again, and this time, he sticks his claws in the man's throat.

The brown haired man eyes widen in hurt and surprise. Slowly, he crumbled down to the ground letting his sword clattering across the room while holding his bleeding neck.

"Don't ever try attack me again." The leader swiftly said, smirking wickedly and he walked past the dying brown haired man. The brown haired man groaned in pain and anger, but he can't do anything as he was weakening with each drop of his blood that came out from his wide and deep wound.

"Thank you very much for entertaining me," said the leader again, his right touching his almost healed shoulder wound while his left hand grabbing the handle of the soft pink door.

"Noo, don't!" The brown haired man shouted with the last energy left in his body.

The leader just cackled and opened the door without any mercy, and as soon as he opened the door, a horror scream can be heard throughout the mansion. The leader's lips curved into a smirk when he saw the frightened woman who was holding a bundle of white cloth shrinking in the corner of the room. Her clear dark blue eyes darting in panicked, trying to find an escape.

This time, the leader didn't say anything. He just walked in firm pace to the woman, and grabbed the bundle of white cloth.

"No, please don't hurt my baby!" the woman cried and clawing the face of the leader trying to get back her baby.

The leader hissed in annoyance. He quickly pushed the woman, making the woman slammed her head hard to the wall until it's bleeding profusely, and then he opened the window in the room.

"Nice to see you," said the leader, let out an evil laugh and he jumped out while carrying the woman's baby in his arm.

"My.. baby.." The woman whispered as she loses consciousness because of the head wound.

What do you think? Is it good or not? Please kindly reviews! =D

Thank you very much! ^^ xoxo
