A/N-Thanks, toriorangeflower(if I spelled it right), for the review.

Blood sprayed everywhere as he hit the ground. Laney ran over to him as Trina called 9-1-1.

"Laney..." Corey gasped as blood dripped from his body.

"What is it?" Laney asked.

"I love you... but this I don't want to live..." Corey said, and closed his eyes. Laney checked for a pulse. There was one! A slow pulse, but a pulse! The ambulance arrived and took Corey away as Laney softly kissed him on the cheek.

Two days later:

"Well, he's lucky to be alive," the doctor said, "but-"

"He's alive?!" Laney asked before the doctor could get anywhere.

"Yes, he is, but he refuses to speak, and he only plays guitar right now. Good thing you brought him his instrument."

"What room is he in?" Laney asked.

"Room 203B." Laney was there in a flash, as Kin and Kon were much slower. They finally got there, panting, and Corey was there!

"Corey!" Laney gasped, and Corey looked up from his guitar. He shook his head.

"You're alive!" the twins said in unison, and Corey glared at them and pushed them out of the room. Laney shut the door.

"So... are you okay?" Laney asked as she sat down in a chair. Corey grabbed a paper and a pen from the bedside counter and wrote.

No. I'm not okay. Why do you think I did this?

"No, I meant your physical body."

Well, I'm in a cast... in a hospital... No.

"Well, how about your mental body?"

It's dead.

Laney gasped. "Well... I gotta go..."

Corey quickly wrote one more thing on his paper. Remember, I still love you. Do you love me back, even after this?

Laney nodded.

Well, good. I- and the rest was unintelligible as he went unconscious. Laney put him upright on his bed and backed out of the room.